Item Type(s):
This benchmark may be assessed using:
- Assessment Limits :
Items may ask the student to determine the main idea and which details support the main idea. The main idea may be explicitly or implicitly stated. Items may ask the student to summarize the text. - Text Types :
The items assessing this standard may be used with one or more grade-appropriate informational texts. Texts may vary in complexity. - Response Mechanisms :
The Enhanced Item Descriptions section on page 3 provides a list of Response Mechanisms that may be used to assess this standard (excluding the Editing Task Choice item type). The Sample Response Mechanisms may include, but are not limited to, the examples below. - Task Demand and Sample Response Mechanisms :
Task Demand
Determine a main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details.
Sample Response Mechanisms
Selectable Text
- Requires the student to select the main idea of the text and then to select details from the text that support the main idea.
- Requires the student to select a main idea and then to select a detail or details from the text to support the main idea.
Task DemandProvide a summary of the text.
Sample Response Mechanisms
Selectable Text
- Requires the student to select details from the text that are necessary for a summary.
- Requires the student to identify the correct summary of the text.
- Requires the student to select multiple details from the text that are necessary for a summary.
- Requires the student to complete a table that creates a summary of a text.
Related Courses
Related Access Points
Related Resources
Lesson Plans
Original Student Tutorial
Student Center Activities
Text Resource
Original Student Tutorials for Language Arts - Grades K-5
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text
Sometimes the main idea likes to hide out in the texts that you read. Lenny Lizard will give you some pointers on how to uncover the main idea and use key details to support your answers.
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to find the directly and indirectly stated main idea of a text. You will also learn how to identify and explain how key details support the main idea.
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text
Sometimes the main idea likes to hide out in the texts that you read. Lenny Lizard will give you some pointers on how to uncover the main idea and use key details to support your answers.
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to find the directly and indirectly stated main idea of a text. You will also learn how to identify and explain how key details support the main idea.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Student Center Activity
Students can practice answering reading comprehension questions with a text about online learning. With an account, students can save their work and send it to their teacher when complete.
Type: Student Center Activity