Standard 5: Creating and Collaborating

General Information
Number: ELA.9.C.5
Title: Creating and Collaborating
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 9
Strand: Communication

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Integrate a detail into a digital presentation with a coherent idea and a clear perspective.
Use an online platform to create and share publication-ready quality writing tailored to a specific audience.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP) Part 2:

This 5-part student-centered activity places students in the role of a local emergency management team that is tasked by the County Board of Commissioners to develop a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). In part 2, student teams will utilize the research they conducted in part 1 to develop part of a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). Teams will complete a plan worksheet and upload it along with any relevant attachments to an online collaborative platform for feedback. The teacher’s role will be to facilitate plan development and assist with the document upload process.

Type: Lesson Plan

County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP) Part 3:

This 5-part student-centered activity places students in the role of a local emergency management team that is tasked by the County Board of Commissioners to develop a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). In part 2, student teams utilized the research they conducted in part 1 to develop one portion of a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). Teams completed a plan worksheet and uploaded it along with any relevant attachments to an online collaborative platform for feedback. In part 3, student teams will review the draft submitted by a team working on a different portion of the CHEMP and provide feedback through the online collaborative platform. Teams will provide feedback to the other team using a checklist (attached). Once feedback has been given, teams will then utilize feedback to adjust their plan before developing a presentation to communicate their plan to the County Board of Commissioners.

Type: Lesson Plan

County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP) Part 4:

This 5-part student-centered activity places students in the role of a local emergency management team that is tasked by the County Board of Commissioners to develop a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). In part 4, students will work within their teams to create the three components of their presentations. Students will plan their oral presentation to the County Board of Commissioners as well as create a visual presentation and a written document. The teacher’s role will be to present the task, monitor student engagement, and provide feedback as the teams complete the three components of their portion of the plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Multimedia Introduction to the Epic Hero: Homer's Odyssey:

In this introduction to Homer's The Odyssey, students will work with peers and technology to determine the elements of an epic hero and the hero archetype. They will analyze how the definition of the hero has changed over time and present their findings through the use of multimedia presentations. In the end, students will be prepared to apply this knowledge to Homer's epic poem.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier- An Intro to Analysis & Argumentation Part III of III:

This is lesson three in a three part series that covers Ismael Beah's memoir, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Students will have read chapters 15-21 before this lesson. In this lesson, students will use all evidence gleaned from their reading of the memoir, the graphic organizer and student handout information from the first two lessons, and conduct additional research to create a multimedia presentation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Lights, Camera, ... Wait! What's the Plan?:

Students will develop a storyboard to plan a public service announcement (PSA) based on the case study, “The Boss's Pet Project PSA.” As part of a production team, students will have an opportunity to collaborate and create a digital presentation to communicate a compelling message.

Type: Lesson Plan

Positive Steps: Using The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens:

In this multi-day lesson, students will work collaboratively to conduct brief research and create a presentation on one of the habits, from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. After sharing their multimedia presentations with the class, students will determine which one is most important to them personally. Students will write a response to explain how that habit can provide a positive personal impact.

Type: Lesson Plan

Professionalism in the Workplace: A Training Guide:

Using the case study, "Training Day: The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace," students will create a PPT to be used as a training guide for employees on how to be professional in the workplace.

Type: Lesson Plan

Sharing Meal Planning and Budgeting Strategies With Families:

Using the case study, “Dining Out Dilemma: How to Meal Plan and Budget for Busy Families,” students will create a presentation that outlines meal planning, budgeting and comparative shopping strategies and tools, that families can use to save money.

Type: Lesson Plan

Understanding Phishing Emails:

Using the case study, “The Repercussions of Inappropriate Uses of Technology,” students will identify the different red and green flags needed to know to understand proper email correspondence. By doing so, they will get firsthand experience of what to look for in safe email correspondence and the repercussions that will occur if these are not followed.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.