
Measure and compare the mass and volume of solids and liquids.
General Information
Subject Area: Science
Grade: 3
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Idea: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts
Big Idea: Properties of Matter - A. All objects and substances in the world are made of matter. Matter has two fundamental properties: matter takes up space and matter has mass.

B. Objects and substances can be classified by their physical and chemical properties. Mass is the amount of matter (or "stuff") in an object. Weight, on the other hand, is the measure of force of attraction (gravitational force) between an object and Earth.

The concepts of mass and weight are complicated and potentially confusing to elementary students. Hence, the more familiar term of "weight" is recommended for use to stand for both mass and weight in grades K-5. By grades 6-8, students are expected to understand the distinction between mass and weight, and use them appropriately.

Clarification for grades K-2: The use of the more familiar term ‘weight’ instead of the term “mass” is recommended for grades K-2.

Clarification for grades 3-5: In grade 3, introduce the term mass as compared to the term weight. In grade 4, investigate the concept of weight versus mass of objects. In grade 5, discuss why mass (not weight) is used to compare properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
Date of Last Rating: 05/08
Status: State Board Approved
Assessed: Yes

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5020040: Science - Grade Three (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
7720040: Access Science Grade 3 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2023, 2023 and beyond (current))
5020100: STEM Lab Grade 3 (Specifically in versions: 2016 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
SC.3.P.8.In.2: Measure the weight of solids or liquids.
SC.3.P.8.Su.2: Sort solid objects by weight (heavy and light).
SC.3.P.8.Pa.2: Recognize the larger of two objects.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

3D Modeling

SaM-1 3D Printable Figurine and Keychain:

This resource includes 3D printable files that can be used to bring SaM-1 to life. You can 3D print keychains to give away to your students and/or print a larger version of the figurine to have in the classroom. The 3D printable files are offered in STL format and in print ready format for the Dremel 3D40 printer in case that is the printer you are using. Aso attached are two pictures to show how these printouts look.

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: 3D Modeling


Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties Assessment :

Use this summative assessment to assess the students' understanding of the topics presented in within this Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties.  The assessment can either be cumulative or broken into topics presented within the unit.

This assessment is part of the CPALMS Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Assessment


SaM-1 Character Animal Rehabilitation & Conservation Center Printable Patches:

Print these patches for students to earn as they progress through each unit with SaM-1.   Patches can be printed on regular paper to be cut out or printed on sticker paper to have pre-made stickers.  

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Animal Rehabilitation & Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Image/Photograph

SaM-1 Animal Rehabilitation & Conservation Center Unit Printable Patches:

Print these patches for students to earn as they progress through each unit with SaM-1.   Patches can be printed on regular paper to be cut out or printed on sticker paper to have pre-made stickers.

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Animal Rehabilitation & Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Image/Photograph

Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties Interactive Bulletin Boards:

Download this folder full of interactive SaM-1 bulletin board ideas and artwork for your classroom!  

This download is part of a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  Be sure to look at the PowerPoint to visualize how to create the bulletin boards and get more ideas.

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Image/Photograph

Bulletin Board Robots:

The following are visuals to help create bulletin boards for the classroom. Separate files for the artwork are available to print and recreate the bulletin boards. Be creative and use the artwork in any way you can imagine!


Robot graphics to be used for bulletin board artwork

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit  .

Type: Image/Photograph

Bulletin Board Design Process:

The following are visuals to help create bulletin boards for the classroom. Notes are included on how to create or enhance the bulletin board. Separate files for the artwork are available to print and recreate the bulletin boards. All artwork is scaled for a 3ft by 4ft board. Be creative and use the artwork in any way you can imagine!

Engineering Design Process:

This SaM-1 bulletin board provides a visual display to refer to while students are exploring and creating using the Engineering Design Process.  Consider having students place their names next to the stage they are at and moving to the next stage when they are ready, to help know where they are in the process. This bulletin board will be useful throughout the year, but especially for the MEA lessons.

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Image/Photograph

Lesson Plans

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 1 Observations:

Students learn that making observations is an important aspect of scientific study. Students will review concepts about water by making observations based on different properties and states of matter of water. Students will also review how to measure volume, mass and temperature as they will use these skills throughout the unit.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 12 Engineering Design Problem: Beat the Heat Part 3: Testing a Cooler:

In this engineering design problem, students will have the opportunity to apply what they
learned about the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and
cooling by designing their own cooler. Students will be asked to use the engineering design
process to design a cooler that will reduce the melting of frozen water in hot temperatures
at the beach. Students will need to design and build their cooler, test their materials, and
justify their design decisions. In this lesson students will test their cooler’s effectiveness in
keeping ice from melting. In subsequent lessons students will improve their designs.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit


Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 5 Evaporation Experiment:

Students set up an experiment and gather data to investigate the evaporation of water.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit ofSaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit


Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 4 Melting Experiment:

Students set up an experiment and gather data to investigate the melting of solid water.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit ofSaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit


Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 10 Grouping by Mass:

Students will make objects of given masses based on identified animal needs using a balance.  This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time. 

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 14 Volume: Solids Displacement:

Students will make learn how to find the volume of irregular objects using a graduated cylinder. Students will solve problems based on the volume of irregular objects and determine the volumes of given objects. This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time. 

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 13 Introduction to Displacement:

Students will make learn how to find the volume of irregular objects using a graduated cylinder. Students will solve problems based on the volume of irregular objects and determine the volumes of given objects. This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time. 

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 12 Volume: Liquids:

Students will learn how to use a graduated cylinder to make observations based on the volume of liquids. Students will solve word problems based on volume and measure out given liquid volumes. This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 11 Introduction to Volume:

Students will learn how to use a graduated cylinder to make observations based on the volume of liquids.  This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .


Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 7 Measuring Mass:

Students will make observations and sort items based on the mass of materials using a balance.  This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time. 

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 8 Mass Solids:

Students will make observations and sort items based on the mass of materials using a balance. This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Lesson Plan

Physical Science Unit: Properties Lesson 9 Mass: Liquids:

Students will make observations and sort liquid items based on the mass of materials using a balance.  This lesson could also be taught using mathematics instructional time. 

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .


Type: Lesson Plan

Max Mass Movers:

In this design challenge, students will explore the measurement of mass and properties of matter as they design a container that can hold the most mass.

Type: Lesson Plan

What's the Matter with a Crayon?:

In this lesson, students will cooperatively measure the mass and volume of three different-colored crayons as a solid. After recording measurements, students will place their crayons in molds in order to change the state of matter from a solid to a liquid through heating. The teacher will pour the liquefied crayon into a graduated cylinder to measure the volume. Following the measurements recording, the liquid will be poured back into the molds and placed in a cool/shaded environment so the crayons will change back into a solid state. Once the crayons re-solidify, the students will take their student-made, tie-dye crayon out of the mold and re-measure it. Lastly, the students will measure and compare their final measurements to the initial measurements.

Type: Lesson Plan

Is that Estimate Correct?:

In this lesson, students will estimate water volume in three containers and record observations. Following estimations, students will directly measure the volumes using an appropriate method. After comparing those measurements to the estimates, students will be given a known volume of water and will be asked to divide the water into three predetermined volumes, again using estimation skills. A following measurement will be used to determine the difference between their volume estimate and the actual measured volume as distributed across three vessels.

Type: Lesson Plan

Mass and Volume, They Matter!:

In this lesson students will investigate what mass and volume are and how they are measured. Students will practice measuring the masses of solids and volumes of liquids. Students will have a chance to work cooperatively with their peers and apply their knowledge to a real-world problem.

Type: Lesson Plan

Exploring the States of Water:

This is a week long lesson which helps children explore the three states of water: solid, liquid, and gas. Students will explore examples of where and what conditions the states of matter occur and investigate how to collect observations on the various states of water.

Type: Lesson Plan

Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) STEM Lessons

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 15 Beat the Heat MEA Part 2: Cooler Experiment:

In this MEA, students will have the opportunity to apply what they learned about describing
the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and cooling. This MEA
is divided into four parts. In part 1, students will develop their hypothesis and receive
information on how to set up the cooler experiment. In part 2, students will use ice to test
the coolers they designed in Beat the Heat Engineering Design Lessons. Students will take
measurements and collect data on their cooler. In part 3, students will analyze the data
they collected. Finally, in part 4 they will develop a procedure for selecting the most
effective cooler to keep water frozen the longest at the beach. In the optional twist,
students will need to take the mass of the cooler into account.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) STEM Lesson

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 16 Beat the Heat MEA Part 3: Analyzing Cooler Data:

In this MEA, students will have the opportunity to apply what they learned about describing
the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and cooling. This MEA
is divided into four parts. In part 1, students will develop their hypothesis and receive
information on how to set up the cooler experiment. In part 2, students will be asked to use
ice to test the coolers they designed in Beat the Heat Engineering Design Lessons.
Students will take measurements and collect data on their cooler. In Part 3 of this activity,
students will analyze the data they collected in Part 2 by drawing and interpreting a scaled
bar graph and line graph. Students will participate in a discussion about how to interpret the
data that was collected. Finally, in part 4 they will develop a procedure for selecting the best
cooler to keep water frozen the longest at the beach. In the optional twist, students will
need to take the mass of the cooler into account.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) STEM Lesson

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 17 Beat the Heat MEA Part 4: Ranking Procedure:

In this MEA, students will have the opportunity to apply what they learned about describing
the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and cooling. This MEA
is divided into four parts. In part 1, students will develop their hypothesis and receive
information on how to set up the cooler experiment. In part 2, students will be asked to use
ice to test the coolers they designed in Beat the Heat Engineering Design Lessons.
Students will take measurements and collect data on their cooler. In part 3, students will
analyze the data they collected. Finally, in part 4 they will develop a procedure for selecting
the best cooler to keep water frozen the longest at the beach. They will communicate their
findings and procedure via a letter to next year’s class. In the optional twist, students will
need to take the mass of the cooler into account.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) STEM Lesson

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 9 Cool Cooler Design Model-Eliciting Activity (MEA):

In this MEA, students will have the opportunity to apply what they learned about describing
the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and cooling. Students
will be asked to rank coolers based on data to solve an open-ended, realistic problem, while
considering constraints and tradeoffs. In the optional twist, students will need to take the
mass of the cooler into account.

This is a lesson in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Water. This is a themed unit ofSaM-1's adventures while on a Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit


Type: Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) STEM Lesson

Original Student Tutorials

Devin in the Bakery Part 3: Chef-tastrophy:

Practice measuring the mass of solids and liquids using a pan balance and triple beam balance as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 3: Mystery Mix-Up:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix solve the mystery of the mixed-up samples using their color observations and volume measurements from Parts 1 and 2 in this interactive tutorial.

This is part three in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 2: Volume of Solids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure and compare the volume of solids using the displacement method with a graduated cylinder in this interactive tutorial.

This is part two in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 1: Volume of Liquids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure the volume of liquids with this interactive tutorial.

This is part one in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 2: Measuring Mass of Liquids:

Learn how to measure the mass of liquids (and some solids) using containers while Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 1: Measuring the Mass of Solids:

Learn to measure and compare the mass of solids as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lessons 8 and 9 Video: Mass: Solids and Liquids:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to measure the mass of solids and liquids using a balance.  Students will learn that they need to subtract the mass of the container the solid or liquid is in to determine the mass of only the solid or liquid. Students will then make observations and sort items based on mass.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 17 Video:

This SaM-1 video provides the students with the optional "twist" for Lesson 17 and the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) they have been working on in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. 


To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 13 Video: Introduction to Displacement :

In this SaM-1 Video, students will learn how to find the volume of irregular objects using a graduated cylinder and the displacement method.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 11 Video: Introduction to Volume:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to use a graduated cylinder to make observations based on the volume of liquids.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 7 Video: Measuring Mass:

Help SaM-1 make observations and sort items based on the mass of materials using a triple-beam balance and equal-arm balance. In this video, you will also become familiar with metric units for measuring mass: gram and kilogram.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Teaching Idea

Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties Materials List:

This document is a list of the materials needed for each lesson.  This document is part of a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center. 

This is a resource in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Teaching Idea

Unit/Lesson Sequence

Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties Full Unit Teacher Guide:

Download this teacher guide which includes lesson plans, student worksheets and answer keys needed for the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties.

This teacher guide is part of the CPALMS Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence


Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Properties Student Workbook:

Download this student workbook which includes all student activities and worksheets needed for the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties.

This workbook is part of the CPALMS Grade 3 Physical Science Unit on Properties. This is a themed unit of SaM-1's adventures at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit .

Type: Worksheet

Original Student Tutorials Science - Grades K-8

Devin in the Bakery Part 1: Measuring the Mass of Solids:

Learn to measure and compare the mass of solids as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Devin in the Bakery Part 2: Measuring Mass of Liquids:

Learn how to measure the mass of liquids (and some solids) using containers while Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Devin in the Bakery Part 3: Chef-tastrophy:

Practice measuring the mass of solids and liquids using a pan balance and triple beam balance as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Maxine in the Lab Part 1: Volume of Liquids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure the volume of liquids with this interactive tutorial.

This is part one in a 3-part series.

Maxine in the Lab Part 2: Volume of Solids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure and compare the volume of solids using the displacement method with a graduated cylinder in this interactive tutorial.

This is part two in a 3-part series.

Maxine in the Lab Part 3: Mystery Mix-Up:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix solve the mystery of the mixed-up samples using their color observations and volume measurements from Parts 1 and 2 in this interactive tutorial.

This is part three in a 3-part series.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorials

Devin in the Bakery Part 3: Chef-tastrophy:

Practice measuring the mass of solids and liquids using a pan balance and triple beam balance as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 3: Mystery Mix-Up:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix solve the mystery of the mixed-up samples using their color observations and volume measurements from Parts 1 and 2 in this interactive tutorial.

This is part three in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 2: Volume of Solids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure and compare the volume of solids using the displacement method with a graduated cylinder in this interactive tutorial.

This is part two in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 1: Volume of Liquids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure the volume of liquids with this interactive tutorial.

This is part one in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 2: Measuring Mass of Liquids:

Learn how to measure the mass of liquids (and some solids) using containers while Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 1: Measuring the Mass of Solids:

Learn to measure and compare the mass of solids as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lessons 8 and 9 Video: Mass: Solids and Liquids:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to measure the mass of solids and liquids using a balance.  Students will learn that they need to subtract the mass of the container the solid or liquid is in to determine the mass of only the solid or liquid. Students will then make observations and sort items based on mass.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 17 Video:

This SaM-1 video provides the students with the optional "twist" for Lesson 17 and the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) they have been working on in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. 


To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 13 Video: Introduction to Displacement :

In this SaM-1 Video, students will learn how to find the volume of irregular objects using a graduated cylinder and the displacement method.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 11 Video: Introduction to Volume:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to use a graduated cylinder to make observations based on the volume of liquids.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 7 Video: Measuring Mass:

Help SaM-1 make observations and sort items based on the mass of materials using a triple-beam balance and equal-arm balance. In this video, you will also become familiar with metric units for measuring mass: gram and kilogram.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.