Standard 2: Recite number names sequentially within 100 and develop an understanding for place value.

General Information
Number: MA.K.NSO.2
Title: Recite number names sequentially within 100 and develop an understanding for place value.
Type: Standard
Subject: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: K
Strand: Number Sense and Operations

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Express number names from 1 to 100 by ones and from 10 to 100 by tens. Starting at a given number, count forward to 20 and backwards within 10.
Represent whole numbers from 10 to 19, using one group of 10 ones and some further ones, with objects, drawings or verbalization.
Locate and compare two numbers from 0 to 10 to determine which number is less than, equal to or greater than the other number.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Formative Assessments

Count On:

Students begin counting at a number other than one.

Type: Formative Assessment

What Day of School Is It?:

Students are told what day of school it is and then asked to determine what day it will be 10 days later and what day comes after day 59.

Type: Formative Assessment

Ten Ones and Some Other Ones:

Students use cubes to make a set of 10 ones and other ones to represent the number 17 and then write an equation or draw a picture that reflects this decomposition.

Type: Formative Assessment

Make Tens and Ones:

Students use a ten frame to decompose 12 into tens and ones.

Type: Formative Assessment

Count the Candy Corn:

Students count to 100 by tens.

Type: Formative Assessment

Count By Ones:

Students count by ones to 45.

Type: Formative Assessment

Counting On:

Students begin counting at a number other than one.

Type: Formative Assessment

Bundles of Ten:

Students are asked to count by tens and then use pictures of bundles of tens to demonstrate when counting by tens.

Type: Formative Assessment

Apples in a Bag:

Students are asked to consider what number comes next in the known sequence.

Type: Formative Assessment

Decomposing 15:

Students are asked to break 15 into a group of 10 and some further ones.

Type: Formative Assessment

Counting Strategies:

Students are asked to determine the total number of counters in three bags. One of the three bags is labeled with the number of items it contains, and the total number of counters is less than 20.

Type: Formative Assessment

Composing 13:

Students are asked to compose 13 by using a group of 10 and some other ones.

Type: Formative Assessment

Count the Dots Game:

Students use ten frames to Count On from a number other than one.

Type: Formative Assessment

Lesson Plans

She’s a Grand Old Flag:

Students will identify the American flag as an important symbol of the United States. They will collect and sort data from the American Flag and compare the attributes. Students will sort and count red stripes and white stripes, long stripes and short stripes, long red stripes and long white stripes, short red stripes and short white stripes. Students will compare the stripes using the number line. They will also count stars by 1’s and 10’s in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Puzzling US Symbols:

Students will piece together a puzzle with numbered pieces (1-10 or 11-20) to reveal an image which they should recognize as a symbol that represents the United States (ie: American flag, bald eagle, U.S. Presidents George Washington or Abraham Lincoln) in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

How many MORE ones than ten?:

Students will review the procedure for using a ten-frame. Students will be introduced to the important foundational concept for place value that numbers 10-20 can be represented as a unit of tens and a group of ones. Students will practice subitizing skills (the ability to "instantly see how many") using a ten-frame and counters.

Type: Lesson Plan

Working with Teen Numbers:

This lesson uses manipulatives, drawings, expressions and equations to provide understanding of the composition of teen numbers as a unit of ten and a group of ones.

Type: Lesson Plan

Goodie Bags: Counting Forward:

This lesson is designed to provide students explicit instruction on counting forward using something they love: Candy! Students will use the candy as a real-world example of a time when counting forward is a useful strategy, in the context of getting goodie bags ready for a party.

Type: Lesson Plan

X-Ray Superpower:

With the teacher's modeling, students will be able to understand that teen numbers are made up of a unit of ten and some more ones.

Type: Lesson Plan


In this game, students will be using a pack of cards to fill in a tens frame by placing the numerals from 1 to 10 in order in the frame. Garbage tests students' skills with number recognition and being able to count forward, or backward, beginning from a given number within ten.

Type: Lesson Plan

Fireflies - Numbers 11-19:

In this lesson, students will manipulate beans (fireflies) to represent numbers 11-19 as a unit of ten and a group of ones.

Type: Lesson Plan

Show me 1,2,3,4,5:

This lesson is designed to teach students to write and represent groups of numbers using drawings. This lesson will cover the numbers 1 to 5.

Type: Lesson Plan

Counting On With SPLASH:

In this lesson, students will count forward from a given number while manipulating animals in a pond during a read aloud by the teacher.

Type: Lesson Plan

Counting Colorful Cockatoos:

Poor Professor Dupont! He is missing his prized cockatoos! Help Professor Dupont find his special birds one by one as you turn the page. After helping Professor Dupont find his special cockatoos, create a classroom tree and sort the birds by color. You will have a fine feathered fantastic time counting and sorting!

Type: Lesson Plan

You Are a Smart Cookie:

The students will use M&M's to find the number that makes 10, for any number from 1 to 9, when added to the given number. Students will record the answer as both a drawing and an equation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Let Bullwinkle and His Friends Help You Count to 100:

Get your antlers ready and be prepared to travel to the Great White North to count to 100 by 1's and 10's. Bullwinkle the Moose and Fred the Reindeer show students how counting to 100 can be fun. Part of this interactive lesson can be done every morning during calendar time to continue practicing counting by 1’s and 10’s.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ten is a Friend!:

Students will learn about the concept of ones and tens and how 10 is a friendly number that we can utilize in various ways in mathematics. They will physically manipulate snap cubes to make a ten train and add on randomly selected ones that will include the numbers 11-19. After that students will draw representations of the numbers 11-19 and finally write the two-digit number that a ten train and a selected group of ones will create.

Type: Lesson Plan

Counting by 10's with Zero the Hero and Little Count:

In this lesson students will learn to count to 100 by 10's. The relationship between the numbers 1-10 and 10-100 will be made using the 100's chart followed by a PowerPoint story about Little Count the Caterpillar. Students will make their own Little Count the Caterpillar using circle body segments, where each circle represents the numerals 10, 20, 30... 

Type: Lesson Plan

Fishy Lengths - Which fish is right for my aquarium?:

Students explore lengths of fish to determine if fish are too long to fit in different sized aquariums. Students will use non-standard units and measuring tools to compare the lengths of fish and boxes without being able to directly hold the fish near the boxes.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ten Red Apples - One less:

This activity practices taking one away from a number to compose an equation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Let's Go on a Counting Walk:

For this lesson, students will practice counting from a given number in the counting sequence. Students will go on a "Counting Walk" to practice this concept.

Type: Lesson Plan

Decompose That Teen Number!:

The students will receive explicit instruction from the teacher on the definition of decomposing a number and how to represent a decomposition with manipulatives, drawings, and equations. The students will use linking cubes to reflect numbers from 11-19, and to show their understanding of how to decompose a number. Students will record decompositions as an equation.

Type: Lesson Plan

How Many? Lesson 1 of 3:

The students will show understanding of the conservation of numbers regardless of the order in which objects were counted. The students will be able to tell "how many" without recounting objects and be able to explain that the amount is the same because no objects were added or taken away. 

Type: Lesson Plan

How Many? Lesson 2 of 3:

In this lesson, students will show understanding of the conservation of numbers regardless of the order in which they were counted. Student will be able to tell "how many" without recounting objects and be able to explain that the amount is the same because no objects were added or taken away.

Type: Lesson Plan

How Many? Lesson 3 of 3:

In this lesson, students will show understanding that "one more" is the next counting number. Student will be able to tell "how many" without recounting objects and be able to explain that the total amount is the next counting number because it is one more.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ten and Some More (Exploring Numbers 11-20):

In this lesson, students will represent numbers 11-19 using a unit of ten and a group of ones using objects. As an optional extension task, students will be challenged to use their knowledge of numbers 11-20 represented as a unit of ten and a group of ones to complete posters in a mock real-world situation involving free tickets.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

Counting to 10 With Scout:

Come along with Scout as he prepares supplies for a camping adventure. You will learn to count to 10, recognize the number 10, and count 10 objects in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Exploring 10 with Scout:

Get ready to set up camp with Scout as you explore the number 10. You will count 10 objects in a circle, count a group of 10 objects, and count out 10 objects in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Summer's Pool Party: Learning the Number 9 (Part 1):

In Part 1 of Summer's Pool Party, students assist Summer in preparing for a pool party with her friends. They will help Summer count to 9, recognize the number 9, and count 9 objects in a line.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting 7 with Treasure Tracker Tyler:

Help Tyler count seven objects in a scattered arrangement, group seven objects, and count out seven objects one by one with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Ahoy! Counting to 7 with Polly Parrot:

Help Polly Parrot count to 7, recognize the numeral 7, and count 7 objects in a line with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buddy’s Treehouse Adventure: Learning the Number 6 (Part 2):

Help Buddy count 6 objects in an array, group with 6 objects, and count out 6 objects as he builds his treehouse in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a two-part series. Click HERE to open part 1.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buddy’s Treehouse Adventure (Part 1): Learning the Number 6:

Help Buddy count to six, recognize the number 6, and count six objects in a line with this interactive tutorial,

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Hopscotch Counting On: 11-20:

Count on beginning at any number within 11-20 in this playground-themed, interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a two-part series. Click to open Part 1, Hopscotch Counting On: 1-10.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Hopscotch Counting On: 1-10:

Count on beginning at any number within 1-10 in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Washing Hands: Counting to 20:

Learn how to wash your hands and count to 20 in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting on by Ones When Given Any Number From 0 through 20:

Practice counting on by ones from a given number zero through twenty, as you help Miranda and Jacob in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting by Ones:

Join Thomas and count to twenty by ones in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

I Can Count... By Ones to Ten:

Learn to count to ten by ones with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

Equations on the Math Balance:

Unlock an effective teaching strategy for teaching inequalities and equations with the math balance in this Teacher Perspectives video for educators.

Type: Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea


Monkeys for a party:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore place value relationships with tens and ones within 20.

Type: Tutorial

Teens as sums with 10:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, place value patterns are explored in "teen" numbers.

Type: Tutorial

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorials

Counting to 10 With Scout:

Come along with Scout as he prepares supplies for a camping adventure. You will learn to count to 10, recognize the number 10, and count 10 objects in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Exploring 10 with Scout:

Get ready to set up camp with Scout as you explore the number 10. You will count 10 objects in a circle, count a group of 10 objects, and count out 10 objects in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Summer's Pool Party: Learning the Number 9 (Part 1):

In Part 1 of Summer's Pool Party, students assist Summer in preparing for a pool party with her friends. They will help Summer count to 9, recognize the number 9, and count 9 objects in a line.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting 7 with Treasure Tracker Tyler:

Help Tyler count seven objects in a scattered arrangement, group seven objects, and count out seven objects one by one with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Ahoy! Counting to 7 with Polly Parrot:

Help Polly Parrot count to 7, recognize the numeral 7, and count 7 objects in a line with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buddy’s Treehouse Adventure: Learning the Number 6 (Part 2):

Help Buddy count 6 objects in an array, group with 6 objects, and count out 6 objects as he builds his treehouse in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a two-part series. Click HERE to open part 1.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buddy’s Treehouse Adventure (Part 1): Learning the Number 6:

Help Buddy count to six, recognize the number 6, and count six objects in a line with this interactive tutorial,

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Hopscotch Counting On: 11-20:

Count on beginning at any number within 11-20 in this playground-themed, interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a two-part series. Click to open Part 1, Hopscotch Counting On: 1-10.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Hopscotch Counting On: 1-10:

Count on beginning at any number within 1-10 in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Washing Hands: Counting to 20:

Learn how to wash your hands and count to 20 in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting on by Ones When Given Any Number From 0 through 20:

Practice counting on by ones from a given number zero through twenty, as you help Miranda and Jacob in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Counting by Ones:

Join Thomas and count to twenty by ones in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

I Can Count... By Ones to Ten:

Learn to count to ten by ones with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial


Monkeys for a party:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore place value relationships with tens and ones within 20.

Type: Tutorial

Teens as sums with 10:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, place value patterns are explored in "teen" numbers.

Type: Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.


Monkeys for a party:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore place value relationships with tens and ones within 20.

Type: Tutorial

Teens as sums with 10:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, place value patterns are explored in "teen" numbers.

Type: Tutorial