
Recognize that words in science can have different or more specific meanings than their use in everyday language; for example, energy, cell, heat/cold, and evidence.
General Information
Subject Area: Science
Grade: 3
Body of Knowledge: Nature of Science
Idea: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts
Big Idea: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models - The terms that describe examples of scientific knowledge, for example; "theory," "law," "hypothesis," and "model" have very specific meanings and functions within science.
Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
Date of Last Rating: 05/08
Status: State Board Approved

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5020040: Science - Grade Three (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
7720040: Access Science Grade 3 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2023, 2023 and beyond (current))
5020100: STEM Lab Grade 3 (Specifically in versions: 2016 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
SC.3.N.3.In.1: Recognize meanings of words used in science, such as energy, temperature, and gravity.
SC.3.N.3.Su.1: Recognize meanings of words used in science, such as telescope, environment, and solid.
SC.3.N.3.Pa.1: Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as ice, animal, and plant.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Lesson Plan

Zoom, Zoom, Vroom Vroom!:

In this lesson, students will explore forces, mechanical energy by engineering their own vehicles utilizing via the engineering design process.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorial

Words of Science:

Learn how science and research use words differently from everyday speech with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Teaching Idea

Invertebrate "Heads Up 7 Up"-SeaWorld Classroom Activity:

In this activity, the student will identify biographical information about various tidepool animals.

Type: Teaching Idea

Original Student Tutorials Science - Grades K-8

Words of Science:

Learn how science and research use words differently from everyday speech with this interactive tutorial.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorial

Words of Science:

Learn how science and research use words differently from everyday speech with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.