M/J AVID 8th   (#1700130)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

Version Description

Major Concepts/Content:  Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and it is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course.  Each week, students receive instruction that utilizes a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum provided by AVID Center, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities, and academic success skills.  In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support their academic growth.  Additionally, students engage in activities centered around exploring college and career opportunities and their own agency.

The 7th grade AVID elective course is the year of preparation for high school.  Students will regularly exhibit and utilize the skills and strategies learned in the 6th and 7th grade AVID courses.  They will refine previous goals, focusing on their transition to high school as part of a college-preparatory path.  Their writing will focus on completing all steps of the writing process and varying style, word choice, vocabulary, structure, and voice.  Major writing assignments include persuasive, expository, descriptive, and timed writing.  Students will transition from active learners to leaders.  Other areas of focus include increasing the use of technology and building upon test-preparation and test-taking knowledge.  Students will broaden their experience with analyzing text and utilizing appropriate reading strategies in various settings.  They will become more involved in guest-speaker presentations and field trips, particularly as they relate to preparation and prior knowledge.  Students will also participate in college-preparatory testing and build connections with the high school they will attend.

AVID curriculum books used:

AVID College and Careers

AVID Critical Thinking and Engagement

AVID Reading for Disciplinary Literacy

AVID Secondary Implementation Resource

AVID Tutorial Guide

AVID Writing for Disciplinary Literacy

Supplemental materials course include the following:

AVID Weekly®, Supporting Math in the AVID ElectiveWrite Path content-area books, focused note-taking resources, and my.avid.org Curriculum Book Webpages


Student Agency (SA)

  • Student Empowerment
  • Leadership of Others

Rigorous Academic Preparedness (AP)

  • Writing
  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Reading

Opportunity Knowledge (OK)

  • Advancing College Preparedness
  • Building Career Knowledge


Student Empowerment

AV.8.SA.1.1   Explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school and local and/or global community

AV.8.SA.1.2   Evaluate the impact of decisions on the world

AV.8.SA.1.3   Effectively manage stress and anxiety levels, including areas such as test preparation and test taking

AV.8.SA.1.4   Create a systemic decision-making model for personal financial decisions and circumstances

AV.8.SA.1.5   (a) Maintain a strong support network for academic and career success; (b) Identify mentors to influence, support, and guide future transactions and success

AV.8.SA.1.6   Apply strategies to support motivation, especially when lacking intrinsic motivation

AV.8.SA.1.7   (a) Strengthen ability to self-advocate related to areas of need; (b) Leverage support network to assist with areas of need

AV.8.SA.1.8   (a) Reflect on current status and skills to strengthen mental flexibility now and in the future; (b) Recognize and overcome obstacles that could hinder future success

AV.8.SA.1.9   Apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges

AV.8.SA.1.10Employ key learning points in real-world applications

 Leadership of Others

AV.8.SA.2.1   Assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership

AV.8.SA.2.2   Pursue leadership and/or mentorship opportunities in the school and community

AV.8.SA.2.3   Reflect on conflict situations to strengthen ability to deal with the emotions that accompany conflict in leadership roles



AV.8.AP.1.1   (a) Develop writing skills related to timed, argumentative, and descriptive modes of writing; (b) Gather information related to the writing prompt to generate a bank of resources and information; (c) Compose first drafts with a focus on establishing a clear purpose for the writing

AV.8.AP.1.2   Utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed

AV.8.AP.1.3   Independently create and execute a plan for the revision process

AV.8.AP.1.4   Analyze the language of writing and edit for voice, flow, and clarity

AV.8.AP.1.5   Publish writing to an audience outside of the classroom, such as an online forum

AV.8.AP.1.6   (a) Take notes with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective; (b) Take notes with an emphasis on using strategies to organize notes (e.g., indentation, bullets, outlines, skipping lines, color-coding)

AV.8.AP.1.7   Reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success


AV.8.AP.2.1   Use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts

AV.8.AP.2.2   Generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem

AV.8.AP.2.3   Determine modifications to the process that would be needed to solve similar problems

AV.8.AP.2.4   Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and the broader world

AV.8.AP.2.5   Reflect throughout learning on progress and continually adjust actions on major tasks or assignments

AV.8.AP.2.6   Reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions

AV.8.AP.2.7   Develop research questions/claim statements that effectively address the research prompt

AV.8.AP.2.8   Determine the perspective, validity, and reliability of information found within sources with the use of multiple sources (such as books, articles, and websites)

AV.8.AP.2.9   Synthesize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt

AV.8.AP.2.10 Construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence

AV.8.AP.2.11 Publish research to an audience outside of the classroom


AV.8.AP.3.1   Negotiate roles within a collaborative group through the adoption of effective elements of collaboration

AV.8.AP.3.2   Integrate multiple perspectives into group products

AV.8.AP.3.3   Deepen relational capacity through the creation of novel ideas and solutions

AV.8.AP.3.4   Interact with peers in complex situations (providing feedback, conflict management, academic discourse) while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy

AV.8.AP.3.5   Support all members' understanding of key concepts

AV.8.AP.3.6   Utilize technology to connect to the global community and to explore topics from multiple perspectives

AV.8.AP.3.7   Adjust ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication into effective communication

AV.8.AP.3.8   Demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions

AV.8.AP.3.9   Demonstrate command of grammar when communicating

AV.8.AP.3.10 Speak effectively before the whole class


AV.8.AP.4.1   (a) Develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies that enhance academic performance; (b) Reflect on the use of an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours

AV.8.AP.4.2   (a) Understand and demonstrate the concepts and practices of backward mapping; (b) Identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time-management conflicts

AV.8.AP.4.3   Create short- and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals

AV.8.AP.4.4   Modify goals and actions appropriately based on progress

AV.8.AP.4.5   Manage varied visual frameworks to organize language and show relationships between key concepts


AV.8.AP.5.1   Select texts and justify how they meet the reading purpose

AV.8.AP.5.2   Build background knowledge related to the text preview

AV.8.AP.5.3   Connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts in the text

AV.8.AP.5.4   Create text-dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose

AV.8.AP.5.5   Extend beyond the text by analyzing how to best apply key learning


Advancing College Preparedness

AV.8.OK.1.1   Refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection

AV.8.OK.1.2   (a) Reflect on current GPA and how it relates to choosing a college and career path; (b) Compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities

AV.8.OK.1.3   Research and evaluate scholarship offerings, including FAFSA

AV.8.OK.1.4   (a) Produce long-term academic plans that align with goals; (b) Plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey; (c) Gain exposure to pathways offering work opportunities (credentials, certifications, internships, etc.)

AV.8.OK.1.5   (a) Engage in information gathering to determine match, reach, and safety schools in order to mitigate "summer melt" and undermatching during the selection process; (b) Determine whether additional test prep and testing is needed to reach scholarship goals

Building Career Knowledge

AV.8.OK.2.1   (a) Develop and authentic and personal definition of success; (b) Refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection

AV.8.OK.2.1   (a) Gain awareness of how academic performance links to career performance and success; (b) Expand thinking about potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein; (c) Develop knowledge and gain exposure to transitional phases related to work life

AV.8.OK.2.1   Identify best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways

AV.8.OK.2.1   Engage in real-world experiences within career fields of interest, such as service-learning projects, job-shadowing opportunities, or internship possibilities

General Notes

Special Note: Skills acquired in this course will be implemented by the student across the curriculum. M/J Advancement Via Individual Determination 8 (M/J AVID 8) is a rigorous course offered by AVID Center, and content must be provided as specified by AVID Center. Teachers must receive training from AVID Center to teach this course.

Trained AVID Elective teachers may visit www.avid.org, and log into their MyAVID account using their AVID username and password; then follow https://my.avid.org/file_sharing/default.aspx?id=24544 to access the AVID Weeks at a Glance curriculum and resources for grades 6-12.

English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link: https://cpalmsmediaprod.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/docs/standards/eld/si.pdf

Version Requirements

These requirements include, but are not limited to, the Florida Standards that are most relevant to this course. Standards correlated with a specific course requirement may also be addressed by other course requirements as appropriate. Some requirements in this course are not addressed in the Florida Standards. Other subject areas and content may be used to fulfill course requirements. This course includes an agreement related to minimum standards for behavior, attendance, and participation.

General Information

Course Number: 1700130
Course Path:
Abbreviated Title: M/J AVID 8TH
Course Length: Year (Y)
Course Type: Elective Course
Course Level: 2
Course Status: Course Approved
Grade Level(s): 8


As well as any certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:

Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.