Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
Version Description
Students enrolled in:- Grade 6 Mathematics or Grade 6 Mathematics Advanced will take the Grade 6 Florida Standards Assessment.
- Grade 7 Mathematics or Grade 7 Mathematics Advanced will take the Grade 7 Florida Standards Assessment.
General Notes
MAFS.6In this Grade 6 Advanced Mathematics course, instructional time should focus on six critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking; (5) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; and (6) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations.
- Students use reasoning about multiplication and division to solve ratio and rate problems about quantities. By viewing equivalent ratios and rates as deriving from, and extending, pairs of rows (or columns) in the multiplication table, and by analyzing simple drawings that indicate the relative size of quantities, students connect their understanding of multiplication and division with ratios and rates. Thus students expand the scope of problems for which they can use multiplication and division to solve problems, and they connect ratios and fractions. Students solve a wide variety of problems involving ratios and rates.
- Students use the meaning of fractions, the meanings of multiplication and division, and the relationship between multiplication and division to understand and explain why the procedures for dividing fractions make sense. Students use these operations to solve problems. Students extend their previous understandings of number and the ordering of numbers to the full system of rational numbers, which includes negative rational numbers, and in particular negative integers. They reason about the order and absolute value of rational numbers and about the location of points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane.
- Students understand the use of variables in mathematical expressions. They write expressions and equations that correspond to given situations, evaluate expressions, and use expressions and formulas to solve problems. Students understand that expressions in different forms can be equivalent, and they use the properties of operations to rewrite expressions in equivalent forms. Students know that the solutions of an equation are the values of the variables that make the equation true. Students use properties of operations and the idea of maintaining the equality of both sides of an equation to solve simple one-step equations. Students construct and analyze tables, such as tables of quantities that are equivalent ratios, and they use equations (such as 3x = y) to describe relationships between quantities.
- Building on and reinforcing their understanding of number, students begin to develop their ability to think statistically. Students recognize that a data distribution may not have a definite center and that different ways to measure center yield different values. The median measures center in the sense that it is roughly the middle value. The mean measures center in the sense that it is the value that each data point would take on if the total of the data values were redistributed equally, and also in the sense that it is a balance point. Students recognize that a measure of variability (interquartile range or mean absolute deviation) can also be useful for summarizing data because two very different set of data can have the same mean and median yet be distinguished by their variability. Students learn to describe and summarize numerical data sets, identifying clusters, peaks, gaps, and symmetry, considering the context in which the data were collected.
- Students extend their understanding of ratios and develop understanding of proportionality to solve single- and multi-step problems. Students use their understanding of ratios and proportionality to solve a wide variety of percent problems, including those involving discounts, interest, taxes, tips, and percent increase or decrease. Students solve problems about scale drawings by relating corresponding lengths between the objects or by using the fact that relationships of lengths within an object are preserved in similar objects. Students graph proportional relationships and understand the unit rate informally as a measure of the steepness of the related line, called the slope. They distinguish proportional relationships from other relationships.
- Students develop a unified understanding of number, recognizing fractions, decimals (that have a finite or a repeating decimal representation), and percents as different representations of rational numbers. Students extend addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to all rational numbers, maintaining the properties of operations and the relationships between addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. By applying these properties, and by viewing negative numbers in terms of everyday contexts (e.g., amounts owed or temperatures below zero), students explain and interpret the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with negative numbers. They use the arithmetic of rational numbers as they formulate expressions and equations in one variable and use these equations to solve problems.
General Information
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorials
Join Una, the unicorn, as she learns the power of calculating unit rates while planning her family reunion in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore reflections on a coordinate plane in epic Capture the Flag tournament with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a two-part series:
- Open "Capturing Flags on the Coordinate Plane Part 1"
- Open "Capturing Flags on the Coordinate Plane Part 2"
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the coordinate plane in an epic Capture the Flag tournament with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a two-part series:
- Open "Capturing Flags on the Coordinate Plane Part 1"
- Open "Capturing Flags on the Coordinate Plane Part 2"
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with fractions using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with decimals using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with whole numbers using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of a series on evaluating expressions with whole numbers.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use the least common multiple to solve real-life problems with Brady and Natalia in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with integers using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow George as he explores the formula for the area of a triangle and uses it to find the area of various triangles in this interactive student tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Roll up your sleeves and learn how proportions can be used in everyday life in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Jamal as he represents algebraic inequalities on a number line while visiting a theme park with his family in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a two-part series on inequalities. Click HERE to open part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with rational numbers expressed as decimals using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Help Oscar translate written real-world descriptions of multiplication and division into algebraic expressions in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of 3. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
- Algebraic Expressions Part 1: Addition and Subtraction
- Part 3 (Coming Soon)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Oscar as he writes algebraic expressions of addition and subtraction about his new puppy Scooter in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with rational numbers expressed as fractions using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a two-part series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Help Cindy find the missing dimension of a rectangular prism in her delivery services job with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 3 in a three-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Cindy as she explores fractional unit cubes and finds the volume of rectangular prisms that have rational number dimensions in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a three-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Cindy as she learns about the volume formulas to create boxes in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a three-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Help Lily identify and create equivalent ratios in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Hailey and Kenna as they estimate tips and sales tax at the mall, restaurants, and the hair salon in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Matteo as he explores opposite numbers, positive and negative rational numbers, and zero in real-world contexts while planning and going on a cruise in Alaska in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Let's calculate markups and markdowns at the mall and follow Paige and Miriam working in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Calculate simple interest and estimate monthly payments alongside a loan officer named Jordan in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore sales tax, fees, and commission by following a customer service representative named Julian in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to solve percent change problems involving percent increases and decreases in in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify and calculate unit rates by helping Milo find prices per item at a farmer's market in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how math models can show why social distancing during a epidemic or pandemic is important in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Sail through subtracting decimals to the thousandths place using a standard algorithm in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to add decimals to the thousandths using a standard algorithm at the ice cream shop in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to solve 1-step multiplication and division equations with Dr. E. Quation in Part 2 of this series of interactive tutorials. You'll also learn how to check your answers to make sure your answer is the solution to the equation.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to solve and check one-step addition and subtraction equations with Dr. E. Quation as you complete this interactive tutorial.
Click here to open Dr. E. Quation Part 2: One-Step Multiplication and Division Equations
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use models to solve balance problems on a space station in this interactive, math and science tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to interpret histograms to analyze data, and help an inventor predict the range of a catapult in part 2 of this interactive tutorial series. More specifically, you'll learn to describe the shape and spread of data distributions.
Click HERE to open part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to create a histogram to display continuous data from projectiles launched by a catapult in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a 2-part series. Click HERE to open part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore computer coding on the farm by using IF statements and repeat loops to evaluate mathematical expressions. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also solve problems involving inequalities.
Click below to check out the other tutorials in the series.
- MacCoder’s Farm Part 1: Declare Variables
- MacCoder’s Farm Part 2: Condition Statements
- MacCoder's Farm Part 3: IF Statements
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore computer coding on the farm by using relational operators and IF statements to evaluate expressions. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also solve problems involving inequalities.
Click below to check out the other tutorials in the series.
- MacCoder’s Farm Part 1: Declare Variables
- MacCoder's Farm Part 2: Condition Statements
- MacCoder's Farm Part 4: Repeat Loops
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore computer coding on the farm by using condition and IF statements in this interactive tutorial. You'll also get a chance to apply the order of operations as you using coding to solve problems.
Click below to check out the other tutorials in the series.
- MacCoder's Farm Part 1: Declare Variables
- MacCoder’s Farm Part 3: If Statements
- MacCoder's Farm Part 4: Repeat Loops
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore computer coding on the farm by declaring and initializing variables in this interactive tutorial. You'll also get a chance to practice your long division skills.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to calculate and interpret the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) of data sets in this travel-themed, interactive statistics tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to combine like terms to create equivalent expressions in this cooking-themed, interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to make and interpret boxplots in this pet-themed, interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how arguments are formed with claims, reasons, and evidence. In this interactive tutorial, you'll read several short speeches from students hoping to be elected president of the Student Council. We'll trace the claim made by each student and the reasons and evidence they use to support it.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Discover how to calculate and interpret the mean, median, mode and range of data sets from the zoo in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
You will organize information in a table and write ratios equivalent to a given ratio in order to solve real-world and mathematical problems in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Investigate the limiting factors of a Florida ecosystem and describe how these limiting factors affect one native population-the Florida Scrub-Jay-with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to explain the meaning of additive inverse, identify the additive inverse of a given rational number, and justify your answer on a number line in this original tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Investigate how temperature affects the rate of chemical reactions in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn what genetic engineering is and some of the applications of this technology. In this interactive tutorial, you’ll gain an understanding of some of the benefits and potential drawbacks of genetic engineering. Ultimately, you’ll be able to think critically about genetic engineering and write an argument describing your own perspective on its impacts.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to create and use number lines with positive and negative numbers, graph positive and negative numbers, find their distance from zero, find a number’s opposite using a number line and signs, and recognize that zero is its own opposite with this interactive, golf-themed tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use mathematical properties to explain why a negative factor times a negative factor equals a positive product instead of just quoting a rule with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to find the least common multiple by helping Brady and Natalia work through some homework questions in this interactive student tutorial.
This is part 1 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Evaluate numerical expressions with whole numbers using the order of operations and properties of operations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Jamal as he translates theme park written descriptions into algebraic inequalities in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Educational Games
In this challenge game, you will be solving equations with variables on both sides. Each equation has a real solution. Use the "Teach Me" button to review content before the challenge. After the challenge, review the problems as needed. Try again to get all challenge questions right! Question sets vary with each game, so feel free to play the game multiple times as needed! Good luck!
Type: Educational Game
This fun and interactive game helps practice estimation skills, using various operations of choice, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, using decimals, fractions, and percents.
Various levels of difficulty make this game appropriate for multiple age and ability levels.
Addition/Subtraction: The addition and subtraction of whole numbers, the addition and subtraction of decimals.
Multiplication/Division: The multiplication and addition of whole numbers.
Percentages: Identify the percentage of a whole number.
Fractions: Multiply and divide a whole number by a fraction, as well as apply properties of operations.
Type: Educational Game
This is a fun and interactive game that helps students practice ordering rational numbers, including decimals, fractions, and percents. You are planting and harvesting flowers for cash. Allow the bee to pollinate, and you can multiply your crops and cash rewards!
Type: Educational Game
Test your fraction skills by answering questions on this site. This quiz asks you to simplify fractions, convert fractions to decimals and percentages, and answer algebra questions involving fractions. You can even choose difficulty level, question types, and time limit.
Type: Educational Game
This interactive game has 4 categories: adding integers, subtracting integers, multiplying integers, and dividing integers. Students can play individually or in teams.
Type: Educational Game
In this activity, students play a game of connect four, but to place a piece on the board they have to correctly estimate an addition, multiplication, or percentage problem. Students can adjust the difficulty of the problems as well as how close the estimate has to be to the actual result. This activity allows students to practice estimating addition, multiplication, and percentages of large numbers (100s). This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Educational Game
In this activity, students are quizzed on their ability to estimate sums, products, and percentages. The student can adjust the difficulty of the problems and how close they have to be to the actual answer. This activity allows students to practice estimating addition, multiplication, or percentages of large numbers. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Educational Game
In this timed activity, students solve linear equations (one- and two-step) or quadratic equations of varying difficulty depending on the initial conditions they select. This activity allows students to practice solving equations while the activity records their score, so they can track their progress. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Educational Game
In this activity, two students play a simulated game of Connect Four, but in order to place a piece on the board, they must correctly solve an algebraic equation. This activity allows students to practice solving equations of varying difficulty: one-step, two-step, or quadratic equations and using the distributive property if desired. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the Java applet.
Type: Educational Game
In this activity, students enter coordinates to make a path to get to a target destination while avoiding mines. This activity allows students to explore Cartesian coordinates and the Cartesian coordinate plane. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Educational Game
Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiasts
<p>An archaeologist describes how mathematics can help prove a theory about mysterious prehistoric structures called shell rings.</p>
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
<p>Ceramic glaze recipes are fluid and not set in stone, but can only be formulated consistently with a good understanding of math!</p>
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Problem-Solving Tasks
In this online problem-solving challenge, students apply algebraic reasoning to determine the "costs" of individual types of faces from sums of frowns, smiles, and neutral faces. This page provides three pictorial problems involving solving systems of equations along with tips for thinking through the problem, the solution, and other similar problems.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use a diagram or table to write an algebraic expression and use the expression to solve problems.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The goal of this task is to give students a context to investigate large numbers and measurements. Students need to fluently convert units with very large numbers in order to successfully complete this task. The total number of pennies minted either in a single year or for the last century is phenomenally large and difficult to grasp. One way to assess how large this number is would be to consider how far all of these pennies would reach if we were able to stack them one on top of another: this is another phenomenally large number but just how large may well come as a surprise.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This tasks gives a verbal description for computing the perimeter of a rectangle and asks the students to find an expression for this perimeter. They then have to use the expression to evaluate the perimeter for specific values of the two variables.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine if given expressions are equivalent.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to ask students to write expressions and to consider what it means for two expressions to be equivalent.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to explore and then write an expression with an exponent. The purpose of this task is to introduce the idea of exponential growth and then connect that growth to expressions involving exponents. It illustrates well how fast exponential expressions grow.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem asks the student to find a 3% sales tax on a vase valued at $450.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to give students an opportunity to solve a challenging multistep percentage problem that can be approached in several different ways. Students are asked to find the cost of a meal before tax and tip when given the total cost of the meal. The task can illustrate multiple standards depending on the prior knowledge of the students and the approach used to solve the problem.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine and illustrate all possible descriptions for the base and height of a given triangle.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to draw a scale model of a building and find related volume and surface areas of the model and the building which are rectangular prisms.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to demonstrate two different strategies for finding the area of polygons shown on grids.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use the given information to determine the cost of painting a barn.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to gain a better understanding of factors and common factors. Students should use the distributive property to show that the sum of two numbers that have a common factor is also a multiple of the common factor.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to reason about and explain the position of two locations relative to sea level.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is for students to solve problems involving decimals in a context involving a concept that supports financial literacy, namely inflation. Inflation is a sustained increase in the average price level. In this task, students are asked to compare the buying power of $20 in 1987 and 2012, at least with respect to movie tickets.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Given the fact 13 x 17 = 221, students are asked to reason about and explain the decimal placement in multiplication and division problems where some of the numbers involved have been changed by powers of ten.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to reason about and explain the placement of decimals in quotients.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a distance problem involving fractions.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a fraction division problem using both a visual model and the standard algorithm within a real-world context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is converting square units. Use the information provided to answer the questions posed. This task asks students to critique Jada's reasoning.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use a ratio to determine how much money Jim and Jesse had at the start of their trip.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine the percent of the area of a store covered by a security camera. Then, students are asked to determine the "best" place to position the camera and support their answer.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Use the information provided to find out the original price of Selina's shirt. There are several different ways to reason through this problem; two approaches are shown.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem is the fifth in a series of seven about ratios. Even though there are three quantities (the number of each candidates' votes), they are only considered two at a time.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is the sixth problem in a series of seven that use the context of a classroom election. While it still deals with simple ratios and easily managed numbers, the mathematics surrounding the ratios are increasingly complex. In this problem, the students are asked to determine the difference in votes received by two of the three candidates.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is the last problem of seven in a series about ratios set in the context of a classroom election. Since the number of voters is not known, the problem is quite abstract and requires a deep understanding of ratios and their relationship to fractions.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem is the third in a series of tasks set in the context of a class election. Students are given a ratio and total number of voters and are asked to determine the difference between the winning number of votes received and the number of votes needed for victory.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is the first and most basic problem in a series of seven problems, all set in the context of a classroom election. Students are given a ratio and total number of voters and are asked to determine the number of votes received by each candidate.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is the second in a series of tasks that are set in the context of a classroom election. It requires students to understand what ratios are and apply them in a context. The simple version of this question just asked how many votes each gets. This has the extra step of asking for the difference between the votes.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is the fourth in a series of tasks about ratios set in the context of a classroom election. Given only a ratio, students are asked to determine the fractional difference between votes received and votes required.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are given a context and a dotplot and are asked a number of questions regarding shape, center, and spread of the data.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are given a context and a series of questions and are asked to identify whether each question is statistical and to provide their reasoning. Students are asked to compose an original statistical question for the given context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Using the information provided, create an appropriate graphical display and answer the questions regarding shape, center and variability.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine if two expressions are equivalent and explain their reasoning.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task students are asked to write two expressions from verbal descriptions and determine if they are equivalent. The expressions involve both percent and fractions. This task is most appropriate for a classroom discussion since the statement of the problem has some ambiguity.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is meant to reinforce students' understanding of rational numbers as points on the number line and to provide them with a visual way of understanding that the sum of a number and its additive inverse (usually called its "opposite") is zero.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task, students answer a question about the difference between two temperatures that are negative numbers.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task, students are presented with a real-world problem involving the price of an item on sale. To answer the question, students must represent the problem by defining a variable and related quantities, and then write and solve an equation.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to help solidify students' understanding of signed numbers as points on a number line and to understand the geometric interpretation of adding and subtracting signed numbers. There is a subtle distinction between a fraction and a rational number. Fractions are always positive, and when thinking of the symbol ab as a fraction, it is possible to interpret it as a equal-sized pieces where b pieces make one whole.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The student is asked to complete a long division which results in a repeating decimal, and then use multiplication to "check" their answer. The purpose of the task is to have students reflect on the meaning of repeating decimal representation through approximation.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine how to distribute prize money among three classes based on the contribution of each class.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The 7th graders at Sunview Middle School were helping to renovate a playground for the kindergartners at a nearby elementary school. City regulations require that the sand underneath the swings be at least 15 inches deep. The sand under both swing sets was only 12 inches deep when they started. The rectangular area under the small swing set measures 9 feet by 12 feet and required 40 bags of sand to increase the depth by 3 inches. How many bags of sand will the students need to cover the rectangular area under the large swing set if it is 1.5 times as long and 1.5 times as wide as the area under the small swing set?
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use ratios and proportional reasoning to compare paint mixtures numerically and graphically.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem includes a percent increase in one part with a percent decrease in the remaining and asks students to find the overall percent change. The problem may be solved using proportions or by reasoning through the computations or writing a set of equations.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to make comparisons among the Egyptian, Gregorian, and Julian methods of measuring a year.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use proportional reasoning to answer a series of questions in the context of a recipe.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to give students an opportunity to solve a multi-step ratio problem that can be approached in many ways. This can be done by making a table, which helps illustrate the pattern of taxi rates for different distances traveled and with a little persistence leads to a solution which uses arithmetic. It is also possible to calculate a unit rate (dollars per mile) and use this to find the distance directly without making a table.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
5,000 people visited a book fair in the first week. The number of visitors increased by 10% in the second week. How many people visited the book fair in the second week?
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Using the information provided find out how fast Anya rode her bike.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task asks students to solve a problem in a context involving constant speed. This task provides a transition from working with ratios involving whole numbers to ratios involving fractions. This problem can be thought of in several ways; in particular, this problem also provides an opportunity for students to work with the "How many in one group?'' interpretation of division.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem requires a comparison of rates where one is given in terms of unit rates, and the other is not. See "Music Companies, Variation 2" for a task with a very similar setup but is much more involved and so illustrates .
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem has multiple steps. In order to solve the problem it is necessary to compute: the value of the TunesTown shares; the total value of the BeatStreet offer of 20 million shares at $25 per share; the difference between these two amounts; and the cost per share of each of the extra 2 million shares MusicMind offers to equal to the difference.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students should use information provided to answer the questions regarding robot races.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine which sale option results in the largest percent decrease in cost.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The sales team at an electronics store sold 48 computers last month. The manager at the store wants to encourage the sales team to sell more computers and is going to give all the sales team members a bonus if the number of computers sold increases by 30% in the next month. How many computers must the sales team sell to receive the bonus? Explain your reasoning.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to decide if two given ratios are equivalent.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a problem using proportional reasoning in a real world context to determine the number of shares needed to complete a stock purchase.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a multistep ratio problem in a real-world context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
After eating at your favorite restaurant, you know that the bill before tax is $52.60 and that the sales tax rate is 8%. You decide to leave a 20% tip for the waiter based on the pre-tax amount. How much should you leave for the waiter? How much will the total bill be, including tax and tip?
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is for students to calculate the percent increase and relative cost in a real-world context. Inflation, one of the big ideas in economics, is the rise in price of goods and services over time. This is considered in relation to the amount of money you have.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This activity asks the student to use unit rate and proportional reasoning to determine which of two runners is the fastest.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to see how well students students understand and reason with ratios.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked a series of questions involving a fraction and a whole number within the context of a recipe. Students are asked to solve a problem using both a visual model and the standard algorithm.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a distance problem involving fractions. The purpose of this task is to help students extend their understanding of division of whole numbers to division of fractions, and given the simple numbers used, it is most appropriate for students just learning about fraction division because it lends itself easily to a pictorial solution.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is for students to solve problems involving multiplication and division of decimals in the real-world context of setting financial goals. The focus of the task is on modeling and understanding the concept of setting financial goals, so fluency with the computations will allow students to focus on other aspects of the task.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a real-world problem involving common multiples.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use fractions to determine how many hours it will take a car to travel a given distance.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use fractions to determine how long a video game can be played.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to have students convert multiple currencies to answer the problem. Students may find the CDN abbreviation for Canada confusing. Teachers may need to explain the fact that money in Canada is also called dollars, so to distinguish them, we call them Canadian dollars.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Use the information provided to find out what percentage of Dana's lot won't be covered by the house.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task asks the students to solve a real-world problem involving unit rates (data per unit time) using units that many teens and pre-teens have heard of but may not know the definition for. While the computations involved are not particularly complex, the units will be abstract for many students. The first solution relies more on reasoning about the meaning of multiplication and division, while the second solution uses units to help keep track of the steps in the solution process.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use knowledge of rates and ratios to answer a series of questions involving time, distance, and speed.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to write complete sentences to describe ratios for the context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of the task is for students to compare signed numbers in a real-world context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to help students explore the meaning of fraction division and to connect it to what they know about whole-number division. Students are asked to explain why the quotient of two fractions with common denominators is equal to the quotient of the numerators of those fractions.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task builds on a fifth grade fraction multiplication task, "Drinking Juice." This task uses the identical context, but asks the corresponding "Number of Groups Unknown" division problem. See "Drinking Juice, Variation 3" for the "Group Size Unknown" version.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve a fraction division problem using a visual model and the standard algorithm.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve problems from context by using multiplication or division of decimals.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This instructional task requires that the students model each problem with some type of fractions manipulatives or drawings. This could be pattern blocks, student or teacher-made fraction strips, or commercially produced fraction pieces. At a minimum, students should draw pictures of each. The above problems are meant to be a progression which require more sophisticated understandings of the meaning of fractions as students progress through them.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is for students to get a better understanding of the relative positions and values of positive and negative numbers.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is for students to apply their knowledge of integers in a real-world context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to add or subtract decimals to solve problems in context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to write and solve an equation in one variable to answer a real world question.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task students use different representations to analyze the relationship between two quantities and to solve a real world problem. The situation presented provides a good opportunity to make connections between the information provided by tables, graphs and equations. In the later part of the problem, the numbers are big enough so that using the formula is the most efficient way to solve the problem; however, creative use of the table or graph will also work.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task asks students to find equivalent expressions by visualizing a familiar activity involving distance. The given solution shows some possible equivalent expressions, but there are many variations possible.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use properties of operations to match expressions that are equivalent and to write equivalent expressions for any expressions that do not have a match.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task students are asked to write an equation to solve a real-world problem.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to write and graph two inequalities described in context: one discrete and one continuous.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to solve an inequality in order to answer a real-world question.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to write an equation with one variable in order to find the distance walked.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This purpose of this task is to help students understand the absolute value of a number as its distance from 0 on the number line. The context is not realistic, nor is meant to be; it is a thought experiment to help students focus on the relative position of numbers on the number line.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to determine if two different ratios are both appropriate for the same context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Given a ratio, students are asked to determine how much of each ingredient is needed to make concrete.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem provides an interesting geometric context to work on the notion of percent. Two different methods for analyzing the geometry are provided: the first places the two squares next to one another and then moves one so that they overlap. The second solution sets up an equation to find the overlap in terms of given information which reflects the mathematical ideas reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use a given ratio to determine if two different interpretations of the ratio are correct and to determine the maximum quantity that could be purchased within a given context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked apply knowledge of ratios to answer several questions regarding speed, distance and time.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Student Center Activity
Students can practice answering mathematics questions on a variety of topics. With an account, students can save their work and send it to their teacher when complete.
Type: Student Center Activity
This video shows some examples that test your understanding of what happens when positive and negative numbers are multiplied and divided.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, you will practice describing the shape of distributions as skewed left, skewed right, or symmetrical.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, you will see two ways to find the Mean Absolute Deviation of a data set.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn that non-zero numbers to the zero power equal one. They will also learn that zero to any positive exponent equals zero.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn how to convert difficult repeating decimals to fractions.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial shows students how to convert basic repeating decimals to fractions.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn how to convert a fraction into a repeating decimal. Students should know how to use long division before starting this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to factor a linear expression by taking a common factor.
Type: Tutorial
This introductory video demonstrates the basic skill of how to write and solve a basic equation for a proportional relationship.
Type: Tutorial
In this example, we will work with three numbers in different formats: a percent, a decimal, and a mixed number.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will compare rational numbers using a number line.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, you will practice changing a fraction into decimal form.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, you will practice using arithmetic properties with integers to determine if expressions are equivalent.
Type: Tutorial
You will discover rules to help you determine the sign of an exponential expression with a base of -1.
Type: Tutorial
You will learn how multiplication and division problems give us a positive or negative answer depending on whether there are an even or odd number of negative integers used in the problem.
Type: Tutorial
The focus of this video is to help you understand the core concepts of arithmetic mean, median, and mode.
Type: Tutorial
This video shows how to find the value of a missing piece of data if you know the mean of the data set.
Type: Tutorial
This video shows how to recognize and understand graphs of proportional relationships to find the constant of proportionality.
Type: Tutorial
This introductory video teaches about combining like terms in linear equations.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to construct a box plot, formerly known as a box and whisker plot.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will simplify expressions involving positive and negative fractions.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will see how to simplify complex fractions.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will see how mixed numbers can be divided.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how the area of an irregular geometric shape may be determined by decomposition to smaller familiar shapes.
Type: Tutorial
Here's an introductory video explaining the basic reasoning behind solving proportions and shows three different methods for solving proportions which you will use later on to solve more difficult problems.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, discover another way of finding the volume of a rectangular prism involves dividing it into fractional cubes, finding the volume of one, and then multiplying that area by the number of cubes that fit into the rectangular prism.
Type: Tutorial
This introductory video shows some basic examples of writing two ratios and setting them equal to each other. This is just step 1 when solving word problems with proportions.
Type: Tutorial
This video shows how to solve a word problem involving rectangular prisms.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates finding a unit rate from a rate containing fractions.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to construct nets for 3-D shapes.
Type: Tutorial
Watch as we solve a rate problem finding speed in meters per second using distance (in meters) and time (in seconds).
Type: Tutorial
Students will graph the given coordinates of three of the polygon vertices, then locate and graph the fourth vertex.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates using a net to find surface area.
Type: Tutorial
In this example, students are given the coordinates of the vertices and asked to construct the resulting polygon, specifically a quadrilateral.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, we organize data into frequency tables and dot plots (sometimes called line plots).
Type: Tutorial
Solve a multi-step word problem in the context of a cab fare.
Type: Tutorial
In this example, you determine the volume of frozen water and express the answer as a fraction.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to create histograms, which summarize data by sorting it into groups.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates adding and subtracting decimals in the context of an overdrawn checking account.
Type: Tutorial
Here's an introduction to basic algebraic equations of the form ax = b in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, we will solve equations in one step by multiplying or dividing a number on both sides.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to test if a certain value of a variable makes an inequality true in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to test if a certain value of a variable makes an equation true in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to write and solve a one-step addition equation.
Type: Tutorial
To find the value of a variable, you have to get it on one side of the equation alone. To do that, you'll need to do something to BOTH sides of the equation.
Type: Tutorial
This video provides a conceptual explanation of why one needs to divide both sides of an equation to solve for a variable.
Type: Tutorial
In an equation with 2 variables, we will be able to determine which is the dependent variable, and which is the independent variable.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to write basic algebraic expressions.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to write inequalities to model real-world situations.
Type: Tutorial
Given a graph, we will be able to find the equation it represents.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to write simple algebraic expressions.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to write basic expressions with variables to portray situations described in word problems.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to apply the distributive law of multiplication over addition and why it works. This is sometimes just called the distributive law or the distributive property.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to apply the distributive property of multiplication over subtraction. This is sometimes just called the distributive property or distributive law.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to apply the distributive property to algebraic expressions.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates solving word problems involving the coordinate plane.
Type: Tutorial
The focus here is understanding that a variable is just a symbol that can represent different values in an expression.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to evaluate an expression with variables using a technique called substitution.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates evaluating expressions with two variables.
Type: Tutorial
Explore how the value of an algebraic expression changes as the value of its variable changes.
Type: Tutorial
In this example, we have a formula for converting a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.
Type: Tutorial
Students will simplify an expression by combining like terms.
Type: Tutorial
Students will plot an ordered pair on the x (horizontal) axis and y (vertical) axis of the coordinate plane.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial is an explanation on how to combine like terms in algebra.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will evaluate fractions involving negative numbers and variables to determine if expressions are equivalent.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will see how to divide fractions involving negative integers.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial you will practice multiplying and dividing fractions involving negative numbers.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates the prime factorization method to find the lcm (least common multiple).
Type: Tutorial
This video contains examples of plotting coordinate pairs and identifying their quadrant.
Type: Tutorial
This video discusses the negative sign as meaning "opposite."
Type: Tutorial
Locate fractions and decimals on the same number line in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
Let's order negative numbers from least to greatest in this video.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn how to order rational numbers using a number line.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial you will compare the absolute value of numbers using the concepts of greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=).
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn rules for multiplying positive and negative integers.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial you will learn how to divide with negative integers.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial you will use the repeated addition model of multiplication to help you understand why multiplying negative numbers results in a positive answer.
Type: Tutorial
This video guides you through comparisons of values, including opposites.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will use the distributive property to understand why the product of two negative numbers is positive.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates sorting values including absolute value from least to greatest using a number line.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates evaluating inequality statements, some involving absolute value, using a number line.
Type: Tutorial
This is an introduction to combining like terms in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates solving absolute value inequality statements.
Type: Tutorial
Students will evaluate expressions using the order of operations.
Type: Tutorial
This video is about interpreting absolute value in a real-life situation.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn how to identify the four quadrants in the coordinate plane.
Type: Tutorial
This video uses a number line to describe the opposite of a number.
Type: Tutorial
Work through a challenging order of operations example with only positive numbers.
Type: Tutorial
Work through a challenging order of operations example with only positive numbers.
Type: Tutorial
This video will show how to evaluate expressions with exponents using the order of operations.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates dividing two numbers that are decimals.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates dividing fractions as multiplying by the reciprocal.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates dividing a whole number by a fraction by multiplying by the reciprocal.
Type: Tutorial
This video portrays a proof of the formula for area of a parallelogram.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to evaluate expressions with whole number exponents.
Type: Tutorial
A trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral with one set of parallel sides. Here we explain how to find its area.
Type: Tutorial
We will be able to find the area of a triangle in a coordinate grid. The formula for the area of a triangle is given in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn the basics of finding the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates adding decimal numbers to solve a word problem.
Type: Tutorial
Let's show subtracting with digits up to the thousandths place in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
Watch as we align decimals before subtracting in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
Practice substituting positive and negative values for variables.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to add decimals and use place value in this tutorial.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, we will find the absolute value as distance between rational numbers.
Type: Tutorial
This video uses the number line to find unknown values in subtraction statements with negative numbers.
Type: Tutorial
This video asks you to select the model that matches the given expression.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, watch as we solve this word problem using what we know about equivalent ratios.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, a ratio is given and then applied to solve a problem.
Type: Tutorial
Use a number line to solve a word problem that includes a negative number.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, we figure out the temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska by adding and subtracting integers.
Type: Tutorial
In the video, we find the percent when given the part and the whole.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to find percent of a whole number.
Type: Tutorial
You're asked to find the whole when given the part and the percent.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to find the full price when you know the discount price in this percent word problem.
Type: Tutorial
Evaluating Expressions with Two Variables
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to write a decimal as a percent.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates how to add and subtract negative fractions with unlike denominators.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates use of a number line and absolute value to add negative numbers.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates use of a number line to add numbers with positive and negative signs.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates solving a unit price problem using equivalent ratios.
Type: Tutorial
Find out why subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the absolute value of that number.
Type: Tutorial
In this example we have a formula for converting Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit. Let's substitute the variable with a value (Celsius temp) to get the degrees in Fahrenheit. Great problem to practice with us!
Type: Tutorial
Learn how to evaluate an expression with variables using a technique called substitution (or "plugging in").
Type: Tutorial
This video deals with what percent really means by looking at a 10 by 10 grid.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates adding and subtracting integers using a number line.
Type: Tutorial
This video demonstrates a visual model of a percent greater than 100.
Type: Tutorial
Great question. In algebra, we do indeed avoid using the multiplication sign. We'll explain it for you here.
Type: Tutorial
Our focus here is understanding that a variable is just a letter or symbol (usually a lower case letter) that can represent different values in an expression. We got this. Just watch.
Type: Tutorial
The distributive property states that the terms of addition or subtraction statements within parentheses may be separately multiplied by a value outside the parentheses. In this tutorial, students will learn the distributive property, which is very helpful with mental math calculations and solving equations.
Type: Tutorial
This video tutorial shows examples of writing expressions in simplified form and evaluating expressions.
Type: Tutorial
This video provides assistance with understanding direct and inverse variation.
Type: Tutorial
The Cartesian Coordinate system, formed from the Cartesian product of the real number line with itself, allows algebraic equations to be visualized as geometric shapes in two or three dimensions. While this tutorial includes the basis of Coordinate system, it also includes ideas beyond fifth grade standards. Most likely only advanced fifth graders would find the video engaging.
Type: Tutorial
The first fractions used by ancient civilizations were "unit fractions." Later, numerators other than one were added, creating "vulgar fractions" which became our modern fractions. Together, fractions and integers form the "rational numbers."
Type: Tutorial
When number systems were expanded to include negative numbers, rules had to be formulated so that multiplication would be consistent regardless of the sign of the operands.
Type: Tutorial
Take a look at the logic behind the associative and distributive properties of multiplication.
Type: Tutorial
A look behind the fundamental properties of the most basic arithmetic operation, addition
Type: Tutorial
Number systems evolved from the natural "counting" numbers, to whole numbers (with the addition of zero), to integers (with the addition of negative numbers), and beyond. These number systems are easily understood using the number line.
Type: Tutorial
The commutative property is common to the operations of both addition and multiplication and is an important property of many mathematical systems.
Type: Tutorial
Students will be able to see examples of addition of integers while watching a short video, and practice adding integers using an online quiz.
Type: Tutorial
This lesson introduces students to linear equations in one variable, shows how to solve them using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of equalities, and allows students to determine if a value is a solution, if there are infinitely many solutions, or no solution at all. The site contains an explanation of equations and linear equations, how to solve equations in general, and a strategy for solving linear equations. The lesson also explains contradiction (an equation with no solution) and identity (an equation with infinite solutions). There are five practice problems at the end for students to test their knowledge with links to answers and explanations of how those answers were found. Additional resources are also referenced.
Type: Tutorial
This site explicitly outlines the steps for using the proportion method to solve three different kinds of percent problems. It also includes sample problems for practice determining the part, the whole or the percent.
Type: Tutorial
This resource helps the user learn the three primary colors that are fundamental to human vision, learn the different colors in the visible spectrum, observe the resulting colors when two colors are added, and learn what white light is. A combination of text and a virtual manipulative allows the user to explore these concepts in multiple ways.
Type: Tutorial
The user will learn the three primary subtractive colors in the visible spectrum, explore the resulting colors when two subtractive colors interact with each other and explore the formation of black color.
Type: Tutorial
This video models solving equations in one variable with variables on both sides of the equal sign.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy presentation models solving two-step equations with one variable.
Type: Tutorial
In this lesson, students will be viewing a Khan Academy video that will show how to convert ratios using speed units.
Type: Tutorial
The video describes how to multiply fractions and state the answer in lowest terms.
Type: Tutorial
The video demonstrates rewriting given numbers in a common format (as decimals), so they can be compared and ordered.
Type: Tutorial
Introduction to solving one variable multiplication equations of the form px = q.
Type: Tutorial
When working with fractions, divisions can be converted to multiplication by the divisor's reciprocal. This chapter explains why.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This short video provides a clear explanation why we perform the same steps on each side of an equation when solving for the variable/unknown.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This short video provides a clear explanation about the "why" of performing the same steps on each side of an equation when solving for the variable/unknown.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Any fraction can be converted into an equivalent decimal number with a sequence of digits after the decimal point, which either repeats or terminates. The reason can be understood by close examination of the number line.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Percentages are one method of describing a fraction of a quantity. the percent is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is understood to be one-hundred.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Ratio errors confuse one of the coaches as two teams face off in an epic dodgeball tournament. See how mathematical techniques such as tables, graphs, measurements and equations help to find the missing part of a proportion.
Atlantean Dodgeball addresses number and operations standards, the algebra standard, and the process standard, as established by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). It guides students in:
- Understanding and using ratios and proportions to represent quantitative relationships.
- Relating and comparing different forms of representation for a relationship.
- Developing, analyzing, and explaining methods for solving problems involving proportions, such as scaling and finding equivalent ratios.
- Representing, analyzing, and generalizing a variety of patterns with tables, graphs, words, and, when possible, symbolic rules.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Virtual Manipulatives
In this online activity, students apply their understanding of proportional relationships by adding circles, either colored or not, to two different piles then combine the piles to produce a required percentage of colored circles. Students can play in four modes: exploration, unknown part, unknown whole, or unknown percent. This activity also includes supplemental materials in tabs above the applet, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the Java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Allows students access to a Cartesian Coordinate System where linear equations can be graphed and details of the line and the slope can be observed.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students use preset data or enter in their own data to be represented in a box plot. This activity allows students to explore single as well as side-by-side box plots of different data. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the Java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This is an online graphing utility that can be used to create box plots, bubble graphs, scatterplots, histograms, and stem-and-leaf plots.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
With a mouse, students will drag data points (with their error bars) and watch the best-fit polynomial curve form instantly. Students can choose the type of fit: linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic. Best fit or adjustable fit can be displayed.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Users select a data set or enter their own data to generate a box plot.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This tool helps students better understand that equality is a relationship and not an operational command to "find the answer." The applet features a pan balance that allows the student to input each half of an equation in the pans, which responds to the numerical expression's value by raising, lowering or balancing.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This virtual manipulative histogram tool can aid in analyzing the distribution of a dataset. It has 6 preset datasets and a function to add your own data for analysis.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students practice solving algebraic expressions using order of operations. The applet records their score so the student can track their progress. This activity allows students to practice applying the order of operations when solving problems. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students can create and view a histogram using existing data sets or original data entered. Students can adjust the interval size using a slider bar, and they can also adjust the other scales on the graph. This activity allows students to explore histograms as a way to represent data as well as the concepts of mean, standard deviation, and scale. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative