A. DNA stores and transmits genetic information. Genes are sets of instructions encoded in the structure of DNA.
B. Genetic information is passed from generation to generation by DNA in all organisms and accounts for similarities in related individuals.
C. Manipulation of DNA in organisms has led to commercial production of biological molecules on a large scale and genetically modified organisms.
D. Reproduction is characteristic of living things and is essential for the survival of species.
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Original Student Tutorials Science - Grades 9-12
Learn how to better understand the composition of DNA, the purpose of the information in DNA, why the DNA sequence is considered a universal code, and what might happen if mistakes appear in the code with this interactive tutorial.
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Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to better understand the composition of DNA, the purpose of the information in DNA, why the DNA sequence is considered a universal code, and what might happen if mistakes appear in the code with this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial