
Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words accurately. 
  1. Decode words using knowledge of spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs, trigraphs, and blends. 
  2. Decode simple words with r-controlled vowels.  
  3. Decode and encode regularly spelled one-syllable words. 
  4. Decode words with inflectional endings. 
  5. Decode two-syllable words with regular patterns by breaking the words into syllables. 
  6. Decode words that use final –e and vowel teams to make long-vowel sound. 


Clarification 1: Phonics refers to the relationship between graphemes (letters or letter combinations) and phonemes (speech sounds).

Clarification 2: Students will decode decodable high frequency words appropriate to the grade level. See 1.F.1.4 and Dolch and Fry word lists. Students will read grade-level appropriate high frequency words, decodable or not, with automaticity.

General Information
Subject Area: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 1
Strand: Foundational Skills
Date Adopted or Revised: 08/20
Status: State Board Approved

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5010020: Basic Skills in Reading-K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2021, 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010030: Functional Basic Skills in Communications-Elementary (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010042: Language Arts - Grade One (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2021, 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
7710012: Access Language Arts - Grade 1 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
5010022: Functional Reading Skills K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010026: Functional Reading Skills 3-5 (Specifically in versions: 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010012: English for Speakers of Other Languages Grade 1 (Specifically in versions: 2021 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3a: Decode words using knowledge of spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs, trigraphs and blends.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3b: Decode simple words with r-controlled vowels.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3c: Decode and encode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3d: Decode words with inflectional endings.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3e: Decode two-syllable words with regular patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
ELA.1.F.1.AP.3f: Decode words that use final -e and vowel teams to make long-vowel sound.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorials

Explorers Club: Long o, Silent e Words Part 2:

Join Hope as she explores the backyard of her home and learns to read words that have long vowel sound -o with silent -e in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel Silent e Words - Part 5:

Join Eli, the leader of the Explorer's Club, and all the explorers we have met in the other tutorials, while decoding long vowel, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long u, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Join June at the Dude Ranch as she explores Long u, Silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorers Club: Long -i, Silent -e Words Part 3:

Join Mike the diver underwater as he explores long -i, silent -e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: ing with Long a, Silent e Words Part 1:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words by adding the inflectional edning ong to long vowel -a CVCe words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to Long Vowel, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal as they explore adding the ending ing to long vowel silent e words, while finishing up their aviary, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long o, Silent e words - Part 3:

Join Cam and Cal as they continue work on their aviary and build new words using long o, silent e words with the inflectional ending of ing, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long i, Silent Words - Part 2:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words and a bird aviary as they add the ending ing to long i, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal, Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 3:

Join Cal as she builds and deodes words with the inflectional edning -ed pronounced /d/ in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding –ed to words ending in -y Part 4:

Build words by adding the ending -ed to words that end in consonant -y and vowel -y with Cam and Cal the construction workers in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel a, Silent e Words - Part 1:

Discover how to decode CVCe, long vowel a, silent e words with Gabe from the Explorers Club in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal Ending -ed pronounced /t/ Part 2:

Cam the builder invites you to decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /t/ in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to vowel teams ee and ea Part 3:

Learn about adding the ending -ing to vowel team ee and ea words as you help Cal and Cam build the giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /id/ for their Construction Company with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to words ending in the letter -y Part 2:

Help Cal and Cam learn about adding the ending -ing to words that end in the letter -y as they continue to build the giraffe sanctury in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Short Vowel Words - Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal learn how to add the inflectional ending -ing to short vowel words as they begin to build a giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cora's Adventure to Mars:

Let's join Cora, the astonaut, as she travels to Mars and learns about the r-controlled vowels of ar and or in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -s to vowel –y nouns and verbs, Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal at their construction company building and decoding vowel -y nouns and verbs with the inflectional endings of -s, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 4 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -es to Consonant –y words Part 3:

Help Cam and Cal build words with the inflectional ending of -es to nouns and verbs that end in consonant -y, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding –s and –es to Verbs Part 2:

Help Cam and Cal learn about adding the inflectional endings of -s and -es at their construction site with this interactve tutorial.

This is part 2 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Building Plural Nouns with -s and -es: Part 1:

Come along with Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the endings of "s" and "es" to nouns in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Student Center Activities

Fluency: Speedy Rime Words:

In this activity, students will quickly read words with the same rime in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Compound Word Puzzles:

In this activity, students will form compound words by putting puzzle pieces together.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Syllable Game:

In this activity, students will count the number of syllables in words while playing a board game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Syllable Closed Sort:

In this activity, students will sort words by the number of syllables.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Piece It Together:

In this activity, students will make words from syllable puzzle pieces.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Picture It In Syllables:

In this activity, students will combine syllables to form words while playing a matching game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Say and Write Letters:

In this activity, students will orally segment words represented by picture cards and write the corresponding letters on spaces in Elkonin boxes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Flip Manipulating Books:

In this activity, students will blend sounds to make words while manipulating cards in a binder.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Vowel Slide:

In this activity, students will blend sounds to make words while manipulating a vowel slide.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Silent "e" Changes:

In this activity, students will read words with and without the silent "e" pattern.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Canned Sort:

In this activity, students will read and sort words based on long and short vowel sounds.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Make-A-Word:

In this activity, students will segment names of pictures into phonemes and use letters to make each word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Three-In-One:

In this activity, students will use consonant and vowel cards to make words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter Cube Blending:

In this activity, students will make words using consonant and vowel cubes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Steps:

In this activity, students will make words by manipulating one letter at a time.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Vowel Stars:

In this activity, the student will blend sounds of letters to make words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Maker Game:

In this activity, students will make words using onset and rime cards.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Roll-A-Rama:

In this activity, students will make words using onset and rime cubes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Change-A-Word:

In this activity, students will make words by matching and blending onsets and rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Swat:

In this activity, students will make words by matching and blending onsets and rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Rime Closed Sort:

In this activity, students will sort words by rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Say It Now:

In this activity, students will make words by selecting various letters (onsets) to complete provided rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Picture the Word:

In this activity, students select onsets (initial sounds) to complete words using pictures as clues.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Onset and Rime Slide:

In this activity, students will make words using a variety of onsets (including blends and digraphs) and sliding rime strips (including short, long, and variable vowels). They will also determine if the new word is real or nonsense.

Type: Student Center Activity

Original Student Tutorials for Language Arts - Grades K-5

Building with Cam and Cal Ending -ed pronounced /t/ Part 2:

Cam the builder invites you to decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /t/ in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal, Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 3:

Join Cal as she builds and deodes words with the inflectional edning -ed pronounced /d/ in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding –ed to words ending in -y Part 4:

Build words by adding the ending -ed to words that end in consonant -y and vowel -y with Cam and Cal the construction workers in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long i, Silent Words - Part 2:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words and a bird aviary as they add the ending ing to long i, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long o, Silent e words - Part 3:

Join Cam and Cal as they continue work on their aviary and build new words using long o, silent e words with the inflectional ending of ing, in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to Long Vowel, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal as they explore adding the ending ing to long vowel silent e words, while finishing up their aviary, in this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Short Vowel Words - Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal learn how to add the inflectional ending -ing to short vowel words as they begin to build a giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to vowel teams ee and ea Part 3:

Learn about adding the ending -ing to vowel team ee and ea words as you help Cal and Cam build the giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to words ending in the letter -y Part 2:

Help Cal and Cam learn about adding the ending -ing to words that end in the letter -y as they continue to build the giraffe sanctury in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Building with Cam and Cal: Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /id/ for their Construction Company with this interactive tutorial.

Building with Cam and Cal: ing with Long a, Silent e Words Part 1:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words by adding the inflectional edning ong to long vowel -a CVCe words in this interactive tutorial.

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -es to Consonant –y words Part 3:

Help Cam and Cal build words with the inflectional ending of -es to nouns and verbs that end in consonant -y, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding –s and –es to Verbs Part 2:

Help Cam and Cal learn about adding the inflectional endings of -s and -es at their construction site with this interactve tutorial.

This is part 2 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -s to vowel –y nouns and verbs, Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal at their construction company building and decoding vowel -y nouns and verbs with the inflectional endings of -s, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 4 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Building Plural Nouns with -s and -es: Part 1:

Come along with Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the endings of "s" and "es" to nouns in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Cora's Adventure to Mars:

Let's join Cora, the astonaut, as she travels to Mars and learns about the r-controlled vowels of ar and or in this interactive tutorial.

Explorers Club: Long -i, Silent -e Words Part 3:

Join Mike the diver underwater as he explores long -i, silent -e words in this interactive tutorial.

Explorers Club: Long o, Silent e Words Part 2:

Join Hope as she explores the backyard of her home and learns to read words that have long vowel sound -o with silent -e in this interactive tutorial.

Explorer's Club: Long u, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Join June at the Dude Ranch as she explores Long u, Silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel a, Silent e Words - Part 1:

Discover how to decode CVCe, long vowel a, silent e words with Gabe from the Explorers Club in this interactive tutorial.

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel Silent e Words - Part 5:

Join Eli, the leader of the Explorer's Club, and all the explorers we have met in the other tutorials, while decoding long vowel, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorials

Explorers Club: Long o, Silent e Words Part 2:

Join Hope as she explores the backyard of her home and learns to read words that have long vowel sound -o with silent -e in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel Silent e Words - Part 5:

Join Eli, the leader of the Explorer's Club, and all the explorers we have met in the other tutorials, while decoding long vowel, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long u, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Join June at the Dude Ranch as she explores Long u, Silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorers Club: Long -i, Silent -e Words Part 3:

Join Mike the diver underwater as he explores long -i, silent -e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: ing with Long a, Silent e Words Part 1:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words by adding the inflectional edning ong to long vowel -a CVCe words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to Long Vowel, Silent e Words - Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal as they explore adding the ending ing to long vowel silent e words, while finishing up their aviary, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long o, Silent e words - Part 3:

Join Cam and Cal as they continue work on their aviary and build new words using long o, silent e words with the inflectional ending of ing, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Long i, Silent Words - Part 2:

Work with Cam and Cal as they build words and a bird aviary as they add the ending ing to long i, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal, Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 3:

Join Cal as she builds and deodes words with the inflectional edning -ed pronounced /d/ in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding –ed to words ending in -y Part 4:

Build words by adding the ending -ed to words that end in consonant -y and vowel -y with Cam and Cal the construction workers in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel a, Silent e Words - Part 1:

Discover how to decode CVCe, long vowel a, silent e words with Gabe from the Explorers Club in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal Ending -ed pronounced /t/ Part 2:

Cam the builder invites you to decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /t/ in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to vowel teams ee and ea Part 3:

Learn about adding the ending -ing to vowel team ee and ea words as you help Cal and Cam build the giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Ending –ed pronounced as /id/ Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the ending -ed pronounced /id/ for their Construction Company with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to words ending in the letter -y Part 2:

Help Cal and Cam learn about adding the ending -ing to words that end in the letter -y as they continue to build the giraffe sanctury in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 2 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding ing to Short Vowel Words - Part 1:

Help Cam and Cal learn how to add the inflectional ending -ing to short vowel words as they begin to build a giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cora's Adventure to Mars:

Let's join Cora, the astonaut, as she travels to Mars and learns about the r-controlled vowels of ar and or in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -s to vowel –y nouns and verbs, Part 4:

Work with Cam and Cal at their construction company building and decoding vowel -y nouns and verbs with the inflectional endings of -s, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 4 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding -es to Consonant –y words Part 3:

Help Cam and Cal build words with the inflectional ending of -es to nouns and verbs that end in consonant -y, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Adding –s and –es to Verbs Part 2:

Help Cam and Cal learn about adding the inflectional endings of -s and -es at their construction site with this interactve tutorial.

This is part 2 in a four-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Cam and Cal’s Construction Company: Building Plural Nouns with -s and -es: Part 1:

Come along with Cam and Cal as they build and decode words with the endings of "s" and "es" to nouns in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a four-part series. Click below to explore other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.