A. The distribution and abundance of organisms is determined by the interactions between organisms, and between organisms and the non-living environment.
B. Energy and nutrients move within and between biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems via physical, chemical and biological processes.
C. Human activities and natural events can have profound effects on populations, biodiversity and ecosystem processes.
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Original Student Tutorials Science - Grades 9-12
Explore species interdependence focusing on roles played by periphyton in the Everglades ecosystem with this interactive tutorial.
Learn how living organisms can be organized into food webs and how energy is transferred through a food web from producers to consumers to decomposers. This interactive tutorial also includes interactive knowledge checks.
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Original Student Tutorials
Learn how living organisms can be organized into food webs and how energy is transferred through a food web from producers to consumers to decomposers. This interactive tutorial also includes interactive knowledge checks.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore species interdependence focusing on roles played by periphyton in the Everglades ecosystem with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
When you picture the lowest levels of the food chain, you might imagine herbivores happily munching on lush, living green plants. But this idyllic image leaves out a huge (and slightly less appetizing) source of nourishment: dead stuff. John C. Moore details the "brown food chain," explaining how such unlikely delicacies as pond scum and animal feces contribute enormous amounts of energy to our ecosystems.
Type: Tutorial
This short video opens up the oceans' microscopic ecosystem, revealing its beauty and complexity. Footage from the Plankton Chronicles Project is used to create a video designed to ignite wonder and curiosity about this hidden world that underpins our own food chain.
Type: Tutorial