1943: The Axis Losing in Europe - World War II

Resource ID#: 169109 Type: Video/Audio/Animation

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General Information

Subject(s): Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 11
Intended Audience: Educators educators, Students
Suggested Technology: Computers for Students, Internet Connection, Speakers/Headphones
Instructional Time: 5 Minute(s)
Keywords: tutorial, U.S. History, American History, World War II, WWII, 1943, Soviet Union, Russia, Stalingrad, Kursk, Hitler, Mussolini, North Africa, Operation Torch, Italy, Sicily, Axis, Allies, Rome, video, Khan Academy
Instructional Component Type(s): Video/Audio/Animation Tutorial
Resource Collection: Social Studies - U.S. History Existing Student Tutorials

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Winning World War II: Part 2 (of 2):

In Parts 1 and 2 of this interactive tutorial series, learn how the United States and the Allies defeated the Axis Powers to win World War II. You'll learn about battles and military campaigns, including D-Day, in both the European and Pacific theaters of war. And you'll learn how atomic weapons brought the war to an end but changed the postwar world forever.

CLICK HERE to open Part 1.

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Winning World War II: Part 1 (of 2):

Learn how the United States and the Allies defeated the Axis Powers to win World War II through battles and military campaigns, including D-Day, in both the European and Pacific theaters of war.

This is part 1 in a two-part series. CLICK HERE to open Part 2.

Type: Original Student Tutorial