Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
While the content focus of this course is consistent with the Integrated Science 1 course, students will explore these concepts in greater depth. In general, the academic pace and rigor will be greatly increased for honors level course work. Laboratory investigations that include the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, problem solving, laboratory apparatus and technologies, experimental procedures, and safety procedures are an integral part of this course. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) recommends that at the high school level, all students should be in the science lab or field, collecting data every week. School laboratory investigations (labs) are defined by the National Research Council (NRC) as an experience in the laboratory, classroom, or the field that provides students with opportunities to interact directly with natural phenomena or with data collected by others using tools, materials, data collection techniques, and models (NRC, 2006, p. 3). Laboratory investigations in the high school classroom should help all students develop a growing understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work, as well as the skills to calibrate and troubleshoot equipment used to make observations. Learners should understand measurement error; and have the skills to aggregate, interpret, and present the resulting data (National Research Council, 2006, p.77; NSTA, 2007).
Special Notes:
Instructional Practices
Teaching from a range of complex text is optimized when teachers in all subject areas implement the following strategies on a routine basis:
- Ensuring wide reading from complex text that varies in length.
- Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
- Emphasizing text-specific complex questions, and cognitively complex tasks, reinforce focus on the text and cultivate independence.
- Emphasizing students supporting answers based upon evidence from the text.
- Providing extensive research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
Science and Engineering Practices (NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2010)
- Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering).
- Developing and using models.
- Planning and carrying out investigations.
- Analyzing and interpreting data.
- Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking.
- Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).
- Engaging in argument from evidence.
- Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Honors and Advanced Level Course Note: Advanced courses require a greater demand on students through increased academic rigor. Academic rigor is obtained through the application, analysis, evaluation, and creation of complex ideas that are often abstract and multi-faceted. Students are challenged to think and collaborate critically on the content they are learning. Honors level rigor will be achieved by increasing text complexity through text selection, focus on high-level qualitative measures, and complexity of task. Instruction will be structured to give students a deeper understanding of conceptual themes and organization within and across disciplines. Academic rigor is more than simply assigning to students a greater quantity of work.
Literacy Standards in Science
Secondary science courses include reading standards for literacy in science and technical subjects 6-12 and writing standards for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects 6-12. The courses also include speaking and listening standards. For a complete list of standards required for this course click on the blue tile labeled course standards. You may also download the complete course including all required standards and notes sections using the export function located at the top of this page.
English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate information, ideas and concepts for academic success in the content area of Science. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL's need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
Additional Instructional Resources:
A.V.E. for Success Collection is provided by the Florida Association of School Administrators: Please be aware that these resources have not been reviewed by CPALMS and there may be a charge for the use of some of them in this collection.
General Information
- Honors
- Class Size Core Required
Educator Certifications
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorials
Join us in learning how to graph linear functions by using the equation in slope-intercept form in this interactive tutorial. This is part 2 of a series of tutorials on graphing linear functions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to graph linear functions by creating a table of values based on the equation in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of a series of tutorials on linear functions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to identify the properties of our dynamic and powerful Sun and explain how they create conditions and events on Earth with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about different formats of quadratic equations and their graphs with experiments involving launching and shooting of balls in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of a two-part series: Click HERE to open part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Join us as we watch ball games and explore how the height of a ball bounce over time is represented by quadratic functions, which provides opportunities to interpret key features of the function in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of a two-part series: Click HERE to open part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore, identify, and describe chemical and physical changes in matter with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore and define matter, properties of matter, and the difference between physical and chemical properties in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the history and development of the atomic model and characteristics of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about seismic waves and how they interact with and impact Earth's layers in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of a two-part series. Click HERE to view part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to identify Earth's internal layers and their physical and chemical characteristics with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 2 [COMING SOON].
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Discover how Isaac Newton's background, talents, interests, and goals influenced his groundbreaking work in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 4 in a 4-part series. Click below to explore the other tutorials in the series.
- Part 1: Discovering Newton's First Law of Motion: On the Soccer Pitch
- Part 2: Discovering Newton’s Second Law of Motion: On the Softball Diamond
- Part 3: Discovering Newton’s Third Law of Motion: On the Basketball Court
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about Newton's third law of motion on the basketball court in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 3 in a 4-part series. Click below to explore the other tutorials in the series.
- Part 1: Discovering Newton's First Law of Motion: On the Soccer Pitch
- Part 2: Discovering Newton’s Second Law of Motion: On the Softball Diamond
- Part 4: Newton’s Insight: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about Newton's second law of motion on the softball diamond with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a 4-part series. Click below to explore the other tutorials in the series.
- Part 1: Discovering Newton’s First Law of Motion: On the Soccer Pitch
- Part 3: Discovering Newton’s Third Law of Motion: On the Basketball Court
- Part 4: Newton’s Insight: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the connections and interactions between spheres, including the lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere, on our ever-changing Earth in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Take to the soccer pitch to learn about Newton's first law of motion in this interactive tutorial.
This part 1 in a 4-part series. Click below to explore the other tutorials in the series.
Part 2: Discovering Newton’s Second Law of Motion: On the Softball Diamond (Coming soon)
Part 3: Discovering Newton’s Third Law of Motion: On the Basketball Court (Coming soon)
Part 4: Newton’s Insight: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (Coming soon)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Jake along as he relates box plots with other plots and identifies possible outliers in real-world data from surveys of moviegoers' ages in part 2 in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow Jake as he displays real-world data by creating box plots showing the 5 number summary and compares the spread of the data from surveys of the ages of moviegoers in part 1 of this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of 2-part series, click HERE to view part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about exponential decay as you calculate the value of used cars by examining equations, graphs, and tables in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Discover why some reactions leave you feeling warmer while others leave you feeling cooler in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a two-part series. Click to open Part 2 on endothermic and exothermic phase changes.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to interpret key features of linear functions and translate between representations of linear functions through exploring jobs for teenagers in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the differences between endothermic and exothermic phase changes in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a two-part series. Click to open Part 1 on endothermic and exothermic reactions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about exponential growth in the context of interest earned as money is put in a savings account by examining equations, graphs, and tables in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about exponential functions and how they are different from linear functions by examining real world situations, their graphs and their tables in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the impacts on sea turtles, humans, and the economy when we live, work, and play at the beach with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how scientists measure viral spread and use this information to make recommendations for the public in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify different sources of scientific claims and to evaluate their reliability in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to test scientific claims and judge competing hypotheses by understanding how they can be tested against one another in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore how heat changes the temperature or the state of matter of a material in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the three types of heat transfer that occur in our world as you complete this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about asexual and sexual reproduction of fungi in this interactive tutorial. This is Part 2 of 3 in this series on the Structure and Function of Fungi.
Click to open Part 1, Basic Characteristics and Structures
Click HERE to open Part 3, Nutrition and Mutualistic Relationships
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow the life of a cell in the tightly controlled process called the cell cycle! In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how a single cell gives rise to two identical daughter cells during the cell cycle and mitosis.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the steps of mitosis and cell division in this interactive tutorial, and see how they result in the separation of a cell's genetic material and division of its contents into two identical daughter cells.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Practice writing different aspects of an expository essay about scientists using drones to research glaciers in Peru. This interactive tutorial is part four of a four-part series. In this final tutorial, you will learn about the elements of a body paragraph. You will also create a body paragraph with supporting evidence. Finally, you will learn about the elements of a conclusion and practice creating a “gift.”
This tutorial is part four of a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 1)
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 2)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 3)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 4)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to write an introduction for an expository essay in this interactive tutorial. This tutorial is the third part of a four-part series. In previous tutorials in this series, students analyzed an informational text and video about scientists using drones to explore glaciers in Peru. Students also determined the central idea and important details of the text and wrote an effective summary. In part three, you'll learn how to write an introduction for an expository essay about the scientists' research.
This tutorial is part three of a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 1)
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 2)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 3)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 4)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the basic characteristics and structures of fungi in Part 1 of 3 in this series on the Structure and Function of Fungi.
Click to open Part 2, Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Click HERE to open Part 3, Nutrition and Mutualistic Relationships
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the nutrition and mutualistic relationships of fungi in this interactive tutorial. This is Part 3 of 3 in this series on the Structure and Function of Fungi.
Click to open Part 1, Basic Characteristics and Structures
Click HERE to open Part 2, Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify the central idea and important details of a text, as well as how to write an effective summary in this interactive tutorial. This tutorial is the second tutorial in a four-part series that examines how scientists are using drones to explore glaciers in Peru.
This tutorial is part two of a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 1)
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 2)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 3)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 4)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about how researchers are using drones, also called unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs, to study glaciers in Peru. In this interactive tutorial, you will practice citing text evidence when answering questions about a text.
This tutorial is part one of a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 1)
- Drones and Glaciers: Eyes in the Sky (Part 2)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 3)
- Expository Writing: Eyes in the Sky (Part 4)
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how living organisms can be organized into food webs and how energy is transferred through a food web from producers to consumers to decomposers. This interactive tutorial also includes interactive knowledge checks.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the basic molecular structures and primary functions of carbohydrates with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 in a five-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in the series.
- The Macromolecules of Life: Lipids
- The Macromolecules of Life: Proteins
- The Macromolecules of Life: Nucleic Acids
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore consequences and challenges of reproductive strategies of sea anemones.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore species interdependence focusing on roles played by periphyton in the Everglades ecosystem with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how you can use a microscope as a tool to measure objects in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
See how data are interpreted to better understand the reproductive strategies taken by sea anemones with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Examine field sampling strategies used to gather data and avoid bias in ecology research. This interactive tutorial features the CPALMS Perspectives video .
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn strategies to help you solve genetics problems by applying your knowledge of inheritance patterns. You’ll encounter a few “mystery cases” that you’ll solve through your genetics analysis in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the basic molecular structures and primary functions of lipids with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 3 in a five-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in the series.
- The Macromolecules of Life: Carbohydrates
- The Macromolecules of Life: Proteins
- The Macromolecules of Life: Nucleic Acids
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the mystery of muscle cell metabolism and how cells are able to meet the need for a constant supply of energy. In this interactive tutorial, you'll identify the basic structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), explain how ATP’s structure is related it its job in the cell, and connect this role to energy transfers in living things.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to define, calculate, and interpret marginal frequencies, joint frequencies, and conditional frequencies in the context of the data with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in the basic principles of the cell theory. The cell theory states that all organisms are made of cells. These cells are the smallest and basic unit of life. And finally, cells can only come from other cells.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to better conduct research in this interactive tutorial. You'll learn to distinguish relevant from irrelevant sources when conducting research on a specific topic. In addition, you'll practice identifying authoritative sources and selecting the appropriate keywords to find quality sources for your topic.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis in this interactive tutorial. You'll also relate them to the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the basic molecular structures and primary functions of proteins with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 4 in a five-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in the series.
- The Macromolecules of Life: Carbohydrates
- The Macromolecules of Life: Lipids
- The Macromolecules of Life: Nucleic Acids
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text.
You should be able to explain how different types of scientific evidence support the theory of evolution, including direct observation, fossils, DNA, biogeography, and comparative anatomy and embryology.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to trace matter and energy through living and non-living systems and understand that matter and energy are transferred on a global scale.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify and describe the leading scientific explanations of the origin of life on Earth.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn what scientific laws and scientific theories are and how they are different from what we commonly call laws and theories outside of science with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore how environmental changes at different time scales affect living organisms within ecosystems in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore how organisms gain usable energy and compare the two types of cellular respiration; aerobic and anaerobic. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also learn about reactants and products of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Follow as we discover key features of a quadratic equation written in vertex form in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the function of the cell membrane as a selective barrier that moves material into and out of the cell to maintain homeostasis with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to identify and describe the structural and functional features of nucleic acids, one of the 4 primary macromolecule groups in biological systems, with this interactive tutorial.
This is Part 3 in 5-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series:
- Macromolecules: Carbohydrates
- Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids
- Macromolecules: Lipids
- Macromolecules: Proteins
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to describe Meiosis, the process by which sex cells--the sperm and the egg--are created in living things. In this interactive tutorial, you will also discover how sexual reproduction results in genetically diverse offspring.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text and demonstrate how and why scientific inferences are drawn from scientific observation and be able to identify examples in biology.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the relationship between mutations, the cell cycle, and uncontrolled cell growth which may result in cancer with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how living organisms are classified according to their characteristics, which reflects their evolutionary history and relationships, as you complete this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to determine differences and similarities of the structure and function of compound light microscopes, dissecting microscopes, scanning electron microscopes and transmitting electron microscopes.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to explain how a phylogenetic tree, or cladogram, is used to classify living organisms based on inherited similarities, and how it relates to other methods of hierarchical classification.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to define what science is and what it is not. In this interactive tutorial, you will identify why certain ways of exploring the universe can and cannot be considered scientific practices.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to identify the four basic biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) by structure and function with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 in a five-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in the series.
- The Macromolecules of Life: Lipids
- The Macromolecules of Life: Proteins
- The Macromolecules of Life: Nucleic Acids
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how the chemical properties of water relate to its physical properties and make it essential for life with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to explain differences in genetic and non-genetic classification methods. You should also know why genetic evidence is very powerful for understanding evolutionary relationships among organisms.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify and describe the role of all of the major molecules needed for photosynthesis. You'll also be able to explain the role that photosynthesis plays in capturing carbon from the atmosphere to produce sugars.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the characteristics of domains and kingdoms used to classify living organisms with this interactive tutorial. You also will learn more about the reasons behind how and why this classification is done.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to distinguish between questions that can be answered by science and questions that science cannot answer. This interactive tutorial will help you distinguish between science and other ways of knowing, including art, religion, and philosophy.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the structure, function, and evolutionary origins of plant tissues and organs with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how the distribution of aquatic life forms is affected by light, temperature, and salinity with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn more about photosynthesis and cellular respiration. In this interactive tutorial, you will gain awareness of the connections between these two very important processes with regard to energy and carbon.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore green chemistry and what it means to be benign by design in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Educational Game
Students attempt to save towns from damage prior to the arrival of several different natural disasters. Students will learn the importance of early prevention and actions to protect others, themselves and their property when faced with a natural disaster. Certain disasters are more appropriate for particular grade levels. Each scenario takes between 20 and 45 minutes to play, depending on the disaster for which your students are trying to prepare. There are five scenarios available, hurricane, tsunami, flood, earthquake, and wildfire. Each scenario can be played on easy, medium or hard difficulty levels. As with life, there are no "perfect solutions" to each scenario and no "perfect score", so students can play multiple times and the scenarios will still be slightly different.These simulation are part of a larger website that provides multiple links for natural disasters.
Type: Educational Game
Educational Software / Tool
This Excel spreadsheet allows the educator to input data into a two way frequency table and have the resulting relative frequency charts calculated automatically on the second sheet. This resource will assist the educator in checking student calculations on student-generated data quickly and easily.
Steps to add data: All data is input on the first spreadsheet; all tables are calculated on the second spreadsheet
- Modify column and row headings to match your data.
- Input joint frequency data.
- Click the second tab at the bottom of the window to see the automatic calculations.
Type: Educational Software / Tool
This flyer describes how NASA partners with small businesses for research and development to further space exploration. It directly discusses the impact of research on the economy and provides specific examples of innovations that resulted from partnerships with small businesses.
Type: Image/Photograph
Lesson Plans
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the concept of sea level rise as it occurs through climate change by having them examine 3 specific parameters: ice distribution, thermal expansion, and analyzing and interpreting data. The lesson and activities within the lesson were designed using the three dimensions of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards – specifically crosscutting concepts, science and engineering practices, and disciplinary core ideas. While there isn’t any required pre-requisite learning required for this lesson, a general understanding of sea-level rise, glaciers, and climate may be beneficial to students. During classroom breaks, pairs of students will develop/discuss their models, revise their interpretations of their models or data, and think-pair-share their thoughts on the investigation segments.
Type: Lesson Plan
This lesson's primary focus is to introduce high school students to the concept of Elasticity, which is one of the fundamental concepts in the understanding of the physics of deformation in solids. The main learning objectives are: (1) To understand the essential concept of Elasticity and be able to distinguish simple solids objects based on degree and extent of their elastic properties; (2) To appreciate the utility of the elastic force vs. deformation curve through experiments; (3) To be aware of potential sources of error present in such experiments and identify corrective measures; and (4) To appreciate the relevance of Elasticity in practical applications.
Type: Lesson Plan
This BLOSSOMS lesson discusses Carbon Dioxide, and its impact on climate change. The main learning objective is for students to become more familiar with human production of Carbon Dioxide gas, as well as to gain an awareness of the potential for this gas to effect the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. This lesson should take about an hour to complete. In order to complete the lesson, the teacher will need: printed copies of signs representing the different products and processes that take place in the carbon cycle (included), samples of matter that represent those products, handouts for the students to create a graphic of the carbon cycle (included) and graph paper or graphing software for students to create graphs. In the breaks of this BLOSSOMS lesson, students will be creating models of the carbon cycle as well as observing experiments and analyzing data from them. It is hoped that this lesson will familiarize students with ways in which carbon moves through our environment and provide them with some personal connection to the impact that an increased concentration of CO2 can have on air temperature. The goal is to spark their interest and hopefully to encourage them to ask and investigate more questions about the climate.
Type: Lesson Plan
In this lesson students will see the different types of evidence scientists use to understand evolutionary relationships among organisms. They will first practice by using shared physical characteristics to predict relationships among members of the cat family and then use this approach to predict primate relationships. They will compare their predictions to evidence provided by analyzing amino acid sequences and build a phylogenetic tree based on these sequences. Finally, they will look at the tree in the context of time in order to see divergence times.
Type: Lesson Plan
This lesson focuses on two elements: understanding Newton’s laws of motion, and how to use Newton’s laws to create force diagrams. This lesson also demonstrates how to incorporate requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into a physics lesson. It uses a discrepant event (phenomenon) to model forces at work on an object resulting in motion.
Type: Lesson Plan
Perspectives Video: Experts
<p>Jump to it and learn more about how quadratic equations are used in robot navigation problem solving!</p>
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
The tide is high! How can we statistically prove there is a relationship between the tides on the Gulf Coast and in a fresh water spring 20 miles from each other?
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Statistical analysis played an essential role in using microgravity sensors to determine location of caves in Wakulla County.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Don't get twisted in a knot about proteins; learn about their structure!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Do you know everything about protons? Are you positive?
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Learn more about the atomic model and antimatter!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Learn all the information about coral and corral that knowledge!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Don't overreact when this chemist describes physical and chemical changes that you can observe in your own kitchen!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Too many ideas about ocean currents swirling around in your head? Get into the flow of things with this video.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
This plant geneticist wants to propagate knowledge about different kinds of plant propagation.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Your understanding of agriscience will bloom and grow as this plant geneticist describes how they use mitosis and meiosis when developing new grape varieties.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
This biologist will brighten your day with a discussion on colorful (or not) ways that marine organisms have adapted to ocean lighting.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Humans aren't the only ones who get their fingerprints taken. Learn how this scientist is like a crime scene investigator using oil "fingerprints" to explain the orgins of spilled oil.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
An oil scientist explains how crude oil is formed and how it behaves in the environment.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
A NASA botanist explains how studying photosynthesis now can help feed astronauts in the future.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Sink into science as a biologist floats a few thoughts about physiological adaptations marine animals use to stay at the right depth.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Dissolved oxygen is important to all life in and out of the water! Learn more in this video!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Expert
Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiasts
We'll be looking at the role of pitch, number of blades and material for outboard motor props as it relates to the propulsion of a boat
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Jeff Dutrow discusses how the interactions of spheres impacts fish behaviors including tides, currents, and seasons.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
<p>Get fired up as you learn more about ceramic glaze recipes and mathematical units.</p>
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Learn how the shape of a didgeridoo affects its sound in this totally tubular video.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
One way to figure out what something is made of is to see what kinds of wavelengths of electromagnetic energy it can absorb.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Want to watch a video on audio engineering and frequency? Sounds good to me.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
A welder wields a plasma torch to cut solid metal like a hot knife through butter. It's one-stop shopping to see all four states of matter.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Dive deep into science as an oceanographer describes conduction, convection, and radiation and their relationship to oceanic systems.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
<p>Forge a new understanding of metallurgy and heat transfer by learning how this blacksmith and collier make nails.</p>
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
It's okay if you're not on quite the same wavelength as this ethnomusicologist. In Balinese gamelan tuning, that's a good thing!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
When you watch this video, your knowledge related to flight and physics will really take off!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
If physics has you down, don't fret - this musician covers all the bases.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Physical science and social science connect in this discussion of Balinese gamelan. Full STEAM ahead!
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Learn more about how splitting light beams helps researchers detect hydrogen fires for the space program.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
Landfills have a come a long way! Explore modern techniques for managing our environmental impact through responsible waste disposal.
Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.
Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast
This presentation, a narrated PowerPoint, provides detailed information regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It is provided by a teacher for his students, but is well-done and engaging enough to be useful for other students.
Type: Presentation/Slideshow
It is often difficult, sometimes impossible, to get a definitive answer to some of life's most enduring questions. Scientific processes provide alternative explanations for a wide variety of phenomena by piecing together all the available information. This interactive activity on the Evolution website explores four possible hypotheses to explain what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, inviting the viewer to consider the evidence and come to their own decision.
Type: Presentation/Slideshow
Problem-Solving Tasks
The purpose of this task is to allow students to demonstrate an ability to construct boxplots and to use boxplots as the basis for comparing distributions.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task asks students to make deductions about the kind of music students enjoy by examining data in a two-way table.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task challenges students to answer probability questions about SAT scores, using distribution and mean to solve the problem.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem could be used as an introductory lesson to introduce group comparisons and to engage students in a question they may find amusing and interesting.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task asks students to examine the relationship between shops and crimes by using a correlation coefficient. The implications of linking correlation with causation are discussed.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to have students complete normal distribution calculations and to use properties of normal distributions to draw conclusions.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task requires students to use the normal distribution as a model for a data distribution. Students must use given means and standard deviations to approximate population percentages.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The task provides a context to calculate discrete probabilities and represent them on a bar graph.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task asks students to explain which measurements are needed to estimate the thickness of a soda can. Multiple solution processes are presented.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task challenges students to find the surface area of a soda can, calculate how many cubic centimeters of aluminum it contains, and estimate how thick it is.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is a mathematical modeling task aimed at making a reasonable estimate for something which is too large to count accurately, the number of leaves on a tree.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is a mathematical modeling task aimed at making a reasonable estimate for something which is too large to count accurately, the number of leaves on a tree.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task challenges students to apply the concepts of mass, volume, and density in the real-world context to find how many cells are in the human body.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task gives an interesting context for implementing ideas from geometry and trigonometry.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem solving task uses the tale of Archimedes and the King of Syracuse's crown to determine the volume and mass of gold and silver.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task, students use trigonometric functions to model the movement of a point around a wheel and, through space. Students also interpret features of graphs in terms of the given real-world context.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem-solving task challenges students to find all quadratic functions described by given equation and coordinates, and describe how the graphs of those functions are related to one another.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task is meant to be a straight-forward assessment task of graph reading and interpreting skills. This task helps reinforce the idea that when a variable represents time, t = 0 is chosen as an arbitrary point in time and positive times are interpreted as times that happen after that.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task could be used for assessment or for practice. It allows students to compare characteristics of two quadratic functions that are each represented differently, one as the graph of a quadratic function and one written out algebraically. Specifically, students are asked to determine which function has the greatest maximum and the greatest non-negative root.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task asks students to find the average, write an equation, find the domain, and create a graph of the cost of producing DVDs.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The principal purpose of the task is to explore a real-world application problem with algebra, working with units and maintaining reasonable levels of accuracy throughout. Students are asked to determine which product will be the most economical to meet the requirements given in the problem.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
In this task students are given graphs of quantities related to weather. The purpose of the task is to show that graphs are more than a collection of coordinate points; they can tell a story about the variables that are involved, and together they can paint a very complete picture of a situation, in this case the weather. Features in one graph, like maximum and minimum points, correspond to features in another graph. For example, on a rainy day, the solar radiation is very low, and the cumulative rainfall graph is increasing with a large slope.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem introduces a logistic growth model in the concrete settings of estimating the population of the U.S. The model gives a surprisingly accurate estimate and this should be contrasted with linear and exponential models.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task is for instructional purposes only and students should already be familiar with some specific examples of logistic growth functions. The goal of this task is to have students appreciate how different constants influence the shape of a graph.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task can be used as a quick assessment to see if students can make sense of a graph in the context of a real world situation. Students also have to pay attention to the scale on the vertical axis to find the correct match. The first and third graphs look very similar at first glance, but the function values are very different since the scales on the vertical axes are very different. The task could also be used to generate a group discussion on interpreting functions given by graphs.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to illustrate through an absurd example the fact that in real life quantities are reported to a certain level of accuracy, and it does not make sense to treat them as having greater accuracy.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task operates at two levels. In part it is a simple exploration of the relationship between speed, distance, and time. Part (c) requires understanding of the idea of average speed, and gives an opportunity to address the common confusion between average speed and the average of the speeds for the two segments of the trip.
At a higher level, the task addresses MAFS.912.N-Q.1.3, since realistically neither the car nor the bus is going to travel at exactly the same speed from beginning to end of each segment; there is time traveling through traffic in cities, and even on the autobahn the speed is not constant. Thus students must make judgments about the level of accuracy with which to report the result.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task examines, from a mathematical and statistical point of view, how scientists measure the age of organic materials by measuring the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12. The focus here is on the statistical nature of such dating.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task examines, from a mathematical and statistical point of view, how scientists measure the age of organic materials by measuring the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12. The focus here is on the statistical nature of such dating.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The problem requires students to not only convert miles to kilometers and gallons to liters but they also have to deal with the added complication of finding the reciprocal at some point.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task asks students to calculate the cost of materials to make a penny, utilizing rates of grams of copper.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students are asked to use units to determine if the given statement is valid.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This is a challenging task, suitable for extended work, and reaching into a deep understanding of units. Students are given a scenario and asked to determine the number of people required to complete the amount of work in the time described. The task requires students to exhibit , Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. An algebraic solution is possible but complicated; a numerical solution is both simpler and more sophisticated, requiring skilled use of units and quantitative reasoning. Thus the task aligns with either MAFS.912.A-CED.1.1 or MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1, depending on the approach.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students explore and manipulate expressions based on the following statement:
A function f defined for -a < x="">< a="" is="" even="" if="" f(-x)="f(x)" and="" is="" odd="" if="" f(-x)="-f(x)" when="" -a="">< x="">< a.="" in="" this="" task="" we="" assume="" f="" is="" defined="" on="" such="" an="" interval,="" which="" might="" be="" the="" full="" real="" line="" (i.e.,="" a="">
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Students compare graphs of different quadratic functions, then produce equations of their own to satisfy given conditions.
This exploration can be done in class near the beginning of a unit on graphing parabolas. Students need to be familiar with intercepts, and need to know what the vertex is. It is effective after students have graphed parabolas in vertex form (y=a(x–h)2+k), but have not yet explored graphing other forms.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This resource poses the question, "how many vehicles might be involved in a traffic jam 12 miles long?"
This task, while involving relatively simple arithmetic, promps students to practice modeling (MP4), work with units and conversion (N-Q.1), and develop a new unit (N-Q.2). Students will also consider the appropriate level of accuracy to use in their conclusions (N-Q.3).
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The task is a modeling problem which ties in to financial decisions faced routinely by businesses, namely the balance between maintaining inventory and raising short-term capital for investment or re-investment in developing the business.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task provides students the opportunity to make use of units to find the gas needed (). It also requires them to make some sensible approximations (e.g., 2.92 gallons is not a good answer to part (a)) and to recognize that Felicia's situation requires her to round up. Various answers to (a) are possible, depending on how much students think is a safe amount for Felicia to have left in the tank when she arrives at the gas station. The key point is for them to explain their choices. This task provides an opportunity for students to practice MAFS.K12.MP.2.1: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, and MAFS.K12.MP.3.1: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This task requires students to recognize the graphs of different (positive) powers of x.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The primary purpose of this task is to lead students to a numerical and graphical understanding of the behavior of a rational function near a vertical asymptote, in terms of the expression defining the function.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
The purpose of this task is to give students practice constructing functions that represent a quantity of interest in a context, and then interpreting features of the function in the light of the context. It can be used as either an assessment or a teaching task.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
This problem involves the meaning of numbers found on labels. When the level of accuracy is not given we need to make assumptions based on how the information is reported. An unexpected surprise awaits in this case, however, as no reasonable interpretation of the level of accuracy makes sense of the information reported on the bottles in parts (b) and (c). Either a miscalculation has been made or the numbers have been rounded in a very odd way.
Type: Problem-Solving Task
Student Center Activity
In this problem set, multiple choice problems are displayed one at a time. If students answer correctly, they are shown a short explanation. If their answer is incorrect, a tutorial will follow, and the students will be given another chance to answer.
Type: Student Center Activity
Text Resources
This website contains units focused on Earth's systems and cycles, which illustrate a sequence for learning the concepts through reading, data analysis activities, satellite imagery, computer visualizations, and hands-on experiments. This unit focuses on the ocean carbon cycle.
Type: Text Resource
An online passage which addresses the Health and Environmental risks of genetic engineering.
Type: Text Resource
This site from the National Academy of Sciences presents uses, sources, costs, and efficiency of energy.
Type: Text Resource
This web site features an interactive periodic chart that provides information on the elements, including a description, physical and thermal properties, abundance, isotopes, ionization energy, the element's discoverer, translations of element names into several languages, and bibliographic information on research-and-development publications involving the element. Additional information includes technical information and information on manufactured products for elemental metals, metallic compounds, and ceramic and crystalline products. The American Elements company manufactures engineered and advanced material products.
Type: Text Resource
You will learn how the parent function for a quadratic function is affected when f(x) = x2.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the students to identify the vertex of a parabola from the equation, and then graph the parabola.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial helps the learners to graph the equation of a quadratic function using the coordinates of the vertex of a parabola and its x- intercepts.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help you to learn about exponential functions by graphing various equations representing exponential growth and decay.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial is a step by step explanation of what occurs in photosynthesis during the Calvin Cycle. It describes and uses visuals for the chemical reactions in this biochemical pathway. This challenging tutorial addresses the standard at a high level of complexity.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial shows and describes what occurs during the light reactions of photosynthesis which is the first stage of photosynthesis when plants capture and store energy from sunlight. In this process, light energy is converted into chemical energy, in the form of the energy-carrying molecules ATP and NADPH.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains how oxidation and reduction reactions occur in cellular respiration. The chemical equation for cellular respiration is examined and broken down to show where each type of the reactions occur.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains how CAM plants fix carbon dioxide at night so they do not lose water by opening their stomata during the day.
Type: Tutorial
The Khan Academy video discusses how some plants avoid photorespiration by fixing carbon in the bundle sheath cells instead of the mesophylll cells.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video reviews the Calvin Cycle in C3 photosynthesis and discusses the reactants and products of this process. The video then describes photorespiration which is what occurs when the enzyme RuBisCO fixes oxygen instead of carbon dioxide and explains why this is considered an inefficient pathway for plants.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video discusses the science of taxonomy and where humans fit into the tree of life.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains the definition of species and provides examples of animals that belong to the same species.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains and demonstrates how to use Punnett Squares for monohybrid crosses and dihybrid crosses. The video also shows how to use Punnett Squares for inheritance patterns such as codominance, incomplete dominance, and multiple alleles.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video describes the structure of the molecule DNA in great detail. It also discuses the role DNA plays in the process of protein synthesis, explaining transcription and translation. The video discusses the relationship between DNA and chromosomes as well.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains how ATP is generated in the electron transport chain through the process of oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis. It also explains the differences between oxidative phosphorylation and substrate level phosphorylation.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video explains how the NADH And FADH2 that were made during glycolysis and the Kreb's Cycle are used to generate ATP through the electron transport chain.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy tutorial describes in detail the process of glucose being broken down into pyruvate during glycolysis. Glycolysis is the first biochemical pathway of cellular respiration.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video describes how the pyruvate produced in glycolysis undergoes oxidation to produce Acetyl CoA. The video then explains what occurs when Acetyl CoA enters the Kreb's cycle and how NADH and FADH2 are produced.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy tutorial explains in detail the process of the light reactions of photosynthesis including the importance of the thylakoid membrane and the products that are produced from this reaction.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy tutorial explains how the by-products from the light reactions of photosynthesis are used to produce sugar molecules in the Calvin Cycle.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help you to understand the differences and similarities between meiosis and mitosis.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help you to understand the three unique features of meiosis and how meiosis is related to genetic inheritance.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy tutorial guides you through the processes of diffusion and osmosis while explaining the vocabulary and terminology involved in detail.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy tutorial addresses the importance of the phospholipid bilayer in the structure of the cell membrane. The types of molecules that can diffuse through the cell membrane are also discussed.
Type: Tutorial
This Khan Academy video describes how energy is extracted from the glucose molecule to make ATP. Each biochemical pathway involved in cellular respiration is discussed.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help you to understand how a concentration gradient across a membrane is used. When a molecule or an ion is moved across a membrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration then a gradient is generated. This gradient can be chemical or it can also create a difference in electrical charge across the membrane if ions are involved. The proton pump generates an electrical and chemical gradient that can be used to create ATP which can drive a large number of different biochemical reactions.
Type: Tutorial
Students will learn about the different types of proteins found in the cell membrane while viewing this Khan Academy tutorial video.
Type: Tutorial
This introduction to viruses by the Khan Academy addresses the question: Are viruses alive? How viruses enter cells and replicate is discussed in detail.
Type: Tutorial
This video from the Khan Academy introduces the symbiotic relationship between the many bacteria that live inside the human body. The basics of bacteria structure, reproduction, and bacterial infections are discussed.
Type: Tutorial
This animation shows the process of glycolysis. The reactants, products, and the basic functions of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration are identified.
Type: Tutorial
Photosynthesis is often described as the reverse of cellular respiration. Respiration breaks down complex molecules to release energy that is used to make ATP. Photosynthesis takes energy from photons and uses it to build complex molecules. However both systems use an electron transport chain and associated proton pump and ATP synthase as a key part of the process. This tutorial will help you to understand the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help you to understand how Mendel, the father of genetics, planned and crossed the pure-bred pea plant to understand the process of genetics. With the help of the animation, you should be able to understand how the alleles are transferred from one generation to another.
Type: Tutorial
This online tutorial will help you to understand the process of regulated secretion. In regulated secretion, proteins are secreted from a cell in large amounts when a specific signal is detected by the cell. The specific example used in this tutorial is the release of insulin after a glucose signal enters a pancreatic beta cell.
Type: Tutorial
This video tutorial from the Khan Academy explains how to calculate the acceleration of ice down a plane made of ice.
Type: Tutorial
This video tutorial shows how to figure out the components of force due to gravity that are parallel and perpendicular to the surface of an inclined plane.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the learner visualize how a cell or single celled organism can differ in its view when looked at under different magnifications and different types of microscopes. This tutorial can be used by the teacher as an added resource for their lesson about different microscopes and how they work..
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial reviews the process of cellular respiration which is the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Type: Tutorial
Photosynthesis is an essential part of the exchange between humans and plants. Amanda Ooten walks us through the process of photosynthesis, also discussing the relationship between photosynthesis and carbohydrates, starch, and fiber -- and how the air we breathe is related to the food we ingest.
Type: Tutorial
Water is both essential and unique. Many of its particular qualities stem from the fact that it consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen, therefore creating an unequal sharing of electrons. From fish in frozen lakes to ice floating on water, Christina Kleinberg describes the effects of polarity.
Type: Tutorial
Every day, we are bombarded by attention grabbing headlines that promise miracle cures to all of our ailments -- often backed up by a "scientific study." But what are these studies, and how do we know if they are reliable? David H. Schwartz dissects two types of studies that scientists use, illuminating why you should always approach the claims with a critical eye.
Type: Tutorial
A hearty bowl of cereal gives you the energy to start your day, but how exactly did that energy make its way into your bowl? It all begins with photosynthesis, the process that converts the air we breathe into energizing glucose. Cathy Symington details the highly efficient second phase of photosynthesis -- called the Calvin cycle -- which converts carbon dioxide into sugar with some clever mix-and-match math.
Type: Tutorial
What exactly is the carbon cycle? Nathaniel Manning provides a basic look into the cyclical relationship of carbon, humans and the environment.
Type: Tutorial
When you picture the lowest levels of the food chain, you might imagine herbivores happily munching on lush, living green plants. But this idyllic image leaves out a huge (and slightly less appetizing) source of nourishment: dead stuff. John C. Moore details the "brown food chain," explaining how such unlikely delicacies as pond scum and animal feces contribute enormous amounts of energy to our ecosystems.
Type: Tutorial
All living things are made of cells. In the human body, these highly efficient units are protected by layer upon layer of defense against icky invaders like the cold virus. Shannon Stiles takes a journey into the cell, introducing the microscopic arsenal of weapons and warriors that play a role in the battle for your health.
Type: Tutorial
This short video opens up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing its beauty and complexity. Footage from the Plankton Chronicles Project is used to create a video designed to ignite wonder and curiosity about this hidden world that underpins our own food chain.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the learners with their understanding of chemical structure of DNA.
Type: Tutorial
This lab simulation will allow you to explore how carbon circulates through the environment. Through data collection and analysis, you will experiment with the impact that humans are having on the cycling of carbon and make data based predictions on how these impacts may change environmental outcomes to the year 2100.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the learners to understand the solar system and will learn how it was discovered from the historical astronomy perspective.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial provides the learners with detailed information about forces. Topics covered include Newton's Laws, friction, gravity, balanced and unbalanced forces, vectors, weight, motion and momentum.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial for student audiences covers information about erosion and deposition including the factors related to these conditions. The tutorial also briefly covers the Geologic cycle.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial contains information about the characteristics of longitudinal, transverse, and surface waves. This tutorial will also provide information about the amplitude, frequency, wavelength, speed, refraction, reflection, diffraction, and constructive and destructive interference of the waves.
Type: Tutorial
The Krebs cycle is the central metabolic pathway in all aerobic organisms. This tutorial will help the learners understand the Krebs cycle.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the learners to learn about the anatomy of the cell. As the learners move the cursor over each cell organelle, they are shown information about that organelle's structure and function.
Type: Tutorial
This tutorial will help the learners to review the formation and 3D structures of amino acids with proteins.
Type: Tutorial
This resource explores the electromagnetic spectrum and waves by allowing the learner to observe the refraction of light as it passes from one medium to another, study the relation between refraction of light and the refractive index of the medium, select from a list of materials with different refractive indicecs, and change the light beam from white to monochromatic and observe the difference.
Type: Tutorial
- Observe the change of color of a black body radiator upon changes in temperature
- Understand that at 0 Kelvin or Absolute Zero there is no molecular motion
Type: Tutorial
This resource explains how a solar cell converts light energy into electrical energy. The user will also learn about the different components of the solar cell and observe the relationship between photon intensity and the amount of electrical energy produced.
Type: Tutorial
- Explore the relationship between wavelength, frequency, amplitude and energy of an electromagnetic wave
- Compare the characteristics of waves of different wavelengths
Type: Tutorial
This online tutorial is designed to help students understand the events that occur in process of meiosis.
Type: Tutorial
With an often unexpected outcome from a simple experiment, students can discover the factors that cause and influence thermohaline circulation in our oceans. In two 45-minute class periods, students complete activities where they observe the melting of ice cubes in saltwater and freshwater, using basic materials: clear plastic cups, ice cubes, water, salt, food coloring, and thermometers. There are no prerequisites for this lesson but it is helpful if students are familiar with the concepts of density and buoyancy as well as the salinity of seawater. It is also helpful if students understand that dissolving salt in water will lower the freezing point of water. There are additional follow up investigations that help students appreciate and understand the importance of the ocean's influence on Earth's climate.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
In this video, research is presented describing scientific studies of marine fossils found in Arctic regions.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This short informational text, diagrams, a video, and guided questions from the CK-12 Foundation discusses plate motions and the role of convection.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Ocean explorer Robert Ballard gives a TED Talk relating to the mysteries of the ocean, and the importance of its continued exploration.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
- Observe the photosynthesis mechanism in the plant
- Learn about the main chemical reactions that takes place during photosynthesis
- Learn how solar energy is converted into chemical energy
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This video provides a historical background about the definition of a planet and how different objects discovered in space were classified as planets or fir into a different category
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Students determine the number of protons, electrons, neutrons, and nucleons for different atoms
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
A collection of crossword puzzles that test the knowledge of students about some of the terms, processes, and classifications covered in science topics
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
- Explain the processes of absorption and emission
- Describe how a laser works
- Determine the factors affecting lasing
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
- Differentiate between electron pair and molecular geometry
- Learn how to name electron pair and molecular geometries for molecules with up to six electron groups around the central atom
- Illustrate how electron pair repulsion affects bond angles
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Paul Anderson explains the structure and importance of proteins. He describes how proteins are created from amino acids connected by dehydration synthesis. He shows the importance of chemical properties in the R-groups of individual amino acids in the polypeptide.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Khan Academy video tutorial on graphing linear equations: "Algebra: Graphing Lines 1"
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Khan Academy tutorial video that demonstrates with real-world data the use of Excel spreadsheet to fit a line to data and make predictions using that line.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
A 4-minute video in which an Olympic freestyle skier and a physicist discuss the physics behind freestyle skiing.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
In this National Science Foundation video and reading selection lab ecologist Janis Dickinson explains how she depends on citizen scientists to help her track the effects of disease, land-use change and environmental contaminants on the nesting success of birds.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This simulation shows the spread of a favorable mutation through a population of pocket mice. Even a small selective advantage can lead to a rapid evolution of the population.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This site has fantastic short Flash animations of intricate cell processes, including photosynthesis and the electron transport chain.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
This video gives more detail on the light reaction and photophosphorylation that occur in photosynthesis.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Virtual Manipulatives
This tutorial explores the work of Gregor Mendel and his foundational genetics experiments with pea plants. It provides practice opportunities to check your understanding of inheritance patterns including single gene recessive traits and sex linked traits. The tutorial also covers more complex patterns of inheritance such those resulting from multiple alleles. Note: This resource is part of a larger collection of information regarding Genetics. Users may view information before and after the specific genetics components highlighted here.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This website has a short biography about Sir Isaac Newton. It also reviews his three laws of motion with examples, and ends with a short quiz.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this simulation, learn about the black body spectrum of the sun, a light bulb, an oven and the earth. Adjust the temperature to see how the wavelength and intensity of the spectrum are affected.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Learn more about collisions with the use of a virtual air hockey table. Investigate simple and complex collisions in one and two dimensions.Experiment with the number of discs, masses and initial conditions. Vary the elasticity and see how the total momentum and kinetic energy changes during collisions.
Some of the sample learning goals can be:
- Draw "Before and After" pictures of collisions.
- Construct momentum vector representations of "Before and After" collisions.
- Apply law of conservation of momentum to solve problems with collisions.
- Explain why energy is not conserved and varies in some collisions.
- Determine the change in mechanical energy in collisions of varying "elasticity".
- What does "elasticity" mean?
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and see how the element, charge, and mass change. Then play a game to test your ideas!
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This unique periodic table presents the elements in an interesting visual display. Select an element to find an image of the element, a description, history, and even an animation. Other chemical data is linked as a PDF file (requires Acrobat Reader).
Type: Virtual Manipulative
How did scientists figure out the structure of atoms without looking at them? Try out different models by shooting light at the atom. Check how the prediction of the model matches the experimental results.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students adjust slider bars which adjust the coefficients and constants of a linear function and examine how their changes affect the graph. The equation of the line can be in slope-intercept form or standard form. This activity allows students to explore linear equations, slopes, and y-intercepts and their visual representation on a graph. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This resource provides linear functions in standard form and asks the user to graph it using intercepts on an interactive graph below the problem. Immediate feedback is provided, and for incorrect responses, each step of the solution is thoroughly modeled.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
The split brain experiments revealed that the right and the left hemisphere in the brain are good at different things. For instance, the right hemisphere is good at space perception tasks and music while the left is good at verbal and analytic tasks. This game guides students through some examples of the split-brain phenomenon and how the differences are understood.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This virtual manipulative will help the students learn about enzyme-substrate docking. Students will observe that the shapes of these surfaces and electrostatic forces are the major factors that govern docking.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This virtual manipulative will help the students to understand that osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration across a semipermeable membrane to an area of low concentration. This illustration of the diffusion process will help the students to understand the concept of osmotic pressure which is created by the movement of the water based on their concentration gradient and thus resulting in the difference of the solute concentration.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Allows students access to a Cartesian Coordinate System where linear equations can be graphed and details of the line and the slope can be observed.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This virtual manipulative will help you investigate how Rutherford figured out the structure of the atom without being able to see it. This simulation will allow the you to explore the famous experiment in which Rutherford disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particles bouncing off atoms and determining that they must have a small core.
Further explorations of the tutorial could include:
- Describe the qualitative difference between scattering off positively charged nuclei and electrically neutral plum pudding atoms.
- For a charged nucleus, describe qualitatively how angle of deflection depends on: energy of incoming particle, impact parameters, and charge of target.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This activity will allow you to practice balancing a chemical equation. You will have to make sure you are following the law of conservation of mass and recognize what can change to balance an equation.
You can:
- Balance a chemical equation.
- Recognize that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction.
- Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in a chemical equation.
- Translate from symbolic to molecular representation.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Understanding molecular polarity by changing the electron-negativity of atoms in a molecule to see how it affects polarity. See how the molecule behaves in an electric field. Change the bond angle to see how shape affects polarity. See how it works for real molecules in 3D.
Some learning goals:
•predict bond polarity using electron-negativity values
•indicate polarity with a polar arrow or partial charges
•rank bonds in order of polarity
•predict molecular polarity using bond polarity and molecular shape
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Students will pump gas molecules to a box and see what happens as they change the volume, add or remove heat, change gravity, and more. Measure the temperature and pressure, and discover how the properties of the gas vary in relation to each other.
- Students can predict how changing a variable among pressure, volume, temperature and number influences other gas properties.
- Students can predict how changing temperature will affect the speed of molecules.
- Students can rank the speed of molecules in thermal equilibrium based on the relative masses of molecules.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Explore pressure under and above water. See how pressure changes as one change fluids, gravity, container shapes, and volume.
With this simulation you can:
- Investigate how pressure changes in air and water.
- Discover how to change pressure.
- Predict pressure in a variety of situations.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This simulation allows you to explore forces and motion as you push household objects up and down a ramp. Observe how the angle of inclination affects the parallel forces. Graphical representation of forces, energy and work makes it easier to understand the concept.
Some of the learning goals can be:
- Predict, qualitatively, how an external force will affect the speed and direction of an object's motion.
- Explain the effects with the help of a free body diagram
- Use free body diagrams to draw position, velocity, acceleration and force graphs and vice versa.
- Explain how the graphs relate to one another.
- Given a scenario or a graph, sketch all four graphs.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students use preset data or enter in their own data to be represented in a box plot. This activity allows students to explore single as well as side-by-side box plots of different data. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the Java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Using this virtual manipulative, students are able to graph a function and a set of ordered pairs on the same coordinate plane. The constants, coefficients, and exponents can be adjusted using slider bars, so the student can explore the affect on the graph as the function parameters are changed. Students can also examine the deviation of the data from the function. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
With this online tool, students adjust the standard deviation and sample size of a normal distribution to see how it will affect a histogram of that distribution. This activity allows students to explore the effect of changing the sample size in an experiment and the effect of changing the standard deviation of a normal distribution. Tabs at the top of the page provide access to supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this online tool, students input a function to create a graph where the constants, coefficients, and exponents can be adjusted by slider bars. This tool allows students to explore graphs of functions and how adjusting the numbers in the function affect the graph. Using tabs at the top of the page you can also access supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This is an online graphing utility that can be used to create box plots, bubble graphs, scatterplots, histograms, and stem-and-leaf plots.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
With a mouse, students will drag data points (with their error bars) and watch the best-fit polynomial curve form instantly. Students can choose the type of fit: linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic. Best fit or adjustable fit can be displayed.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This interactive simulation investigates graphing linear and quadratic equations. Users are given the ability to define and change the coefficients and constants in order to observe resulting changes in the graph(s).
Type: Virtual Manipulative
Watch different types of molecules form a solid, liquid, or gas. Add or remove heat and watch the phase change. Change the temperature or volume of a container and see a pressure-temperature diagram respond in real time.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This virtual manipulative histogram tool can aid in analyzing the distribution of a dataset. It has 6 preset datasets and a function to add your own data for analysis.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This site provides an introduction to microscopy and microscopes including history, images, and interactives.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This interactive cell membrane simulation allows students to see how different types of channels allow particles to move through the membrane.
Sample learning goals:
- Predict when particles will move through the membrane and when they will not.
- Identify which particle type will diffuse depending on which type of channels are present.
- Predict the rate of diffusion based on the number and type of channels present.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
In this activity, students can create and view a histogram using existing data sets or original data entered. Students can adjust the interval size using a slider bar, and they can also adjust the other scales on the graph. This activity allows students to explore histograms as a way to represent data as well as the concepts of mean, standard deviation, and scale. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative
This activity allows the user to graph data sets in multiple bar graphs. The color, thickness, and scale of the graph are adjustable which may produce graphs that are misleading. Users may input their own data, or use or alter pre-made data sets. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.
Type: Virtual Manipulative