Clarification 1: Students will identify the purposes of a constitution (e.g., provides a framework for government, limits government authority, protects individual rights of the people).
Clarification 2: Students will recognize the basic outline of the U.S. and Florida Constitutions (e.g., both have preambles, articles and amendments).
Clarification 3: Students will compare the amendment process of the U.S. and Florida Constitutions.
Clarification 4: Students will recognize the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
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Lesson Plans
Original Student Tutorials
Teaching Idea
Original Student Tutorials Social Studies - Civics - Grades 6-8
In this interactive tutorial, explore the similarities and differences between the federal Constitution of the United States and the state Constitution of Florida. You'll also learn about our system of federalism and how it is expressed in these Constitutions.
In this interactive tutorial, explore the state government of Florida and learn how its three branches are modeled after those in the federal government.
Student Resources
Original Student Tutorials
In this interactive tutorial, explore the state government of Florida and learn how its three branches are modeled after those in the federal government.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
In this interactive tutorial, explore the similarities and differences between the federal Constitution of the United States and the state Constitution of Florida. You'll also learn about our system of federalism and how it is expressed in these Constitutions.
Type: Original Student Tutorial
Parent Resources
Teaching Idea
This Grade 7 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 3 at this grade level.
Type: Teaching Idea