American Founders Month - Interactive Research Pages

Resource ID#: 209054 Type: Interactive Research Pages
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General Information

Subject(s): English Language Arts, Social Studies
Grade Level(s): K, 1, 2
Intended Audience: Students
Resource supports reading in content area:Yes
Keywords: founders, holiday, patriotic, declaration of independence, constitution, America, U.S. history, United States, civics, Hamilton, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Founding Fathers, interactive research pages, elearning, e-learning, ebooks

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

Suggested Tutorials

Explorer's Club: Long Vowel Silent e Words - Part 5:

Join Eli, the leader of the Explorer's Club, and all the explorers we have met in the other tutorials, while decoding long vowel, silent e words in this interactive tutorial.

American Symbols Part 1: Vocabulary Words & Context Clues:

Learn how to use context clues and text features to learn new vocabulary while studying why the White House is a symbol that represents the United States, in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 1 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Building with Cam and Cal: Adding -ing to vowel teams ee and ea Part 3:

Learn about adding the ending -ing to vowel team ee and ea words as you help Cal and Cam build the giraffe sanctuary in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a three-part series. Check out the other tutorials in the series below.

Cora's Adventure to Mars:

Let's join Cora, the astonaut, as she travels to Mars and learns about the r-controlled vowels of ar and or in this interactive tutorial.

American Symbols Part 5: Inference Context Clues:

Learn how to use context clues and text features to learn new vocabulary while studying why the Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence represent the United States with this interactive tutorial.

This is part 5 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

American Symbols Part 4: Synonym and Antonym Context Clues:

Discover how to use context clues and text features to learn new vocabulary while studying why the U.S. Supreme Court is a symbol that represents the United States with this interactive tutorial.

This is part 4 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

American Symbols Part 3: Definition and Example Context Clues:

Use context clues and text features to learn new vocabulary while studying why the U.S. Capitol building is a symbol that represents the United States with this interactive tutorial.

This is part 3 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Interactive Research Page:

Explore the history and importance of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas with this interactive research page.

State Flag of Florida - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of the state flag as a symbol of Florida with this interactive research page.

Thomas Jefferson - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn the history and importance of Thomas Jefferson as a representative of the United States with this interactive research page.

U.S. Supreme Court Building - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of the Supreme Court building as a symbol of the U.S. with this interactive research page.

Declaration of Independence - Interactive Research Pages:

Discover the history and importance of the Declaration of Independence as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

U.S. Presidents - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of the US Presidents as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

Statue of Liberty - Interactive Research Pages:

Discover the history and importance of the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

The White House - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of the White House as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

Rosa Parks - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of Rosa Parks as a famous person who represents the United States with this interactive research page.

Florida Capitol Buildings - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of the Florida Capital Buildings as a symbol of Florida with this interactive research page.

Florida Constitution - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of the Florida Constitution as a symbol of Florida with this interactive research page.

Bald Eagle - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of the bald eagle as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

U.S. Flag Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of the U.S. flag as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

Andrew Jackson - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of Andrew Jackson and how he represents Florida with this interactive research page.

American Symbols Part 6: Inference Context Clues:

Learn how to use inference context clues to learn about new vocabulary about the Declaration of Independence in this interactive tutorial.

This is part 6 in a six-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in this series.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of Martin Luther King Jr Day with this interactive research page.

Patriot Day - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of Patriot Day with this interactive research page.

Constitution Day - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and importance of Constitution Day with this interactive research page.

Celebrate Freedom Week - Interactive Research Pages:

Learn about the history and importance of Celebrate Freedom Week with this interactive research page.

Veterans Day - Interactive Research Pages:

Discover the history and importance of Veterans Day with this interactive research page.

The U.S. Capitol Building - Interactive Research Pages:

Discover the history and importance of the U.S. Capitol building as a symbol of the United States with this interactive research page.

Everglades National Park - Interactive Research Pages:

Discover the history and significance of Everglades National Park and why it is a symbol of Florida with this interactive research page.

Medal of Honor Day - Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and meaning of Medal of Honor Day with this interactive research page.

Memorial Day Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and meaning of Memorial Day with this interactive research page.

Patriotic Holidays: Independence Day:

Learn about the history and importance of Independence Day in the United States of America with this interactive research page.

Purposeful Parts: Exploring the Parts of a Book, Part 2:

Explore the parts of a book in this interactive tutorial. Join Li as she learns to locate and use the text features on the title page, table of contents, and glossary in informational books.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open Part 1.

Purposeful Parts: Exploring the Parts of a Book, Part 1:

Explore the parts of a book in this interactive tutorial. Join Li as she learns to locate and use the text features on the title page and table of contents in informational books.

This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open Part 2.

Text Features: Titles and Headings:

Use titles and headings to predict the topic of informational text and to find specific information within the text in this interactive tutorial. 

Searching for Similarities - Part 4: Synonyms and Shades of Meaning:

Explore the small differences in the meanings of synonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she compares, orders, and chooses synonyms based on their shades of meaning.

This is part 4 of a 4-part series. Click below to view parts 1, 2, and 3:

Searching for Similarities - Part 3: Synonyms and Context Clues:

Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she uses synonyms as clues to figure out what words mean in the observations of her family.

This is part 3 of a 4-part series. Click below to view parts 1, 2, or 4:

Searching for Similarities Part 2: Verbs and Synonyms:

Identify verbs and synonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she observes similarities and records her observations using action words with similar meanings.

This is part 2 of a 4-part series. Click below to view parts 1, 3, or 4:

Searching for Similarities - Part 1: Adjectives and Synonyms

Searching for Similarities - Part 3: Synonyms and Context Clues

Searching for Similarities - Part 4: Synonyms and Shades of Meaning

Searching for Similarities Part 1: Adjectives and Synonyms:

Identify adjectives and synonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Gemma as she observes similarities and records her observations using describing words that have similar meanings.

This is part 1 of a 4-part series. Click below to view part 2, 3, or 4:

Searching for Similarities - Part 2: Verbs and Synonyms

Searching for Similarities - Part 3: Synonyms and Context Clues

Searching for Similarities - Part 4: Synonyms and Shades of Meaning

Observing Opposites - Part 3: Antonyms and Context Clues:

Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues in this interactive tutorial. Join Jake as he uses antonyms as clues to figure out what words mean in the observations of his family.

This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Click below to view parts 1 and 2:

Observing Opposites - Part 1: Adjectives and Antonyms

Observing Opposites - Part 2: Verbs and Antonyms

Observing Opposites - Part 2: Verbs and Antonyms:

Identify verbs and antonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Jake as he observes opposites and records his observations using action words with opposite meanings.

This is part 2 of a 3-part series. Click below to view parts 1 and 3:

Observing Opposites - Part 1: Adjectives and Antonyms

Observing Opposites - Part 3: Antonyms and Context Clues

Observing Opposites - Part 1: Adjectives and Antonyms:

Identify adjectives and antonyms in this interactive tutorial. Join Jake as he observes opposites and records his observations using describing words that have opposite meanings.

This is part 1 of a 3-part series. Click below to view parts 2 and 3:

Observing Opposites - Part 2: Verbs and Antonyms

Observing Opposites - Part 3: Antonyms and Context Clues

Fishing For Information:

Identify information found in the illustrations and the words in a text with this interactive ocean-themed tutorial.

Cool Context Clues:

Help Pat the Penguin use context clues to find the meanings of unknown words and phrases in this interactive tutorial.

Building Meaning:

Learn strategies for understanding new words in this interactive tutorial. Join Handy Hal and learn how to use picture clues, context clues, and word parts to help you determine the meaning of an unknown word.

The Places You'll Go!:

Sort and describe words based on categories and key attributes in this interactive tutorial. Visit a circus, zoo, and fire station as you learn to describe and group people, animals, and objects.

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