Clarification 1: Students will identify methods used by the media to monitor and hold government accountable (e.g., acting as a watchdog, freedom of the press as contained in the 1st Amendment).
Clarification 2: Students will identify methods used by individuals to monitor, hold accountable and influence the government (e.g., attending civic meetings, peacefully protesting, petitioning government, running for office, voting).
Clarification 3: Students will identify methods used by interest groups to monitor and influence government.
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Lesson Plans
Original Student Tutorial
Teaching Ideas
Text Resource
Original Student Tutorials Social Studies - Civics - Grades 6-8
In this interactive tutorial, you'll identify the impacts of individuals, interest groups, and the media on monitoring and influencing the government of the United States.
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, you'll identify the impacts of individuals, interest groups, and the media on monitoring and influencing the government of the United States.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Parent Resources
Teaching Idea
This Grade 7 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 2 at this grade level.
Type: Teaching Idea