General Information
Number: ELA.3.R.2
Title: Reading Informational Text
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 3
Strand: Reading
Related Benchmarks
This cluster includes the following benchmarks.
Related Access Points
This cluster includes the following access points.
Access Points
Identify the text structures of chronological order, comparison and cause/effect in texts.
Identify the central idea and select relevant details that supports that idea in a text.
Identify what evidence is included in an informational text that develops the author’s purpose.
Identify an author’s claim and evidence used to support the claim.
Related Resources
Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.
Lesson Plans
Original Student Tutorial
Student Center Activities
Student Resources
Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.
Original Student Tutorial
Cause and Effect in the Deep, Blue Sea:
Help Noah learn how to identify examples of cause and effect in informational text in this ocean-themed, interactive tutorial. You will also learn how to match events and ideas in informational text that have a cause and effect relationship.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Parent Resources
Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.