iCPALMS App: My Resources

My Resources app

Peer and expert reviewed, standards aligned, and high quality resources at your fingertips!
The My Resources app bundles everything you need about the CPALMS resources in one app. This includes the following components:

All Resources: In this view, the user is able to search and filter all the published resources in CPALMS. Search thousands of high quality vetted resources and receive notifications about resources that are most relevant to you as soon as they get published.

Resource of the Day: Whether you are hungry for many resources or simply want to see one idea, this app does it all. The resource of the day shows you one resource that is specific to your interests and teaching preferences. Your resource of the day is most likely different than your colleagues' for that day.

Standards-based Resource Authoring and Recommendation Tools: iCPALMS provides several tools including: lesson planning tool, formative assessment task and rubric builder tool, file upload, web resource (URL) recommendation tool, and one that enables you to search 150 external resource repositories in one place then submit them to share on iCPALMs. Each of these tools guide the user using a wizard like process with embeded instructions. The lesson planning tool is one of the most comprehensive lesson planning tools available. It utilizes the backward design approach and integrates several instructional design frameworks that you can choose from. All your submissions will go through the CPALMS review process for feedback prior to sharing the final results with the public.

My Resources: This particular view shows all the resources that you have created using the lesson planning tool or other authoring/recommendation tools.

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App Screenshots

The following are some screenshots from this iCPALMS web app.

screenshots from iCPALMS