Clarification 1: In addition to the types of figurative language listed in this benchmark, students are still working with types from previous grades such as simile, alliteration, and idiom. Other examples can be used in instruction.Clarification 2: See Elementary Figurative Language.
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Original Student Tutorials
Original Student Tutorials for Language Arts - Grades K-5
Help 3D Animator Angie explain and use metaphors to describe how the character, Reign the Cat, develops throughout the story "Adventures with Reign the Cat" in this interactive tutorial.
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text.
You will be able to identify literal and nonliteral words and phrases in sentences and stories. You will also be able to find the meaning or words and phrases by looking carefully at what the author is saying.
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Original Student Tutorials
Help 3D Animator Angie explain and use metaphors to describe how the character, Reign the Cat, develops throughout the story "Adventures with Reign the Cat" in this interactive tutorial.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand implicit meaning in a text.
You will be able to identify literal and nonliteral words and phrases in sentences and stories. You will also be able to find the meaning or words and phrases by looking carefully at what the author is saying.
Type: Original Student Tutorial