
Explain government obligations to its citizens and the services provided at the local, state and national levels.


Note: The following clarifications are not specific to this benchmark but were listed in the state board approved document by mistake. 

Clarification 1: Students will identify the purposes of a constitution (e.g., provides a framework for government, limits government authority, protects individual rights of the people). 

Clarification 2: Students will recognize the basic outline of the U.S. and Florida Constitutions (e.g., both have preambles, articles and amendments). 

Clarification 3: Students will compare the amendment process of the U.S. and Florida Constitutions. 

Clarification 4: Students will recognize the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land.

General Information
Subject Area: Social Studies
Grade: 7
Strand: Civics and Government
Status: State Board Approved

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Lesson Plans

Budgeting and Decision-Making: Integrating Math and Civics:

This lesson will help students understand the concept of percentages within the context of government budgets. Students will explore how percentages are used to allocate funds in government budgets and how they can be effectively communicated using graphs. The lesson will involve collaborative learning, discussions, and problem-solving to foster critical thinking and application of math concepts in a civics context.


Type: Lesson Plan

Which Services can we Afford? Part 3 of 3:

In this lesson, students will peer review their assignments from lessons 1 and 2 to compare their solutions and determine the validity of the classmate’s process according to the provided rubric. This is lesson 3 of 3 in a mini-unit integrating math and civics.

Type: Lesson Plan

Which Services can we Afford? Part 1of 3:

In this lesson, students will be re-introduced to ratios and percentages and explain how we use them for budgeting and taxes. Students will get information on tax income funds and use the information to allocate funds for providing the different services in a community (Police, Fire, Schools, Hospitals, Roads, etc.) This is lesson 1 of 3 in a mini-unit integrating civics and math.

Type: Lesson Plan

Where Do Our Taxes Go?:

In this lesson plan, students will learn that each level of government can tax. Students will then analyze the functions of government and explain how those taxes can support the continuation of those functions. Teachers will help guide students in researching how taxes work at each level of government - federal, state and local. While the research for all students will remain the same for federal and state, it is the local (county) government taxes where they may need some additional support in conducting research.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Long Walk to Water Lesson 3: Government Obligations/Services:

This is a lesson in the text unit series for A Long Walk to Water. Using prior knowledge students have acquired pertaining to the U.S. Constitution and the establishment of shared powers, students will read, infer, paraphrase, classify, and describe the government's obligations and services extended to citizens of Sudan at the Federal and State levels. Additionally, students will be able to compare the impact of Federal and State powers on the citizens of Sudan explaining it's importance on U.S. history.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

Signage Usage and Regulations - Part 3:

The students will be able to use their research on signage in a variety of areas such as national parks, roadways, and local areas of their choice to create a Scratch presentation to share their understanding of the signage obligations of local, state, and national governments. This is part 3 of a 3-part integrated lesson plan that integrates Civics with Computer Science and Coding.

Type: Lesson Plan

Signage Usage and Regulations Part 2:

In this lesson, students will engage in research using local, state, and federal sites to collect information on signage. This is part 2 of a 3 part integrated lesson plan that integrates Civics with Computer Science and Coding.

Type: Lesson Plan

Signage Usage and Regulations - Part 1:

The students will be able to identify different signage in a variety of areas such as national parks, roadways, and local areas from a teacher directed scratch program. This is part 1 of a 3 part integrated lesson plan that integrates Civics with Computer Science and Coding.

Type: Lesson Plan

Switching on the Lights:

Students will explore how electricity is provided to the citizens of Florida and the state and local government’s role in that service. They will explore an interactive map of the various types of power plants in Florida and describe the transformations in energy that occur when different fuel sources are used. The class will discuss the responsibility of the government in ensuring the citizens of Florida have the electricity they need in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Who Would You Call?:

In this lesson plan, students will identify which level of government would be responsible for addressing a number of concerns.

Type: Lesson Plan

Build a New School:

Students will calculate, interpret, and use measures of center and spread of different populations to determine in which city in Manatee County new schools should be built. Students will also use percentages to estimate the future population of school-aged children which will be used to determine where new schools should be built.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. Click here: to learn more about MEAs and how they can transform your classroom.They resemble engineering problems and encourage students to create solutions in the form of mathematical and scientific models. MEAs follow a problem-based, student centered approach to learning, where students are encouraged to grapple with the problem while the teacher acts as a facilitator.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

We Have Three Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the impact of federal, state, and local governments on your daily life.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Sunshine State Government:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the state government of Florida and learn how its three branches are modeled after those in the federal government.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Finding Civic Solutions:

This interactive tutorial will help you answer the questions: What can individuals do on their own to make change? When can your government help you? To which government can you turn? Learn about responsible citizenship and how you might make positive changes in your own community.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

We Have Two Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how and why American citizens are governed by TWO governments which share power: the federal government of the United States and the government of the state in which they live.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Teaching Idea

Grade 7 Civics Family Guide: Standard 3:

This Grade 7 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 3 at this grade level.

Type: Teaching Idea

Original Student Tutorials Social Studies - Civics - Grades 6-8

Finding Civic Solutions:

This interactive tutorial will help you answer the questions: What can individuals do on their own to make change? When can your government help you? To which government can you turn? Learn about responsible citizenship and how you might make positive changes in your own community.

Sunshine State Government:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the state government of Florida and learn how its three branches are modeled after those in the federal government.

We Have Three Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the impact of federal, state, and local governments on your daily life.

We Have Two Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how and why American citizens are governed by TWO governments which share power: the federal government of the United States and the government of the state in which they live.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorials

We Have Three Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the impact of federal, state, and local governments on your daily life.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Sunshine State Government:

In this interactive tutorial, explore the state government of Florida and learn how its three branches are modeled after those in the federal government.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Finding Civic Solutions:

This interactive tutorial will help you answer the questions: What can individuals do on their own to make change? When can your government help you? To which government can you turn? Learn about responsible citizenship and how you might make positive changes in your own community.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

We Have Two Governments?:

In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how and why American citizens are governed by TWO governments which share power: the federal government of the United States and the government of the state in which they live.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Teaching Idea

Grade 7 Civics Family Guide: Standard 3:

This Grade 7 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 3 at this grade level.

Type: Teaching Idea