What Makes Things Move?

Resource ID#: 25099 Type: Teaching Idea

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 2
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Keywords: push, pull, force, friction, gravity, motion
Instructional Component Type(s): Teaching Idea
Instructional Design Framework(s): Direct Instruction, Open Inquiry (Level 4), Cooperative Learning
Resource Collection: General Collection

Aligned Standards

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Lesson Plan

Some Things Happen Fast and Some Things Happen Slow:

In this lesson, teachers show their students pictures of different events happening on Earth and asks if these events happen quickly or slowly, how students generated that judgment, and what happens on Earth after each event occurred. Students can explore a location around the school and record observations in their notebook about what events may be occurring in that location and if they are occurring slowly or quickly.

Type: Lesson Plan

Unit/Lesson Sequences

How do Objects Move | Engineering Design Challenge:

In this unit, students explore and explain the many different ways that an object moves and how its properties affect its movements. In one lesson ("In What Ways"), students predict and test their predictions on how different objects will move when gently pushed on their desks. In "Do All Tops Spin Alike?," students use different materials to construct their own tops and test its movements. "Making Objects Move" introduces the concept of acceleration and allows students to use different sizes and types of balls and other materials to build tracks that will be used to stop the ball at a certain location. "Playground Equipment" gives an engineering experience by engaging students in a competition with a given scenario and asking them to design, test, and re-design (if necessary) a functioning piece of new playground equipment (the terms "force," "motion," "gravity," and "simple machine" are introduced).

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence

Fast and Slow Motion:

This unit introduces the terms "fast" and "slow" in regards to motion objects and explore how different objects move.

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence

What Makes Objects Move?:

In this unit, students use different objects and observations to explore what factors influence an objects' motion.

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence