Standard 4: Researching

General Information
Number: ELA.10.C.4
Title: Researching
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 10
Strand: Communication

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Conduct research to answer a question, drawing on multiple reliable and valid sources.
Summarize information from multiple reliable and valid sources.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Fundraising Activity:

This lesson is part 2 in a series of 3 lessons where students determine a group or cause in need of funding, create a fundraising plan, and present their plan to a “board of directors.” In part 1, students researched and compared fundraising ideas from various sources, including their own experience with fundraising activities or events. Students also researched fundraising rules in the state of Florida to determine the necessary forms and information needed to legitimize their fundraisers. In this lesson plan, part 2, students will use their research to determine an innovative way to fundraise for their chosen group or cause and will prepare an outline and an oral presentation to be given in part 3 of the lesson series.

Type: Lesson Plan

Fahrenheit 451: Informed Citizens:

This lesson is intended to supplement the study of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Students will read Part 1: The Hearth and the Salamander of the text and analyze Captain Beatty’s explanation of how a society devalued literacy and information over time, paying attention to the actions of the citizens and evaluating how and to what degree the citizens acted responsibly.

There are four lessons that can be used to complement a study of Fahrenheit 451 and allow for a new perspective by merging ELA skills with civics knowledge.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

Comparing Unsecured Loans:

Students will conduct research to identify, compare, and discuss characteristics of personal loans, student loans, and unsecured credit cards in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Comparing Secured Loans:

Students will conduct research to identify, compare, and discuss characteristics of auto loans, mortgages, and secured credit cards, in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Art as a Career:

In part 1 of this unit, students identified the work of several local artists. They became familiar with various visual art related careers. In this lesson, part 2, students will choose one visual art related career to research in order to determine requisite skills, identify qualifications, analyze supply-and-demand, compare market location, and estimate potential earnings for the chosen career.

Type: Lesson Plan

Sources of Income:

Students will conduct research to explore then compare and contrast different sources of income, in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace:

Using the case study, "Training Day: The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace," students will research proper business etiquette and effective workplace communication. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Factors Affecting Income:

Students will conduct research to synthesize information on two different career choices, their education requirements, and necessary technical skills then analyze how different factors can affect income, in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Unsecured and Secured Loans:

Students will conduct research to identify characteristics of secured and unsecured loans, in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Answer a Research Question with Close Reading and Research:

In this lesson, students will conduct research to answer the research question: How are current trends in education affecting higher education and/or the workforce?

Type: Lesson Plan

Benjamin Franklin - A Man of Amazing Accomplishments: A Research Project:

In this lesson, students will create a research question based on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Students will develop a research question about how a characteristic or event in the life of young Ben Franklin influenced an accomplishment of an older, mature Ben Franklin. Students will research the life of Ben Franklin to answer their questions and present their findings in a short oral presentation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: Part 2:

This lesson is part two of three included in a unit that addresses rhetorical appeals. In this lesson, students will research and find examples of ethos, pathos and logos used in advertisements.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ripples of the Great Depression: 1930s to today:

In this lesson, students will gather information on aspects of the 1930s and the Great Depression including how they are linked to current issues and events, then create a presentation based on their findings and present it to the class. This lesson will help to build background knowledge for reading literature set in the 1930s and would be a good activity to complete before reading texts that take place during that period. This activity will develop students' research skills including evaluating sources, note-taking, and integrating information from multiple sources, as well as giving students opportunities to engage in creating digital presentations.

Type: Lesson Plan

Avoiding Debt:

Using the case study, “A Journey to Becoming Debt Free,” students will engage in a discussion about the case, do research on what good versus bad credit looks like, consider the causes and effects of incurring debt, and research different methods for avoiding debt. Students will summarize their findings and post their summaries on a discussion board to share with the class.

Type: Lesson Plan

Dietary Lifestyle Decision:

Using the case study, “The Healthy Meal Choice,” students will survey and discuss their ideas about personal choices regarding food lifestyle choices, and the impact on changing meal planning to include dietary changes for medical condition and family integration. Upon consensus within the group, students will research and plan updated meals for the family in the case study.

Type: Lesson Plan

Discussing the Ethical Use of the Internet :

Using the case study, Ethical Use of The Internet, students will investigate the legal, moral, and professional ramifications of copyright-related themes. They will discuss and offer ideas for ethical copyright procedures, such as the use of licensing and the use of royalty-free photographs. Students will compare variations in copyright expiration dates, acceptable uses, international agreements, and cultural factors. They will also verbally discuss their reflections, insights, and results.

Type: Lesson Plan

ECE Child Growth and Development: Developmental Theory Research:

Students will research a developmental theory related to early childhood education. After a brief introduction to principal developmental theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Maslow, Kohlberg, and others, students will then use a research graphic organizer to compile information on one of the developmental theories, including the focus of the developmental theory and the stages of development presented in the theory.

Type: Lesson Plan

ECE Child Growth and Development: Investigating Principles:

Students will use and build upon their prior knowledge to investigate a question related to child growth and development. As an introductory lesson to developmental principles, students will first self-reflect on their own childhood development. Then, students will evaluate the reliability of online resources as they conduct research, synthesize the information, and present their findings to a peer.

Type: Lesson Plan

Guilt Trip:

Using the case study, Guilt Trip, students will have a better understanding of market segmentation and how it is not only defined by demographics but also lifestyle preferences. They will also have a better understanding of how their own personality types influence their choices as well as their relationships with others, including their friends. Accordingly, this will further facilitate their understanding of how individual personality traits influence travel decisions, particularly where two or more travelers are involved.

Type: Lesson Plan

Hard and Soft Skills:

Students will be able to define hard and soft skills and why they are important to the workplace. Students will also research specific Information Technology hard skills and self-assess their own hard and soft skills. Students will develop strategies and goals to strengthen their career skills in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Hospitality and Federal Regulations:

Using the case study, “Will this Stay be ADA compliant?” students will identify federal regulations that public and private businesses must adhere to for guests.

Type: Lesson Plan

Meal Planning and Budgeting for Families:

Using the case study, “Dining Out Dilemma: How to Meal Plan and Budget for Busy Families," students will research and identify meal planning, budgeting and comparative shopping strategies that families can use to save money.

Type: Lesson Plan

Researching Employee Benefits:

Using case study, Employers Supporting Employees, students will conduct research on a variety of employer-provided benefits. Students will then use their research to brainstorm an idea for an outcome to the case study.

Type: Lesson Plan

Summer Job or Future Career: Researching Careers in Agriculture:

Using the case study, “Summer Job or Future Career?” students will research possible careers in the agriculture industry. They will research how many years of college they will need and the projected pay. They will also investigate the job outlook, or need, for this field in Florida.

Type: Lesson Plan

To Sue or Not to Sue?:

Using the case study, “Inspiration vs Copyright Infringement,” students will use the case study to create arguments to affirm and negate both sides of an argument presented in the case. The students will use their notes, research, and personal knowledge to build their cases. At the end of the class, students will write a summary explaining the case using evidence and research.

Type: Lesson Plan

Who is A.A.A.’s Hero?:

In this lesson, students will read multiple texts, conduct online research, brainstorm ideas, and analyze and synthesize information. Students will also practice the arts of note-taking, writing concise and informative summaries, and collaborating with peers to learn more about South Africa's Anti-Apartheid (A.A.A.) movement and the hero who saved them.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.