Lesson Plan Template:
CTE Lesson Plan
CTE Course Info and Benchmark Notes
Course Name: Digital Information Technology
Course Number: 8207310
Course Type: Career Preparatory
CIP Number: 0511010302
10.01 Demonstrate awareness of the following workplace essentials: quality customer service; business ethics; confidentiality of information; copyright violations; accepted workplace rules, regulations, policies, procedures, processes, and workplace safety, and appropriate attire and grooming
14.01 Read and comprehend technical and non-technical reading assignments related to course content (e.g., manuals, books, magazines, electronic sources).
Unit Outline
This lesson is designed to be used with the case study, “Digital Literacy in the Workplace.” See CPALMS resource ID #207875.
Career Connection
Students will discuss employee policies in the workplace and evaluate how employees are trained to provide solutions. By examining a real-world scenario, they will be able to identify how to protect digital content and how to manage understaffed situations in the workplace.
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate awareness of proper workplace policies related to digital literacy.
- Read information from sample employee handbooks to determine a possible solution to the case study.
- Use oral communication to present their solutions to the case study based on their reading of employee handbooks.
Prior Knowledge
Students should be familiar with
- The phrase, digital literacy
- How to communicate effectively
- Determining an outcome for a real-world scenario.
Guiding Questions
- Why is digital literacy important for employees?
- How should employers handle violation of workplace policies?
- What should businesses include in employee training regarding workplace responsibilities involving digital literacy?
1. To introduce the lesson, ask students what they associate with the phrase, digital literacy.
- Record student responses on the board or using available technology.
- Be sure to provide direct instruction on unfamiliar key terms (see Teacher Notes), such as sales representative, confidentiality, data breach, training manager, human resources, with students prior to reading the case study.
2. Give students a copy of the case study, “Digital Literacy in the Workplace,” (See CPALMS Resource ID #207875).
- Instruct students to take notes, highlight content vocabulary, or underline important details.
3. Pose the following questions after the case study is read to check for student understanding.
- Why is new employee training important?
- What is the issue presented in the case study?
- When is it acceptable to share log in and password information?
- Who is responsible for the breach- Lauren or Neal? Explain your choice.
4. Share with students that an employee handbook gives employees information about different company rules and policies such as attendance, confidential information, dress code, etc.
- Have students conduct a quick online search of sample employee handbooks for technology companies that handle sensitive client data (see Teacher Notes).
- Ask them to locate 2 employee handbooks and take notes on topics such as workplace policies related to confidential information, equipment/cell phone use, and employee resignation/termination (see employee handbook student notes attachment). A blank space has been left for a topic of students’ choice.
5. Group students in small groups of 3-4 depending on class size (see Teacher Notes).
- Using chart paper (see sample chart paper attachment) and markers, students are to write at least 2 possible actions or solutions Neal and/or Lauren can take in the case study and present to the class.
- Students will need to specify any possible consequences for violating policies.
6. Groups will give a 5-minute presentation on their decisions of how they would handle the situation and their response to the question, How do employee handbooks and training help to prevent and resolve workplace issues such as data breaches?.
7. To bring the lesson to a close, ask students to discuss the guiding questions in small groups:
- Why is digital literacy important for employees?
- How should employers handle violation of workplace policies?
- What should businesses include in employee training regarding workplace responsibilities involving digital literacy?
- Groups can turn in their notes and chart paper from their presentation.
Teacher Notes
- Prior to the lesson, the teacher can select samples of employee handbooks from technology companies for students to use in this lesson.
- Student groups can be pre-selected or randomly assigned.
- The teacher may select different key terms to review prior to the case study.
Summative Assessment Ideas:
- Students’ oral presentations can be used to determine how students applied the information of digital literacy and employee handbooks to a solution for the case study.
Extension Ideas:
- Students can develop an employee handbook for Panhandle Medical Supplies.
- Have students write a one-page rationale explaining how they would handle the situation and reason why they chose their particular solution.