Enduring Understanding 1: Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.

General Information
Number: VA.2.C.1
Title: Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Visual Art
Grade: 2
Big Idea: Critical Thinking and Reflection

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Use various media or techniques to communicate personal interests and self-expression.
Identify various possible meanings in works of art.


Explore various media or techniques to communicate personal interests and self-expression.
Recognize various features in works of art.


Attend to various media or techniques used to create artwork.
Attend to various features in works of art.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Florida's Symbols: The Everglades and the Constitution:

In this lesson plan, teachers will assist students in recognizing symbols and individuals that represent the state of Florida. Students will explain these symbols' significance and impact. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Rights, Liberties, and Equality for All:

In this lesson plan, teachers will assist students in developing their understanding of rights and liberties and explaining how the government protects rights and liberties for all Americans. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Art Through The Eye Of Music:

In this lesson, students will listen to music and paint or draw the feelings and emotions that the music conveys. Students will also demonstrate knowledge and understanding of color. Students will also learn that an artist's inspiration can come from many resources, including music. Students will create an abstract work of art based upon music that is a personal interpretation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.