Suited for Survival-SeaWorld Classroom Activity

Resource ID#: 27400 Type: Teaching Idea

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General Information

Subject(s): English Language Arts, Science
Grade Level(s): 5
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computers for Students, Internet Connection
Resource supports reading in content area:Yes
Freely Available: Yes
Keywords: ecosystems, species, adaptations, ecology habitat
Instructional Component Type(s): Teaching Idea
Instructional Design Framework(s): Learning Cycle (e.g., 5E), Writing to Learn
Resource Collection: General Collection

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Text Resource

Plant Adaptations:

This is an informational resource for teachers and students. It contains descriptions and pictures of different biomes, examples of some of the plants that live there, and some of the adaptations those plants have. This resource only covers plant adaptation not animals.

Type: Text Resource