Standard 1: Learning and Applying Foundational Reading Skills

General Information
Number: ELA.5.F.1
Title: Learning and Applying Foundational Reading Skills
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 5
Strand: Foundational Skills

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns and morphology to read and form familiar single-syllable and multisyllabic words in context.
Read grade-level texts, at the student’s ability level, with accuracy and expression using the student’s mode of communication.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plan

The Great Seal of the United States: Currency Symbol Scavenger Hunt:

This is lesson 6 in the text unit series for The Great Seal of the United States by Norman Pearl, pages 12-19. Students will analyze the symbols used to create the Great Seal. Students will have a chance to explore artifacts such as the dollar bill, penny, and quarter with a magnifying glass. Students will add to background knowledge by continuing to discover how the Great Seal of the United States was created and what it stands for. Students will also create a great seal using symbols and explain the meanings behind the symbols.

This ELA/Civics Integrated Text Units is designed to support students with the integration of civics into the ELA classroom through the reading and studying of Norman Pearl’s book The Great Seal of the United States. Students will identify new vocabulary, describe both Florida and USA seals, as well as the importance of national symbols and their meaning. Using timelines, graphic organizers, worksheets, and other activities they will connect these symbols to other documents like the Declaration of Independence and the understanding of unalienable rights. Each lesson in this series leads to a culminating activity in which students will use their knowledge and understanding of symbols and relevant details to create their own Great Seal.

This resource uses a book that you will need to obtain before implementing the resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Center Activities

Fluency: Fluent Reflections:

In this activity, students will read text and self-evaluate their reading fluency using the provided evaluation checklist.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Read Along:

In this activity, students will practice reading fluently using teacher-selected technology.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Compu-Read:

In this activity, students will read fluency passages using teacher-selected reading software.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Poetic License:

In this activity, students will read teacher-selected poems with a partner.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Impressive Expressive:

In this activity, students will read teacher-selected passages using expression appropriate to the content of the text.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Cast of Readers:

In this activity, students will rehearse and read text using a reader's theater format.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Follow My Lead:

In this activity, students will read text chorally in unison.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Echo Echo:

In this activity, students will practice reading fluently by echo reading text with a partner.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Reading Results:

In this activity, students will time repeated readings and graph words correct per minute.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Reading Twosome:

In this activity, students will gain speed and accuracy by rereading teacher-selected text with a partner.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Practice and Read:

In this activity, students will practice reading teacher-selected target words and then read connected text containing those words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Chunk It Up:

In this activity, students will divide text into meaningful chunks and then read it fluently.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Division Decisions:

In this activity, students will divide text into meaningful parts and then read it fluently.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Reading Chunks:

In this activity, students will read text that has been divided into meaningful chunks, then reread it fluently without the slash marks.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Phrase Haste:

In this activity, students will quickly read phrases containing high-frequency words in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Fleeting Phrases:

In this activity, students will quickly read phrases containing high-frequency words in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Quick Words:

In this activity, students will quickly read teacher-selected target words in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Read Speed:

In this activity, students will quickly read multisyllabic high-frequency words on a practice sheet in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Give Me Five:

In this activity, students will take turns reading multisyllabic high-frequency word cards in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Quick Sort:

In this activity, students will sort and read multisyllabic words with shared rimes in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Word Part Rush:

In this activity, students will quickly read word parts (syllables, affixes, and roots) on a practice sheet in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Root Rap:

In this activity, students will quickly identify roots in a timed activity. As an extension, students will read multisyllabic words containing common roots.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Speedy Syllables:

In this activity, students will quickly read syllables in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Word Way:

In this activity, students will decode unfamiliar words by analyzing their parts.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: If the Clue Fits:

In this activity, students will identify words based on advanced phonics-related clues (i.e., affixes, roots, base words, syllable types, and vowel patterns).

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Root Hoot:

In this activity, students will identify roots in multisyllabic words and match them to words that have the same root while playing a card game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Embellished Words:

In this activity, students will combine base words and affixes to make new words while playing a board game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Double Time:

In this activity, students will write corresponding spelling patterns for long vowels in multisyllabic words. As an extension activity, students will write the correct vowel for the schwa sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Sound Choice:

In this activity, students will decode and spell words containing vowel diphthongs while playing a board game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Affix Wiz:

In this activity, students will quickly read affixes on a practice sheet in a timed activity. As an extension, students will read multisyllabic words containing common affixes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Affix Fit:

In this activity, students will combine base words and affixes to make new words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Four Word:

In this activity, students will group multisyllabic words containing the same base word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Affix Sort:

In this activity, students will sort words based on their affixes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Inflection Reflection:

In this activity, students will make new words by combining words with inflections.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Compound Construction:

In this activity, students will produce compound words that begin with a specific letter. In an extension activity, students will read and segment multisyllabic compound words into two words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Syllable Swap:

In this activity, students will match syllable cards to create words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Syllable Sort:

In this activity, students will sort words by syllable types.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Syllable Score:

In this activity, students will segment words into syllables and record the number of syllables.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Syllable Game:

In this activity, students will count syllables in words while playing a game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: The Write Word:

In this activity, students will produce words with different spelling patterns while playing a game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Word-O-Matic:

In this activity, students will make words using letter cards containing digraphs, silent letter combinations, vowel teams, and vowel diphthongs.

Type: Student Center Activity

Text Resource

Ariane 5: The Satellite Launcher eReader:

3...2...1...Lift-off. Engage students in discussions about aerospace themes with the Ariane 5: The Satellite Launcher eReader. The eReader is an informational text with various text features and facts about the Ariane 5 rocket.

Type: Text Resource


Portraits in Patriotism - Francisco Márquez: Elementary School:

Francisco Márquez was born in Venezuela and spent his childhood in both Venezuela and the U.S. He studied political science and law in Venezuela and earned his MBA in the United States. After receiving his MBA, Francisco returned to Venezuela. Under the authoritarian Nicolás Maduro regime, Francisco was arrested as a political prisoner and spent time in a Venezuelan prison. Eventually, Francisco was released and is now a political rights activist.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Student Center Activity

Advanced Phonics: Word-O-Matic:

In this activity, students will make words using letter cards containing digraphs, silent letter combinations, vowel teams, and vowel diphthongs.

Type: Student Center Activity