Standard 2: Communicating Orally

General Information
Number: ELA.9.C.2
Title: Communicating Orally
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 9
Strand: Communication

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Present information, with a logical organization and coherent focus, with credible evidence, creating a clear perspective, using the student’s mode of communication with guidance and support.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Fundraising Activity:

This lesson is part 2 in a series of 3 lessons where students determine a group or cause in need of funding, create a fundraising plan, and present their plan to a “board of directors.” In part 1, students researched and compared fundraising ideas from various sources, including their own experience with fundraising activities or events. Students also researched fundraising rules in the state of Florida to determine the necessary forms and information needed to legitimize their fundraisers. In this lesson plan, part 2, students will use their research to determine an innovative way to fundraise for their chosen group or cause and will prepare an outline and an oral presentation to be given in part 3 of the lesson series.

Type: Lesson Plan

County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP) Part 5:

This 5-part student-centered activity places students in the role of a local emergency management team that is tasked by the County Board of Commissioners to develop a County Hurricane Emergency Management Plan (CHEMP). In parts 1-3, students conducted research and collaborated to create portions of the CHEMP. In part 4, teams prepared a presentation for the County Board of Commissioners. In part 5, each team will present their plan to the board. Each student will be scored using the rubric provided.

Type: Lesson Plan

Extemporaneous Speaking Practice: A Socratic Seminar:

In this lesson intended for the debate classroom, students will read through pivotal court cases in preparation for an Extemporaneous Speaking Socratic Seminar. Teachers will divide their class up into two groups. Each student in each group will get 10 minutes to prep individually after the question has been posted on the board. When prep time is over, the whole group debates using refutation, claim, warrant, data, impact format. They have 15 minutes for each student to make his/her argument.

Type: Lesson Plan

Congressional Argument and Free Speech:

In this lesson plan, students will work collaboratively to make arguments for and against a proposed piece of legislation: A Bill to Eliminate Bot Social Media Accounts to Stifle Misinformation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Congressional Debate: Learning Station Rotation:

In this lesson plan intended for a debate class, students will create Congressional arguments based on proposed legislation randomly assigned to them at different stations.

Type: Lesson Plan

Offensive and Defensive Arguments in Debate:

In this lesson plan intended for the debate classroom, students will work in small groups to develop a brief speech employing both offensive and defensive arguments on the topic of the government balancing the interests of individuals with the public good.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Multimedia Introduction to the Epic Hero: Homer's Odyssey:

In this introduction to Homer's The Odyssey, students will work with peers and technology to determine the elements of an epic hero and the hero archetype. They will analyze how the definition of the hero has changed over time and present their findings through the use of multimedia presentations. In the end, students will be prepared to apply this knowledge to Homer's epic poem.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Critical View on the Impacts Of New Technology:

Using the case study, "Pressures of Adapting to Changing Technologies," students will debate two sides of an argument: one for updating existing technology and one for renovating current facilities. Students will determine their decision based on factors such as cost, environmental impact, and labor force.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier- An Intro to Analysis & Argumentation Part III of III:

This is lesson three in a three part series that covers Ismael Beah's memoir, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Students will have read chapters 15-21 before this lesson. In this lesson, students will use all evidence gleaned from their reading of the memoir, the graphic organizer and student handout information from the first two lessons, and conduct additional research to create a multimedia presentation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Case Study Lesson Professional Communication At Work:

Using the case study, “Tough Talk at Work”, students will learn how to have a tough talk at work, while addressing concerns and improving morale, relationships, and employee performance. Students will brainstorm how to have tough talks at work and then will have an opportunity to role play.

Type: Lesson Plan

Creating Tables:

Using the case study, "Efficient Web Design," students will discuss which elements, such as tables and lists, are best to create effective web pages. Students will explore the benefits and shortcomings of using tables when displaying a data set on a webpage.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ethics in the Workplace:

Using the outcome of case study, Employers Supporting Employees, students will engage in small group discussion about work ethics and evaluate the actions of the employees in this integrated lesson.

Type: Lesson Plan

How to Address a Data Breach:

Students will read the case study, “Digital Literacy in the Workplace,” and locate sample online employee handbooks from technology companies to determine a possible solution for the case study. In small groups, students will discuss the importance of employee handbooks and training, and they will deliver a presentation on their solutions to the class in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Introduction to Interview Skills for Filling a Job Vacancy:

Using the case study, “Filling a Job Vacancy,” students will discuss the importance of interviewing as a key step of the hiring process. Then, students will practice asking and answering generic interview questions.

Type: Lesson Plan

Lack of Safety Demonstration:

Using the case study, "Danger Zone," students will explore the meaning and importance of workplace safety. Students will be split into groups to research a safety requirement from Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards which may apply to the workplace. Groups will then give a demonstration where students are intentionally violating the requirements. Each group will write a mock violation, citing what the group did wrong and which requirement was violated.

Type: Lesson Plan

Marketing Mix: Product Development:

Using the case study, "Colossal Cookie Product Quest," students will identify the product features that will meet the target market customers’ needs and wants. The students will then use identified features to develop a scalable and marketable product mix for the business featured in the case study.

Type: Lesson Plan

Mock Interview for Filling a Job Vacancy:

Using the case study, Filling a Job Vacancy, students will review interview strategies and participate in a mock interview.

Type: Lesson Plan

Professionalism in the Workplace: A Training Guide:

Using the case study, "Training Day: The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace," students will create a PPT to be used as a training guide for employees on how to be professional in the workplace.

Type: Lesson Plan

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance:

Students will read a case study and debate how successful they feel the news crew will be with their news package. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Providing Quality Customer Service:

Students will use their knowledge of workplace essentials and skills to consider and evaluate potential solutions to the customer service scenario presented in a case study.  They will take a position on which solution is best and justify their choice with reasoning.

Type: Lesson Plan

Senior Prom:

Students will collaborate with a group to analyze USDA dietary restrictions and the case study, “Today’s Special: Dietary Restrictions.” Groups will use this information to create and present a catering menu.

Type: Lesson Plan

Sharing Meal Planning and Budgeting Strategies With Families:

Using the case study, “Dining Out Dilemma: How to Meal Plan and Budget for Busy Families,” students will create a presentation that outlines meal planning, budgeting and comparative shopping strategies and tools, that families can use to save money.

Type: Lesson Plan

Should the Business Expand?:

Using the case study, "Should the business expand?," students will prepare a balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement using the indirect method with current information and forecast information to decide whether it’s appropriate to move forward with the business expansion.

Type: Lesson Plan

To Sue or Not to Sue?:

Using the case study, “Inspiration vs Copyright Infringement,” students will use the case study to create arguments to affirm and negate both sides of an argument presented in the case. The students will use their notes, research, and personal knowledge to build their cases. At the end of the class, students will write a summary explaining the case using evidence and research.

Type: Lesson Plan

Using Elements in Web Design:

Using the case study, “Efficient Web Design,” students will consider which elements are best to create effective web pages. Students will explore the benefits and shortcomings of using tables versus of lists, frames, and box models on a web page based on a client’s need.

Type: Lesson Plan

We Were Just Talking Lesson Plan:

Using the case study, "We Were Just Talking," students will identify, demonstrate, analyze, and describe effective work communication for all stakeholders, including staff and customers.

Type: Lesson Plan

Teaching Ideas

High School Debate: Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists:

Students will participate in a debate using the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. This could be a verbal, silent, or alley debate. One group will represent the Federalists and be given information relating to their arguments. The other group will act as the Anti-Federalists and be given information relating to their arguments. Provide students time to prepare their arguments either individually or as a team, then commence the debate.

Type: Teaching Idea

Source Analysis: Presidential Views on U.S. Involvement in Vietnam:

In this activity intended for the debate classroom, students will access the Library of Congress and National Archives’ online resource portals to research and gather the unique perspectives of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford on America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Students will then present orally the comparative and contrasting political and philosophical viewpoints.

Type: Teaching Idea

Lincoln-Douglas Cross Examination – Argue Like Your Life Depends on It!:

This is an activity that can be used as often as needed to review/reinforce how to use cross examination in debate. For the purposes of this lesson, we will stick with LD debate, but many of the tactics can be used in other formats like public forum. Also, this lesson focuses on the topic as if it is being introduced for the first time, so it should be modified for later uses.

Type: Teaching Idea

The Great Mini Debate: American Ideas (High School):

Students will debate which foundational ideas found in American documents are most important in the Great Mini Debate. Students will use evidence from the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble and the Bill of Rights to support their arguments. The Great Mini Debate Cheat Sheet will prompt beginning debaters as to what should go in each speech of the debate.

Type: Teaching Idea

An Introduction to Lincoln-Douglas Debate & the Public Good:

This slideshow and accompanying notes introduce what Lincoln-Douglas debate is (a values/morals debate) and how it is conducted. Students will learn everything from timeframes to how “flow” works.

Type: Teaching Idea

Balancing Interests of Individuals with Public Good: Debating Environmental Issues:

This teaching resource will provide teachers the tools to discuss the potential impacts of government environmental regulations on individuals, industry, and society.

Type: Teaching Idea


Portraits in Patriotism - Mel Martinez: Middle and High School:

Former U.S Senator and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martínez shares his journey to freedom in the United States. Mr. Martínez was part of Operation Pedro Pan in which unaccompanied Cuban children were sent to the United States to escape the newly formed communist regime of Fidel Castro. Before leaving Cuba, he spent time with his father who shared life lessons with his son. Mr. Martínez distinctly remembers the pilot announcing that they were in America. After moving around the state of Florida in settlement camps, Mr. Martínez was placed in foster care. After four years he and his family were reunited. Mr. Martínez helped his father become a veterinarian in the U.S and as a family they were highly active in the community. His family’s spirit of activism was the foundation of Mr. Martínez’s career as a public servant. He graduated from Florida State University Law School in 1973 and began his political career. He was appointed the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 2001 and became a United States Senator in 2005.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.