Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
Version Description
Major Concepts/Content: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and it is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course. Each week, students receive instruction that utilizes a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum provided by AVID Center, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities, and academic success skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support their academic growth. Additionally, students engage in activities centered around exploring college and career opportunities and their own agency.
Some students may have previous experience with AVID Elementary, and some students will be experiencing AVID for the first time. The 6th grade AVID elective course is an introduction to the AVID philosophy. Students will develop an awareness of the values accompanying academic goals and success. The course will focus on building students’ self-confidence and communication skills in working with peers and adults. Students will be exposed to reading strategies that will assist them in building vocabulary and understanding a variety of texts and will also focus on pre-writing techniques, summary writing, and structural components of note-taking. Students will increase college and career awareness through guest-speaker presentations, field-trip opportunities, and research.
AVID curriculum books used:
AVID College and Careers
AVID Critical Thinking and Engagement
AVID Reading for Disciplinary Literacy
AVID Secondary Implementation Resource
AVID Tutorial Guide
AVID Writing for Disciplinary Literacy
Supplemental materials course include the following:
AVID Weekly®, Supporting Math in the AVID Elective, Write Path content-area books, focused note-taking resources, and Curriculum Book Webpages
Student Agency (SA)
- Student Empowerment
- Leadership of Others
Rigorous Academic Preparedness (AP)
- Writing
- Inquiry
- Collaboration
- Organization
- Reading
Opportunity Knowledge (OK)
- Advancing College Preparedness
- Building Career Knowledge
Student Empowerment
AV.6.SA.1.1 - (a) Determine personal interest for extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community; (b) Gain awareness of extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community
AV.6.SA.1.2 - Evaluate the impact of decisions on others
AV.6.SA.1.3 - Explore the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles, including aspects such as good sleeping, eating, and exercise habits
AV.6.SA.1.4 - Establish understanding of concepts and content-specific vocabulary related to personal finance
AV.6.SA.1.5 - (a) Identify the characteristics of positive, health relationships; (b) Explore individual peer relationships and identify those that are positive and healthy
AV.6.SA.1.6 - Gain awareness of motivators that positively impact performance
AV.6.SA.1.7 - Self-monitor to diagnose areas of need (e.g., academic, personal, social-emotional)
AV.6.SA.1.8 - (a) Gain awareness of skills that increase mental flexibility; (b) Explore the relationship between grit and perseverance
AV.6.SA.1.9 - (a) Identify strategies and skills that promote self-awareness; (b) Identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance
AV.6.SA.1.10 - Determine key points from learning experiences
Leadership of Others
AV.6.SA.2.1 - Identify traits connected to personal integrity and ethics
AV.6.SA.2.2 - (a) Identify leadership opportunities and positions in the school and community; (b) Determine formal and informal leadership opportunities that could be pursued
AV.6.SA.2.3 - (a) Select tools to analyze a conflict and identify a positive solution; (b) Classify passive, assertive, and aggressive statements
AV.6.AP.1.1 - (a) Develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing; (b) Plan and structure writing based on the mode (descriptive, narrative, expository, argumentative); (c) Draft initial writing
AV.6.AP.1.2 - Analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience
AV.6.AP.1.3 - Gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors
AV.6.AP.1.4 - (a) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling; (b) Analyze the organizational structure of writing
AV.6.AP.1.5 - Publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper
AV.6.AP.1.6 - (a) Take notes with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and /or Essential Question; (b) Take notes with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components
AV.6.AP.1.7 - Summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question
AV.6.AP.2.1 - Create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking
AV.6.AP.2.2 - Identify misunderstood concepts or problems
AV.6.AP.2.3 - Determine the steps/process that led to a solution
AV.6.AP.2.4 - Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous learning
AV.6.AP.2.5 - Reflect on learning strategies that were employed and whether those strategies were effective
AV.6.AP.2.6 - (a) Identify processes that are used; (b) Reflect on a process that was used and whether that process was effective
AV.6.AP.2.7 - Analyze a research prompt
AV.6.AP.2.8 - (a) Locate sources that are relevant to the topic and support the purpose of the research assignment; (b) Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
AV.6.AP.2.9 - Plan and structure the writing based on the research prompt
AV.6.AP.2.10 - Integrate quotations and references to texts, using proper citations
AV.6.AP.2.11 - Publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper
AV.6.AP.3.1 - Establish norms and expectations around shared responsibility among group members
AV.6.AP.3.2 - Establish norms and expectations around appreciating diversity among group members
AV.6.AP.3.3 - Develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates
AV.6.AP.3.4 - Identify respectful and disrespectful actions of self and others
AV.6.AP.3.5 - Check group members’ level of understanding
AV.6.AP.3.6 - Utilize technology to collaborate with classmates
AV.6.AP.3.7 - (a) Apply basic understanding of effective public speaking; (b) Incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate
AV.6.AP.3.8 - Describe the characteristics of effective listening, such as eye contact and mirroring
AV.6.AP.3.9 - Monitor word choice when speaking
AV.6.AP.3.10 - Identify formal and informal language registers
AV.6.AP.4.1 - (a) Begin implementing organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) that support academic success; (b) Create an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours
AV.6.AP.4.2 - (a) Explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning; (b) Determine how to use time effectively; (c) Assess complex assignments and break them into smaller tasks
AV.6.AP.4.3 - Set personal, academic and career goals
AV.6.AP.4.4 - Monitor progress toward goals
AV.6.AP.4.5 - Utilize visual frameworks to organize information
AV.6.AP.5.1 - Determine the characteristics of a high-quality text in relation to the reading purpose
AV.6.AP.5.2 - (a) Preview text features; (b) Identify prior knowledge that may be relevant to the reading
AV.6.AP.5.3 - Assess knowledge of academic and content-specific vocabulary words
AV.6.AP.5.4 - (a) Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose; (b) Identify the key components of a text related to the reading purpose
AV.6.AP.5.5 - Extend beyond the text by applying key learning
Advancing College Preparedness
AV.6.OK.1.1 - Identify personal interests and skills related to future college aspirations, such as through an interest inventory
AV.6.OK.1.2 - (a) Know how to determine a GPA; (b) Develop familiarity with college terminology; (c) Classify the various types of college
AV.6.OK.1.3 - Understand scholarships and the role they play in financing college
AV.6.OK.1.4 - Articulate the importance of long-term academic plans as a part of goal setting an achievement
AV.6.OK.1.5 - (a) Identify what is meant by match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process; (b) Understand the different college entrance exams: PSAT, PreACT, SAT, ACT
Building Career Knowledge
AV.6.OK.2.1 - Identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations
AV.6.OK.2.2 - (a) Increase familiarity with career terminology; (b) Distinguish between jobs, careers, and career fields
AV.6.OK.2.3 - (a) Establish initial knowledge around the characteristics that contribute to academic, social, and financial fit; (b) Explore the net cost of attending college to inform decisions and budget plans
AV.6.OK.2.4 - Request assistance in selecting career elective courses and pathways that match interest and goals
General Notes
Trained AVID Elective teachers may visit, and log into their MyAVID account using their AVID username and password; then follow to access the AVID Weeks at a Glance curriculum and resources for grades 6-12.
Florida’s Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards
This course includes Florida’s B.E.S.T. ELA Expectations (EE) and Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Standards (MTRs) for students. Florida educators should intentionally embed these standards within the content and their instruction as applicable. For guidance on the implementation of the EEs and MTRs, please visit and select the appropriate B.E.S.T. Standards package.
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
Version Requirements
These requirements include, but are not limited to, the Florida Standards that are most relevant to this course. Standards correlated with a specific course requirement may also be addressed by other course requirements as appropriate. Some requirements in this course are not addressed in the Florida Standards. Other subject areas and content may be used to fulfill course requirements. This course includes an agreement related to minimum standards for behavior, attendance, and participation.
General Information
As well as any certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:
Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree. Teachers must receive training from AVID Center to teach this course.