Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
General Notes
Access Courses: Access courses are intended only for students with a significant cognitive disability. Access courses are designed to provide students with access to the general curriculum. Access points reflect increasing levels of complexity and depth of knowledge aligned with grade-level expectations. The access points included in access courses are intentionally designed to foster high expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.Access points in the subject areas of science, social studies, art, dance, physical education, theatre, and health provide tiered access to the general curriculum through three levels of access points (Participatory, Supported, and Independent). Access points in English language arts and mathematics do not contain these tiers, but contain Essential Understandings (or EUs). EUs consist of skills at varying levels of complexity and are a resource when planning for instruction.
General Information
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorials
Help Tallula record observations of moving objects at her local playground in this interactive science tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to detect words that need capitals with Detectives Sadie, Sam, and Scout in this interactive tutorial. Help fix their secret messages by capitalizing the first word in a sentence, names, the pronoun I, days of the week, and months of the year.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the parts of a book in this interactive tutorial. Join Li as she learns to locate and use the text features on the title page, table of contents, and glossary in informational books.
This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open Part 1.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the parts of a book in this interactive tutorial. Join Li as she learns to locate and use the text features on the title page and table of contents in informational books.
This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open Part 2.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use titles and headings to predict the topic of informational text and to find specific information within the text in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Explore the small differences in the meanings of synonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she compares, orders, and chooses synonyms based on their shades of meaning.
This is part 4 of a 4-part series. Click below to view parts 1, 2, and 3:
- Searching for Similarities - Part 1: Adjectives and Synonyms
- Searching for Similarities - Part 2: Verbs and Synonyms
- Searching for Similarities - Part 3: Synonyms and Context Clues
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.
This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use titles and headings to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he reviews the parts of a book and explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.
This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she uses synonyms as clues to figure out what words mean in the observations of her family.
This is part 3 of a 4-part series. Click below to view parts 1, 2, or 4:
- Searching for Similarities - Part 1: Adjectives and Synonyms
- Searching for Similarities - Part 2: Verbs and Synonyms
- Searching for Similarities - Part 4: Synonyms and Shades of Meaning
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues in this interactive tutorial. Join Jake as he uses antonyms as clues to figure out what words mean in the observations of his family.
This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Click below to view parts 1 and 2:
Observing Opposites - Part 1: Adjectives and Antonyms
Observing Opposites - Part 2: Verbs and Antonyms
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Keep written and pictorial records of investigations in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify the reasons an author gives to support his or her opinion in a text in this interactive tutorial. Then read along as Olivia and Oliver write their opinions and reasons to help their parents choose the best pet for their family.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify information found in the illustrations and the words in a text with this interactive ocean-themed tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn to use a period, a question mark, and an exclamation mark at the end of sentences in this interactive soccer-themed tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Help Pat the Penguin use context clues to find the meanings of unknown words and phrases in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify key details as you answer questions about informational text in this interactive tutorial. Join Sam as he explores the seashore and answers who, what, where, and when questions about sea stars, sea urchins, hermit crabs, horseshoe crabs, and other sea-related topics.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Use conjunctions to connect words and sentences together in this interactive tutorial. Help Builder Carl build new sentences using common conjunctions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify and retell the main elements of a story in this interactive tutorial. Join Walter Wolf to find the characters, setting, and major events in his favorite story, The Three Little Pigs, and retell what happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify story elements by answering who, what, where, and when questions in this interactive tutorial. Help Red Riding Hood find her friends Hansel and Gretel by answering questions about the key details in their story.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Recount the important details using story elements and determine the central message, lesson, or moral of the fable in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify similarities and differences, use a Venn diagram, and describe connections in an informational text in this interactive tutorial. Join Luke as he compares and contrasts life long ago with life today using key details in informational text.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Identify paragraphs in a text, use key details to identify the topic of a paragraph, and identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text using the topics and details from each paragraph in this Florida-themed interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Sort and describe words based on categories and key attributes in this interactive tutorial. Visit a circus, zoo, and fire station as you learn to describe and group people, animals, and objects.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Describe characters using key details in a story in this interactive tutorial. Join Police Officer Smith and the Gingerbread Man as they describe characters' appearances, feelings, and actions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial