Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
United States History (U.S. History) 9-12 Course - The grade 9-12 United States History course consists of the following content area strands: United States History, Geography, and Humanities. The primary content emphasis for this course pertains to the study of United States history from Reconstruction to the present day. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events which influenced the development of the United States and the resulting impact on world history. So that students can clearly see the relationship between cause and effect in historical events, students should have the opportunity to review those fundamental ideas and events which occurred before the end of Reconstruction.Mathematics Benchmark Guidance - Social Studies instruction should include opportunities for students to interpret and create representations of historical events and concepts using mathematical tables, charts, and graphs.
Special Notes: Additional content that may be contained in the NAEP Grade 12 United States History assessment includes material from all time periods on the following topics:
- Change and Continuity in American Democracy: Ideas, Institutions, Events, Key Figures, and Controversies
- The Gathering and Interactions of Peoples, Cultures, and Ideas
- Economic and Technological Changes and Their Relationship to Society, Ideas, and the Environment
- The Changing Role of America in the World
Instructional Practices: Teaching from well-written, grade-level instructional materials enhances students' content area knowledge and also strengthens their ability to comprehend longer, complex reading passages on any topic for any reason. Using the following instructional practices also helps student learning:
- Reading assignments from longer text passages as well as shorter ones when text is extremely complex.
- Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
- Asking high-level, text-specific questions and requiring high-level, complex tasks and assignments.
- Requiring students to support answers with evidence from the text.
- Providing extensive text-based research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
General Information
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorials
Continue learning about Watergate—a political scandal that represents a significant chapter in American history with this interactive tutorial. The events of Watergate led Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to resign his office.
This is part 5 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Continue learning about Watergate—a political scandal that represents a significant chapter in American history with this interactive tutorial. The events of Watergate led Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to resign his office.
This is part 3 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Continue learning about Watergate—a political scandal that represents a significant chapter in American history with this interactive tutorial. The events of Watergate led Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to resign his office.
This is part 4 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how women took on leadership roles during the Civil Rights Movement by exploring the contributions of Fannie Lou Hamer, Ella Baker, and Dorothy Height with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Travel through the southern United States to visit significant areas of the Civil Rights Movement with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the conclusion of the Watergate scandal and President Nixon's term as President of the United States in this interactive tutorial.
This is part 6 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore how Executive Order 9981 ended segregation in our military, thereby expanding rights for African Americans in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and National Guard with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 1 of a two-part series: Click HERE to open part 2 (coming soon). In Part 2, you'll see how Executive Order 9981 was implemented in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore how Executive Order 9981 ended segregation in our military, thereby expanding rights for African Americans in the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard with this interactive tutorial.
This is part 2 of a two-part series. Click HERE to open Part 1, which explores how Executive Order 9981 was implemented in the Army, Air Force, and National Guard.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the "birth" and legacy of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Travel around the state of Alabama to learn about three events during the Civil Rights era: the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the 16th Street Church bombing, and the March to Selma with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Continue learning about Watergate -- a political scandal that represents a significant chapter in American history--with this interactive tutorial. The events of Watergate led Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to resign his office.
This is part 2 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's use of the radio to communicate New Deal policies that are still relevant with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Analyze methods used by civil rights groups to influence government action to end segregation in the United States Armed Forces, resulting in Executive Order 9981 with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the history, purpose, and impact of the National Labor Relations Board with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Did you know our military personnel faced segregation and discrimination while serving our country? Learn about presidential powers, the use of executive orders by our presidents, and how Executive Order 9981 ended segregation in the U.S. armed forces with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about Watergate -- a political scandal that represents a significant chapter in American history with this interactive tutorial. The events of Watergate led Richard Nixon, President of the United States, to resign his office.
This is part 1 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the purpose, role, and impact of the Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about public policy solutions and how public opinion, the media, and interest groups all influence decision-making about public issues with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore different methods for promotion social and political change and examples of preservation from U.S. history with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the Republican and Democratic political parties in the United States, including their origins, modern versions, and impact on public policy in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Blast into space with this interactive, three-part tutorial series about the Space Race. In Part Three, you'll learn about Apollo missions 11 through 17. Six of these crewed missions enabled twelve astronauts to walk on the Moon's surface.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part One about America's first two Space Race programs: Project Mercury and Project Gemini.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part Two about Project Apollo, mission 1 and missions 7 through 10.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Blast into space with this interactive, three-part tutorial series about the Space Race. In Part Two, you'll explore mission 1 and missions 7 through 10 of Project Apollo, America's final Space Race program. The sacrifices and achievements of these lesser-known missions paved the way for later Apollo missions to the Moon's surface.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part One about America's first two Space Race programs: Project Mercury and Project Gemini.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part Three about Project Apollo, missions 11 through 17, including the six crewed missions that enabled twelve astronauts to walk on the surface of the Moon.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Blast into space with this interactive, three-part tutorial series about the Space Race. In Part One, you'll learn how the Space Race developed out of the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. You'll also learn about America's first two Space Race programs: Project Mercury and Project Gemini.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part Two about Project Apollo, mission 1 and missions 7 through 10.
- CLICK HERE to launch Part Three about Project Apollo, missions 11 through 17, including the six crewed missions that enabled twelve astronauts to walk on the surface of the Moon.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Examine what it means to be an American by analyzing a speech delivered by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, in 1941. This tutorial is Part Three of a three-part series. In this tutorial, you will read more excerpts from Ickes’ speech, and then you will evaluate the effectiveness of his argument's structure.
Be sure to complete the first two parts before completing Part Three.
Click HERE for Part One. Click HERE for Part Two.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Examine what it means to be an American by analyzing a speech delivered by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, in 1941. This tutorial is Part Two of a three-part series. In this tutorial, you will read excerpts from Ickes’ speech, and then you will identify his use of rhetorical appeals and analyze the structure of his argument.
Make sure to complete Part One first. Click HERE for Part One.
Click HERE for Part Three.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Examine what it means to be an American by analyzing a speech delivered by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Harold L. Ickes, in 1941. This tutorial is Part One of a three-part series. In this tutorial, you will read excerpts from the opening sections of Ickes’ speech. Then, you will work on determining his purpose, point of view, and important claims in these sections.
Make sure to complete all three parts! Click HERE to view Part Two. Click HERE to view Part Three.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the famous first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. You'll learn how FDR and his fellow New Dealers used government in an attempt to combat the worst economic disaster the U.S. has ever faced: The Great Depression.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the era of Jim Crow segregation and the larger context within which it flourished, the "Nadir" of American race relations.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the famous first hundred days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. You'll learn how FDR and his fellow New Dealers used government in an attempt to combat the worst economic disaster the U.S. has ever faced: The Great Depression.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the era of Jim Crow segregation and the larger context within which it flourished, the "Nadir" of American race relations.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois and their rivalry of ideas in this interactive tutorial. Both men were African-American leaders during the "nadir" of race relations, but they had very different visions.
This is part 2 in a two-part series. CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, you'll analyze dozens of World War II propaganda posters in order to understand how Americans on the home front experienced the war years. The U.S. government commissioned propaganda to convince Americans to support the war in a variety of ways. You'll learn how these posters reveal U.S. domestic policy during the 1940s, as well as how the government tried to expand the involvement of different groups of Americans, including women and minorities, during WWII.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn what happened after the guns of the Civil War fell silent: the beginning of the Reconstruction era. You'll learn about Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Radical Republicans, and the impeachment of a president!
CLICK HERE to open After the War: Reconstruction Begins, Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the end of World War I and the Paris Peace Conference that followed, from the point of view of the United States and President Woodrow Wilson. You'll learn about the Treaty of Versailles that ended the war with Germany, about the League of Nations, and about Wilson's failure to make the U.S. a part of the newly created international organization.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the end of World War I and the Paris Peace Conference that followed, from the point of view of the United States and President Woodrow Wilson. You'll learn about the Treaty of Versailles that ended the war with Germany, about the League of Nations, and about Wilson's failure to make the U.S. a part of the newly created international organization.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn what happened after the guns of the Civil War fell silent: the beginning of the Reconstruction era. You'll learn about Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Radical Republicans, and the impeachment of a president!
CLICK HERE to open After the War: Reconstruction Begins, Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about a different side of the 1920s: the foreign and economic policies the U.S. pursued in the decade following World War I. You'll learn about the treaties and agreements the U.S. entered into during this time in an effort to produce a more peaceful and stable world, and you'll evaluate the extent to which the U.S. truly pursued "isolationist" policies during the 1920s.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the Progressive Era and two presidents who advanced progressive policies: William H. Taft and Woodrow Wilson. You'll also learn about the 1912 Election!
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about one of the darkest chapters in human history, the Holocaust. You'll learn how Adolf Hitler rose to power in Nazi Germany and made the murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million others the official policy of the Third Reich during World War II. You'll learn how the Holocaust ended and contemplate its impact on humanity.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, take a look at America in the 1920s and the ways in which the changing political culture influenced American society. You'll explore the effects of Prohibition, including the rise of bootlegging and the increase in organized crime through the work of notorious gangsters like Al Capone. You'll also examine the changing role of women and look at one of the most popular symbols of the Roaring Twenties, that of the flapper. Finally, you will also study two notable movements of the era, Garveyism and Fundamentalism.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the Progressive Era and two presidents who advanced progressive policies: William H. Taft and Woodrow Wilson. You'll also learn about the 1912 Election!
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how Americans on the home front experienced World War 1 while helping the U.S.A win the war. You'll learn about war bonds and about the changes WWI brought to America's economy. You'll also learn how propaganda and new laws against wartime dissent curbed Americans' civil liberties. Finally, you'll learn how the war lead to increased opportunities for women and African Americans.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how Americans on the home front experienced World War 1 while helping the U.S.A win the war. You'll learn about war bonds and about the changes WWI brought to America's economy. You'll also learn how propaganda and new laws against wartime dissent curbed Americans' civil liberties. Finally, you'll learn how the war lead to increased opportunities for women and African Americans.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois and their rivalry of ideas. Both men were African American leaders during the "Nadir" of race relations, but their visions were very different.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about one of the darkest chapters in human history, the Holocaust. You'll learn how Adolf Hitler rose to power in Nazi Germany and made the murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million others the official policy of the Third Reich during World War II. You'll learn how the Holocaust ended and contemplate its impact on humanity.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the experiences of the Americans who served "over there" in Europe during World War I. Learn about doughboys, trench warfare, and some of the WWI veterans who would go to become famous Americans!
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how the United States and the Allies defeated the Axis Powers to win World War II. You'll learn about battles and military campaigns, including D-Day, in both the European and Pacific theaters of war. And you'll learn how atomic weapons brought the war to an end but changed the postwar world forever.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the experiences of the Americans who served "over there" in Europe during World War I. Learn about doughboys, trench warfare, and some of the WWI veterans who would go to become famous Americans!
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn about the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. "TR," as he was known, pursued a bold, progressive agenda that transformed America and the presidency.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn in detail about the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. "TR," as he was known, pursued a bold, progressive agenda that transformed America and the presidency.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence. In this interactive tutorial, you'll examine Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" and evaluate the effectiveness of his words by analyzing his use of reasoning and evidence.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how World War II began in Europe and Asia. You'll learn about the aggression of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan that threatened world peace, and you'll learn how the United States responded with isolationism...until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 caused America to join the Allies.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how the United States and the Allies defeated the Axis Powers to win World War II through battles and military campaigns, including D-Day, in both the European and Pacific theaters of war.
This is part 1 in a two-part series. CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how World War II began in Europe and Asia. You'll learn about the aggression of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan that threatened world peace, and you'll learn how the United States responded with isolationism...until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 caused America to join the Allies.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Have you ever heard of the Jazz Age? How about the Roaring Twenties? Both of these labels describe an interesting era in American history, a time period that you'll take a look at in this two-part tutorial series. In Part 2, you'll learn about Hollywood, movies, and celebrity culture during the 1920s.
CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the beginnings of the Cold War from 1945 to 1953. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn why this rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union was a unique conflict in our nation's history and how the U.S. assumed the role of world leader after World War II. Finally, you'll learn how the Korean War was a proxy war in the larger context of the Cold War.
This is part 2 in a two-part series. CLICK HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, you'll analyze the Pullman Strike of 1894, a dramatic event in the American labor movement. In Part 1, you'll focus on the history of the strike. In Part 2, you'll practice your literary skills while learning more about the same event.
Click HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Have you ever heard of the Jazz Age? How about the Roaring Twenties? Both of these labels describe an interesting era in American history, a time period that you'll take a look at in this two-part tutorial series. In Part 1, you'll learn about the birth of the Harlem Renaissance, the rise of jazz music, and some unusual fads that swept the nation.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, you'll analyze the Pullman Strike of 1894, a dramatic event in the American labor movement. In Part 1, you'll focus on the history of the strike. In Part 2, you'll practice your literacy skills while learning more about the same event.
Click HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn about the Second Red Scare that swept America in the early years of the Cold War with this interactive tutorial. You'll also learn about McCarthyism, the era of suspicion and persecution that gets its name from the actions of notorious Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how World War I, "the Great War," began in Europe. You'll also learn why the U.S.A. joined the side of the Allies after years of attempted neutrality.
CLICK HERE for Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, explore the beginnings of the Cold War from 1945 to 1953. You'll learn why this rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union was a unique conflict in our nation's history, and how the U.S. assumed the role of world leader after World War II. Finally, you'll learn how the Korean War was a proxy war in the larger context of the Cold War.
CLICK HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how World War I, the "Great War," began in Europe. You'll also learn why the U.S.A. joined the side of the Allies after years of attempted neutrality.
CLICK HERE for Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, you'll identify some of the key inventors of the Industrial Revolution, describe their inventions, and explain their significance. Most of the inventors you’ll learn about come from the Second Industrial Revolution--often known as the “Technological Revolution,” a time when American inventors created a host of new devices across a range of industries that increased efficiency and production, enhanced safety, furthered communication, and made the day-to-day lives of Americans a little easier.
Check out the related tutorial: Captains of Industry: The Second Industrial Revolution.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Practice analyzing an informational text using President Abraham Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address. In this interactive tutorial, you'll determine Lincoln's purpose in this historical speech. You'll also analyze how his specific word choice and use of parallel structure help support his purpose.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the successes and failures of Reconstruction, one of the most controversial periods of American history. After the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and "Redeemer" resistance, this remarkably progressive period ended after the Election of 1876.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about some of the causes of the Korean War and the major factors that led to America’s involvement in the war. You will also learn about America’s role in the course of this conflict, and the consequences that resulted because of the war.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the era of mass immigration from 1865 to 1914, when as many as 25 million immigrants entered the United States, many of them through Ellis Island. You'll learn where immigrants came from, why they emigrated, how they adjusted to life in the U.S., and you'll compare the experiences of European and Asian immigrants.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn some of the differences between the First and Second Industrial Revolutions, as well as key developments that drove the Second Industrial Revolution. You'll also learn about some of the leaders of industry during this era, including John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan, and examine how their development of major industries and business practices affected America’s economy during the Second Industrial Revolution.
Check out this related tutorial: The Power of Innovation: Inventors of the Industrial Revolution.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, discover the Populist movement of the 1890s, which channeled the frustrations of American farmers into a new political party: The People's Party. You'll also learn about the gold vs. silver debate that angered so many Populists, and you'll learn about the legacy of Populism in U.S. History.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about imperialism and understand the four major factors that drove America's imperial mindset in the late 1800s. Then learn about the causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War and how the U.S.A. gained new territories as a result.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the major factors that led to America's involvement in the war in Vietnam. You'll also learn about America's role during the war, how the war affected the American public, and the resulting consequences of the war.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the economy of the 1920s, a decade often called the "Roaring Twenties." You'll explore consumerism, advertising, the auto industry, and the stock market, as well as how the 1920s boom contributed to the Great Depression.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the years immediately following World War I: 1919 and 1920. These were dangerous years of economic depression, racial violence, and anti-immigrant nativism in the United States. You'll learn about the Red Scare, the Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about the three U.S. presidents elected during the turbulent 1960s: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon. You'll learn how each of these men left an unfinished legacy as president, and you'll learn about their politics, successes, and failures, with an emphasis on domestic politics.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn the history behind the different territories that belong to the United States, including those that have become states, like Alaska and Hawaii, and those that haven't, like Puerto Rico and American Samoa. You'll also learn about America's role in the construction of the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Zone the U.S. controlled.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn how and why the Civil War came to an end, and learn what the war's consequences were for Americans in the North and South, as well as future generations. You'll also learn about the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution and how they form an important legacy of the Civil War.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, explore the central causes of America's bloodiest conflict: the Civil War.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, learn about landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, including Brown vs. Board of Education, Miranda vs. Arizona, and Roe vs. Wade. This tutorial covers the backgrounds, outcomes, and impacts of eight important cases in detail.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Test your knowledge of World War II with this 12-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy. Good luck!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the "Roaring Twenties" with a 9-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy. Good luck!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the Great Depression and the New Deal with this 15-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy. Good luck!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of America in the 21st century with this nine-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of America in the 1990s with this 7-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the Native American experience and Westward expansion in a 12-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of 1970s America in this 14-question quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of America in the 1980s in this ten-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the South after the Civil War in this 6-question multiple choice quiz provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Assessment
Try this 12-question multiple choice quiz to see how much you know about the Civil Rights Movement.
Type: Assessment
Try this 8-question multiple choice quiz to see how much you know about America in the 1950s. Foreign and domestic policy are both included in these questions.
Type: Assessment
Try this 13-question multiple choice quiz to see how much you know about post-WWII America and the beginnings of the Cold War.
Type: Assessment
Try this 14-question multiple choice quiz to see how much you know about America in the 1960s. Foreign and domestic policy are both included in these questions.
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of American imperialism and the Age of Empire with this 9-question multiple choice quiz!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the Progressive era with this 5-question multiple choice quiz!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the Gilded Age with this 10-question multiple choice quiz!
Type: Assessment
Test your knowledge of the Reconstruction era with this 13-question multiple choice quiz!
Type: Assessment
Text Resources
Learn more about the 1905 landmark Supreme Court decision Swift and Co. v. U.S. In this case, the Court considered issues of trusts, business practices, regulations, monopolies, and capitalism in the Gilded Age.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1895 landmark Supreme Court decision U.S. v. E.C. Knight. In this case, the Court considered issues of trusts, business practices, regulations, monopolies, and capitalism in the Gilded Age.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1919 landmark Supreme Court decision Abrams v. U.S. In this case, the Court decided issues of free speech during wartime: a group of immigrants and anarchists had criticized American involvement in World War I and urged resistance to the war. The Court's decision produced a famous dissent by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1973 landmark Supreme Court decision Frontiero v. Richardson. In this case, the Court considered the matter of a female Air Force officer who applied for benefits for her husband--and was denied. The Court's ruling touched on issues of gender and civil rights.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 2003 landmark Supreme Court decisions Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger. In these dual cases, the Court upheld the use of affirmative action (as one factor in many) in deciding college admissions.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1979 landmark Supreme Court decision U.S. Steel Workers v. Weber. In this case, the Court upheld a controversial affirmative action policy regarding the training and placement of skilled laborers.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 2006 landmark Supreme Court decision Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. In this case, the Court considered issues of civil rights and the treatment of prisoners of war in the context of the global War on Terror.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1935 landmark Supreme Court decision Schechter v.U.S. In this Depression-era case, the Court ruled against one of the key parts of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal: the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). Issues of economics, capitalism, and government power were all at stake.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1966 landmark Supreme Court decision Miranda v. Arizona. In this case, the Court considered the civil rights issues of due process and self-incrimination. The case set an important legal precedent and established the "Miranda Rights" which must be read to criminal defendants upon arrest.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1958 landmark Supreme Court decision Cooper v. Aaron. In this lesser known follow-up to Brown v. Board of Education, the Court held that states could not pass legislation that undermined the desegregation of public schools.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1906 landmark Supreme Court decision Lochner v. New York. In this case, the Supreme Court established an important precedent that would last for decades when it struck down a labor law setting maximum working hours.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1944 landmark Supreme Court decision Korematsu v. U.S. In this case, the Supreme Court considered the issue of domestic internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. The Court's ruling remains one of its most controversial decisions ever.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1963 landmark Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright. In this case, the Supreme Court decided issues related to due process and a criminal defendant's right to a lawyer's counsel even if he or she cannot afford one.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1873 landmark Supreme Court decision known as The Slaughterhouse Cases. In this case, the Supreme Court defined the limits of the then-new Fourteenth Amendment and its guarantee of equal "privileges and immunities" to citizens.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1896 landmark Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson. In this case, the Supreme Court declared legal "separate but equal" laws requiring black and white citizens to use segregated facilities. The decision ushered in an era of "Jim Crow" in the American South.
Type: Text Resource
Learn more about the 1995 landmark Supreme Court decision U.S. v. Lopez. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not ban the possession of firearms within "gun-free school zones." The decision touched on issues of gun control, federalism, and the powers of Congress under the Commerce Clause.
Type: Text Resource
Learn about the ways in which the Axis gained momentum in 1941 during World War II in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. The last few minutes of the video also begin to examine the entrance of the United States into the war.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about American progress in 1944 to get within bombing range of Japan in this tutorial video about World War II provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about Allied advancement in 1944 in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. The video describes the liberation of Rome, Italy; Athens, Greece; and Paris, France, as well as the Allied invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about key events in American history from World War II to the Vietnam War in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. In this brief historical overview, topics include the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Korean War, and the Space Race.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about key events in American history from the Reconstruction Era to the start of the Great Depression in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. The video touches on the Reconstruction Amendments, Jim Crow laws, the Coinage Act and the Panic of 1873, the Spanish-American War, World War I, and the 18th and 19th Amendments.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the history of the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, Hoover, Eisenhower, and Reagan, in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. From its early roots tied to Alexander Hamilton to the present day, the Republican Party has played an integral role in shaping the government, policies and history of America.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the origins of Jim Crow segregation, a system of legalized segregation that took place in the American South from 1877-1954, in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the Black Codes and the era of Reconstruction in this video tutorial provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution in this tutorial video about the American South after the Civil War. This short video is provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the origins of Jim Crow segregation in the American South after the Civil War, as well as the Compromise of 1877 and the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which was a failed military invasion of Cuba conducted a few short months after John F. Kennedy became president, in this short tutorial video provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, you'll learn about the causes, course, and consequences of the Vietnam War.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, you'll learn about the origins of the Cold War. This unusual conflict pitted the United States (and its Western democratic allies) against the Soviet Union (and its communist satellite states). Although these nations never went to war directly, their rivalry would shape the world for decades!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video brought to you by Khan Academy, you'll learn about the economic system called communism. This video explores the origins and history of communism and explains its connections to authoritarian forms of government.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, you'll learn about the causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the Treaty of Versailles, which officially made peace with Germany and ended World War I, in this short video tutorial provided by Khan Academy. The treaty formed new alliances among countries and changed the map of Europe forever.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how and why the United States joined the Allies of World War I in this short tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, the interception of the Zimmermann Telegram, and various other factors led President Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress for a war declaration.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the factors that drove United States imperialism and the acquisition of territories in this short video provided by Khan Academy. Helpful graphics illustrate the content.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the Second Industrial Revolution and the expansion of railroads across America, new inventions like the elevator and telephone, and the rise of captains of industry like Andrew Carnegie in a short video by Khan Academy. Helpful graphics illustrate the content. Enjoy this journey back to the Gilded Age!
Type: Tutorial
Receive an introduction to the Gilded Age in this short video provided by Khan Academy. The Gilded Age, which fell between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the Progressive era, was a time of intense industrialization that saw the rise of captains of industry like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. Enjoy this quick trip through American history!
Type: Tutorial
This short video provided by Khan Academy features two historians reviewing the ratification of the 15th Amendment, which granted African American men the right to vote. The historians also explore ways in which the different Reconstruction Amendments were undermined and not fully realized for almost a century. Helpful graphics illustrate the content.
Type: Tutorial
This short video provided by Khan Academy features two historians reviewing the ratification of the 14th Amendment, which greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves recently freed. Helpful graphics illustrate the content.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 44th President, Barack Obama, who passed healthcare reform over the objections of a hostile Congress.
Type: Tutorial
Learn the historical context for a landmark Supreme Court decision, Hammer v. Dagenhart, in this short interactive tutorial. This case dealt with child labor in the early 20th century. You'll have a chance to evaluate the case on your terms before seeing how the justices actually ruled. Enjoy!
Type: Tutorial
Learn the historical context for a landmark Supreme Court decision, New York v. United States,in this short interactive tutorial. This case dealt with federal laws regarding radioactive waste removal in the late 20th century. You'll have a chance to evaluate the case on your terms before seeing how the justices actually ruled. Enjoy!
Type: Tutorial
Learn how divisions over slavery set the stage for the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln famously referred to the United States before the Civil War as a "house divided" and warned that it "can not stand." This video clip is an excerpt form Ken Burns' epic series The Civil War.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the end of the Civil War, when Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. This short film is an excerpt from Ken Burns' epic series The Civil War.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the experience of the African American soldiers who enlisted in the Union Army after the Emancipation Proclamation. The 54th Massachusetts regiment would go on to be the subject of the movie Glory. This short video is an excerpt from Ken Burns' epic series The Civil War.
Type: Tutorial
This short video provided by Khan Academy features 2 historians reviewing the early years of Reconstruction and the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States. Helpful graphics illustrate the content. Enjoy!
Type: Tutorial
Learn how President Theodore Roosevelt spearheaded America's creation of the Panama Canal, the waterway that linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and revolutionized global transportation.
Type: Tutorial
Learn how the future President Theodore Roosevelt rose to national fame by fighting fearlessly in the Spanish-American War with his all-volunteer cavalry division: The Rough Riders.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation that transformed the American government during the Great Depression. This short video describes several programs of the New Deal including the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and the National Recovery Administration (NRA).
Type: Tutorial
Learn about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's efforts to stimulate the economy and combat unemployment during the Great Depression. This short video describes several programs from Roosevelt's New Deal including the National Youth Administration, the Rural Electrification Administration, and the Works Progress Administration.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about American imperialism and expansion in this short video that details the attitudes and philosophies of America's 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt.
Type: Tutorial
In this short video, learn about how President Theodore Roosevelt mediated a labor dispute, the Coal Strike of 1902, and how critics charged him with violating the Constitution.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about President Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive who believed in using the power of the government to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American society. This short video explores Roosevelt's groundbreaking work as a trust-buster.
Type: Tutorial
In a series of short videos, learn about the life and work of Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the 32nd president and niece of the 26th president. The first video details Eleanor's lonely childhood, the second describes her first involvement in American politics and public speaking, the third examines her work with organizations like the Red Cross and the League of Women Voters, and the fourth explains her role working with the United Nations and leading the committee that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This pivotal document changed the way the world viewed the rights of people. Watch one video or enjoy them all!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 42nd President, Bill Clinton, who oversaw a strong economy in the 1990s but became only the second president ever to face impeachment.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 41st President, George H.W. Bush, a one-term president who oversaw the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief video about the 43rd President, George W. Bush, who was in office on September 11, 2001 and responded by declaring a global "War on Terror."
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 40th President, Ronald Reagan, the Hollywood actor who shaped the politics of the 1980s and became a Republican Party icon!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 38th President, Gerald Ford, who took office after the resignation of Richard Nixon due to Watergate.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 39th President, Jimmy Carter, a one-term president best known for his role in trying to resolve the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 37th President, Richard M. Nixon, who re-established relations with China and wound down America's involvement in Vietnam... before resigning his office in disgrace following the Watergate scandal.
Type: Tutorial
Learn more about the 1954 landmark Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. This case was a pivotal moment in the struggle for racial equality in America.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 36th President, Lyndon B. Johnson. Learn about the ways he helped advance the Civil Rights Movement, his dream of a Great Society, and his approach towards the war in Vietnam.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief video about our 35th President, John F. Kennedy. His assassination while in office helped turn Kennedy into a legend, best remembered for telling Americans to "ask what you can do for your country."
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 30th President, Calvin Coolidge, who presided over an era of economic expansion during the "Roaring Twenties!"
Type: Tutorial
View a short, funny video about the 29th President, Warren G. Harding, the first president of the 1920s, who offered Americans "a return to normalcy" after World War I!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 27th President, William Howard Taft, a progressive who had the difficult task of following in the footsteps of his mentor, Theodore Roosevelt!
Type: Tutorial
Learn about America's history in this interactive tutorial. This webisode from PBS's History: A Freedom of Us provides detailed informational texts, primary source documents that include photographs, and online quizzes to help you explore aspects of this complex time in American history. You'll learn about the 1862 Homestead Act, the rise of immigration, different aspects of the immigrant experience, the expansion of the American West, and the violent conflicts that resulted in the deaths of Native Americans and the removal and relocation of different tribes onto reservations.
Type: Tutorial
Explore the era of Reconstruction and its aftermath in this webisode from PBS. Learn about the struggles of rebuilding the South and uniting the Union in the years that immediately followed the Civil War, and explore the rise of Jim Crow laws after Reconstruction was abandoned. This webisode provides primary source documents including photographs and excerpts from speeches, a timeline, glossary, and quizzes you can take to test your knowledge.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 31st President, Herbert Hoover, a president known as a great organizer but a terrible politician.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 34th President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, a president who brought about the interstate highway system and forever changed the way in which Americans travel!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 33rd President, Harry S. Truman, the president who helped bring about an end to World War II and later got America involved in the Korean War.
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about the 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man who ushered the U.S. out of the Great Depression and into World War II. Enjoy this quick trip through American history!
Type: Tutorial
View this brief, funny video about our 19th President, Rutherford B. Hayes, whose controversial election brought about the end of Reconstruction!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 25th president, William McKinley, commander-in-chief during the Spanish-American War!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt, the progressive, trustbuster, and canal builder!
Type: Tutorial
Explore key events from the 1970s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s in this webisode from PBS. During these decades, America closed out the Vietnam War era, saw the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, and experienced a rise in terrorist attacks against Americans abroad and on American soil. In this resource you can examine primary source documents and photographs, listen to segments of key speeches, examine a timeline and glossary, take a quiz, and explore additional resources connected to this era. Enjoy this journey into American history!
Type: Tutorial
View a documentary about the First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. You'll review the historic origins of these rights and then go into detail about the Supreme Court's landmark ruling in New York Times v. United States, the Pentagon Papers case. Enjoy!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 17th President, Andrew Johnson, the first president ever to be impeached!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 18th President, Ulysses S. Grant, the former general who reunited North and South during Reconstruction!
Type: Tutorial
View a brief, funny video about our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through the Civil War!
Type: Tutorial
With this interactive timeline, you can explore key cases and events in the history of the Supreme Court, ranging from 1787 to 2005. To learn specifically about cases related to integration, busing, affirmative action, the rights of the accused, and reproductive rights, click on the years 1954, 1963, 1966, and 1973, though ALL the links will lead you to valuable information. Have fun exploring!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll view a short video that will teach you about all the different U.S. territories and the legal status of each. It's a fast-paced, entertaining look at some of the least understood parts of the United States!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll explore the social and legal realities of the "Jim Crow" Era. Jim Crow was the nickname given to the acts and laws passed in Southern states after Reconstruction. These were aimed at preventing African Americans from fully realizing their civil liberties: especially the right to vote. Please take time to carefully explore this interactive site and recognize the ways in which American society has changed since this time. Also note that this resource is for mature audiences; due to the era in American history being explored, there are some words used that audiences may find offensive and some violent images are shown.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll interact with a chronological map of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Trace the timeline of events as you listen to, read, and explore the devastating sneak attack that brought the U.S. into World War II on December 7, 1941.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll use maps to explore the various theaters of war during World War II. Pick a region to learn how the Axis first dominated--and then fell to--the Allies. The resource contains other activities that will help you learn about WWII.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will view an outstanding video on the meaning and history of habeas corpus: the law that prevents a person being held in jail or prison without being able to hear and contest the charges being brought against them. You'll then learn about 4 recent Supreme Court cases where habeas corpus has been called into question in the context of the global war on terror.
Type: Tutorial
In this video, you will hear from Supreme Court Justices O'Connor, Breyer and Kennedy as they recount the landmark Supreme Court decision on the Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954. This case was instrumental in the advancement of the Civil Rights Movement and to desegregating public schools in America. The video also include discussion of a key event that followed the Brown v. Board ruling, specifically that of the nine students who integrated Little Rock Central High School in 1957, a group known as the Little Rock Nine. Enjoy this conversation on the Constitution!
Type: Tutorial
In this resource, you will experience a blast from the past! Go on a journey through U.S. political history as you view various campaign ads from past presidential elections. From the earliest television ads aired in 1952 to ads from 2012, this is a one stop shop with over 300 political commercials available to watch. Each election year contains information to set the context for the collection of commercials, as well as information about the major candidates who ran, and a map that displays the final election results. Enjoy this journey into America's political past!
Type: Tutorial
In this webisode brought to you by PBS, you will explore key events that took place in American history from 1963-1968, including the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement. In this resource you can examine primary source documents and photographs, listen to segments of key speeches, examine a timeline and glossary, take a quiz, and explore additional resources connected to this era. Enjoy this journey into American history!
Type: Tutorial
In this webisode brought to you by PBS, you will explore key events that took place in American history from 1903-1927. Topics include the Wright Brothers, World War I, women's suffrage, Prohibition, jazz, Hollywood in the 1920s, and Charles Lindbergh. In this resource you can examine primary source documents and photographs, a timeline and glossary, take a quiz, and explore additional resources. Enjoy this journey into American history!
Type: Tutorial
In this webisode brought to you by PBS, you will explore key events that took place leading up to and during the Great Depression and World War II. You can explore primary source documents and photographs, a timeline and a glossary, take a quiz, and investigate additional resources to learn more about these eras. Enjoy this journey into American history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will explore key events that took place in American history from 1955-1963, including the rise of the Civil Rights Movement and early events in the Cold War. Through this interactive tutorial, you can examine primary source documents and photographs, listen to key speeches, and interact with a wealth of information during this webisode brought to you by PBS. The webisode even includes a timeline, glossary, quiz, and additional resources that you can examine to further explore this era. Enjoy this journey into American history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will explore an interactive map featuring video and audio clips that help you explore the sights and sounds of New York City in the 1920s. During this time in American history, life for Americans was in a constant state of change - culturally, politically, socially, and economically. Things were booming, especially in New York City. Enjoy this interactive exploration through an exciting time in American history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will view a brief video about the purpose and function of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The CCC was created by President Roosevelt through the New Deal program to promote economic growth and create jobs across the nation during the Great Depression.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through George H.W. Bush's one-term presidency, which saw the end of the Cold War and the successful Gulf War in Iraq. During this time America continued to boom economically, but while one conflict ended, others would soon pop up in Africa and the Middle East. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the 1980s and President Ronald Reagan's two terms in office. President Reagan is often credited for a strong economy and for ending the Cold War. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through recent history and learn about America in the 1990s. During this time President Bill Clinton oversaw globalization and a strong economy linked to the rise of the Internet, but his successes didn't prevent his own impeachment... Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll learn about the George W. Bush administration and America during the early 2000s. From the controversial Election of 2000, to the terrorist attacks that took place on 9/11, the 2000s were marked by domestic and foreign crises. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the changes Americans experienced during World War II. During the war years, the roles of women and African-Americans changed drastically, and the government and economy greatly expanded. America exited the war in its new position as the world's leading superpower. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the events that led the U.S.A. to join and win World War II. You'll learn about the European and Pacific theaters of war and the fateful decision to use the first atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the events that led America from isolation to intervention in World War I. You'll learn how WWI affected Americans on the home front as well, increasing the size of the government and curtailing civil liberties. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the New Deal, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan to pull the United States out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. The New Deal consisted of a series of programs that were designed to provide relief, recovery, and/or reform. The video briefly describes a number of the New Deal programs, including the Social Security Act, the Public Works Administration, the Works Progress Administration, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act. The video also describes how the New Deal forever changed the relationship between the government and citizens of the United States. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the Progressive Era. You'll specifically look at the domestic and foreign policies of 3 presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, and Woodrow Wilson, all of whom had progressive ideas about how government should be operated. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the 1960s, a decade in American history marked by social, political, and governmental change, as well as influential leaders such as JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. You'll learn more about the Civil Rights Movement and the laws and court decisions that sought to bring equality to more groups of people in our nation. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the events that led up to the Great Depression. The video explores the possible causes of the Great Depression, including the economic, social and political changes that may have contributed to this financial crisis. The video also examines what took place after the Great Depression began, including the failure of many banks and massive unemployment across the nation. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the era of conservatism in the 1960s and 1970s in America. During this time, President Richard Nixon and others harnessed a backlash to 1960s liberalism by bringing groups together to fuel a new conservative movement across the nation. You'll learn about Watergate and about key pieces of legislation and government agencies, such as the ERA and EPA, that mark this era. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the glitz and glam that personifies the Roaring Twenties Era. In the decade known for its numerous social changes, you'll learn about the popularity of the automobile, the rise of Hollywood and celebrity culture, flappers, the economy, limits on immigration, the Scopes Trial, and much more. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History.
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind tour through America in the 1970s. Presidents Ford and Carter were the nation's chief executives during this time, and both are usually considered "failed" presidents for their inability to improve America's economic decline over the course of the decade. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through key events of the Cold War in Asia. The United States' struggle against communist expansion led to full-blown, boots-on-the ground wars in both Korea and Vietnam. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through key events of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s in America. During this time, society focused on achieving equal rights and more protections for all groups in America, especially African-Americans. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. History!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the events that led up to the controversial Election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln's election, combined with growing tensions between the North and South, would ultimately lead to the secession of several Southern states and the beginning of the Civil War. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the consequences and legacies of the Civil War. The video explores how the Civil War truly transformed America, with repercussions for the present. You may want to view this after checking out the Part 1 video for a full review. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the events that led up to and took place during the Civil War. This video reviews the major events, causes, and strategies. Be sure to watch the Part 2 video, as well, for a full review. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the period of Reconstruction in American History. As you may know, Reconstruction was a critical time in America of rebuilding and reinventing the South in the years after the Civil War. You'll learn about its successes and failures. Enjoy this "crash course" review!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind tour of America during the Industrial Revolution. After the Civil War, many changes in technology and ideas gave rise to a new industrialism. You'll learn about industry leaders of the time, such as Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan. Enjoy this "crash course" review about trusts, combinations, and how the government responded to these new business practices!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the period of Westward Expansion when white settlers moved west - often at the expense of the Native Americans who lived there. Many Americans who traveled westward at this time were in search of economic stability and property. Enjoy this "crash course" review of U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the migration patterns and influx of immigrants to our nation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, along with the resultant growth of cities. These trends impacted the labor movement, workforce, and politics of this era. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you will take a whirlwind journey through the Gilded Age, a period in American history where "politics were marked by a number of phenomenons, most of them having to do with corruption." These events led to populism and eventually to new legislation that regulated government and political corruption. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
In this tutorial video, you'll take a whirlwind journey through the Progressive Era in American history. During this time, people were attempting to solve governmental and societal issues, all while trying to better implement equality for all. Enjoy this "crash course" in U.S. history!
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the beginning of World War II in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. This introductory video provides an overview of the beginning of World War II by examining what took place in Asia and Europe in the 1930s.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the ways in which the Axis Powers gained momentum in 1940 during the early stages of World War II in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. You'll learn about the countries that comprised the Axis Powers in 1940 and the countries they invaded throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia during this year.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the early stages of World War II in the Pacific Theater in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. The video includes information about the famous Doolittle Raid--the first air strike on the Japanese home islands--as well as the Battle of the Coral Sea, the Battle of Midway, and the Battle of Guadalcanal.
Type: Tutorial
Learn about the end of World War II in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy.
Type: Tutorial
In this video from Khan Academy, you'll learn about the reception and cultural significance surrounding Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. The publication of this novel is considered one of the causes of the Civil War.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
In this video from Khan Academy, you'll learn about the political and cultural issues that inspired the writing of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. These include the compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act. The publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin is considered one of the causes of the Civil War.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about one of the main causes of the Civil War in this short video from Khan Academy. The politics of slavery threatened the unity of the United States in the mid 1800s, especially after the Compromise of 1850 introduced the controversial Fugitive Slave Act.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about one of the main causes of the Civil War in this short video from Khan Academy. The politics of slavery threatened the unity of the United States in the early 1800s, leading to the Missouri Compromise.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about the beginning of the Civil War in this short video from Khan Academy. After the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln, Southern states began to secede from the Union to form their own nation. War would soon begin after the bombardment of Fort Sumter.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about one of the main consequences of the Civil War--the Emancipation Proclamation--in this short video from Khan Academy. President Abraham Lincoln's executive order ending slavery in the rebellious Southern states was the beginning of the end of slavery... although not necessarily in the way that many people realize.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn how to "think like a historian" in this brief video from Khan Academy. Your hosts analyze in detail President Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address, in which he told the American people, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn how to "think like a historian" in this brief video from Khan Academy. Your hosts explain the difference between primary and secondary sources and analyze the beginning of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn how to "think like a historian" in this brief video from Khan Academy. The speaker describes how thinking like a historian entails using the skills of a storyteller, a scientist, and a lawyer!
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about key events in American history from the colonial era to the end of the Civil War in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. The video touches on the American Revolution, the Constitution, the War of 1812, western expansion, the Mexican-American War, the Civil War, and the end of slavery.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about the crucial events of 1943 in World War II in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. The video includes information on the Allies' campaigns in Italy and North Africa, as well as the continued fighting in the Soviet Union and the Nazis' loss at Stalingrad.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about the crucial events of 1942 in World War II in this tutorial video by Khan Academy. The video includes information on the Allies' campaign in North Africa, as well as the Axis offense in the Soviet Union and the dramatic Battle of Stalingrad.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn how Germany was punished by the Allies of World War I in this short video from Khan Academy. The infamous Treaty of Versailles is considered by some to be a root cause of World War II.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, you'll view a brief video about the Cuban Missile Crisis. This Cold War-era crisis pitted the United States against the Soviet Union and threatened to ignite a nuclear World War III.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Analyze President Woodrow Wilson's plan for world peace in this tutorial video provided by Khan Academy. During a special joint session of Congress in 1918, President Wilson announced the Fourteen Points that would shape the peace negotiations that ended World War I.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about the events that drew the U.S. into World War I in this Khan Academy video. You'll learn about submarine warfare, naval blockades, the sinking of the ocean liner Lusitania, and President Woodrow Wilson's response to these events.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation
Learn about a World War I event in this Khan Academy video. The Zimmermann Telegram was an invitation from Germany to Mexico to declare war on the United States--an unsuccessful ploy by Germany to keep America out of the war in Europe.
Type: Video/Audio/Animation