
User Testimonials

what do educators say about CPALMS?

Group Events

General videos from different events.


Instructional Resources

Testimonials from users on the use or submission of instructional and educational resources. Click here to learn more about the initiative or on the videos below to watch the testimonials.


review Process

Participants in the review process, a review event/retreat, or users that value the review process. Click here to learn more about the review process or on the videos below to watch the testimonials.


Professional Development for Educators

CPALMS contributors and participants explaining how the CPALMS experience has provided them with a professional development opportunity. Click on the names below to watch the testimonials.


Lesson Plan Development Initiative

Facilitators participating in the Lesson Plan Development initiative describing their experience with the CPALMS overall. Click here to learn more about the initiative or on the videos below to watch the testimonials.


Model Eliciting Activities Initiative

Participants in the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) initiative describing their experience with the CPALMS training program and the MEAs. Click here to learn more about the initiative or on the videos below to watch the testimonials.