Fish Heads

Resource ID#: 29195 Type: Teaching Idea

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 5
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, Internet Connection, LCD Projector
Keywords: habitat, environment, niche, fish, species, adaptation
Instructional Component Type(s): Teaching Idea Worksheet
Instructional Design Framework(s): Learning Cycle (e.g., 5E), Cooperative Learning
Resource Collection: General Collection

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

1 Lesson Plan

Bird Buffet (Animal Survival) Students learn that an animal's physical attributes, such as a bird's beak, may provide an advantage for survival in one environment but not in another. Students will participate in modeling and investigating structure and function relationships.

Related Resources

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Lesson Plan

Bird Buffet (Animal Survival):

Students learn that an animal's physical attributes, such as a bird's beak, may provide an advantage for survival in one environment but not in another. Students will participate in modeling and investigating structure and function relationships.

Type: Lesson Plan

Teaching Idea

Animal Mouth Structures:

In this teaching idea, students gather evidence to understand features that enable animals to meet their needs. In particular, students examine images and videos of the mouth structures of different animals to help them understand how animals are adapted to obtain food in their environment.

Type: Teaching Idea


Desert Biome:

This video segment from NOVA: "A Desert Place" details the behaviors and habitats of some of the Sonoran Desert's creatures, focusing on the adaptations they use to survive in one of the most extreme environments in the world.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation