fMRI, Phantom Limb Pain and Statistical Noise

Resource ID#: 155510 Type: Perspectives Video: Expert

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General Information

Subject(s): Mathematics, Science
Grade Level(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Keywords: jens, foell, psychology, phantom, limb, pain, statistical, noise, florida, state, university, overlap, fMRI, MRI
Instructional Component Type(s): Perspectives Video: Expert

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

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Camera Trapping as a Research Method in Biology

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This video was created in collaboration with the Okaloosa County SCIENCE Partnership, including the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Bird Research Methods: Art and Scientific Influence of John James Audubon

Listen as this modern-day bird researcher paints a picture of how naturalists conducted research in the past.

Produced with funding from the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs.

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F-15 Experimental Test Pilot discusses the importance of the iterative process of collecting data, analyzing data and communicating the findings when developing aircraft for the United States Air Force.

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Applying Marine Field Experiences to Classroom Practices: Susan Cullum

In this video, science teacher Susan Cullum describes the impact of field research experiences on classroom teaching practices.

This research is made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI/C-IMAGE II).
This research is made possible by a grant from the NOAA Gulf of Mexico BWET program.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Applying Marine Field Experiences to Classroom Practices: Lauren Watson

Listen as science teacher Lauren Watson explains how marine field experiences are translated for the classroom.

This research is made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI/C-IMAGE II).
This research is made possible by a grant from the NOAA Gulf of Mexico BWET program.

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Applying Marine Field Experiences to Classroom Practices: Patty Smukall

Listen as science teacher Patty Smukall recounts past and present marine field experiences and how they affect teaching practices back in the classroom. 

This research is made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI/C-IMAGE II).
This research is made possible by a grant from the NOAA Gulf of Mexico BWET program.


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The Value of Marine Science Field Research Experiences for Teachers

In this video, Angela Lodge describes the value of hands-on experiences gained from field research for transforming both teachers and their classroom practices. 

This research is made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI/C-IMAGE II).
This research is made possible by a grant from the NOAA Gulf of Mexico BWET program.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Statistical Sampling Results in setting Legal Catch Rate

Fish Ecologist, Dean Grubbs, discusses how using statistical sampling can help determine legal catch rates for fish that may be endangered.

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Enhancing Teaching Practices through Watershed Research Outreach Programs

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This research is made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI/C-IMAGE II).
This research is made possible by a grant from the NOAA Gulf of Mexico BWET program.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Birdsong Series: STEM Team Collaboration

Researchers Frank Johnson, Richard Bertram, Wei Wu, and Rick Hyson explore the necessity of scientific and mathematical collaboration in modern neuroscience, as it relates to their NSF research on birdsong.

Determining Remote Locations with Math

Ecologist, Rebecca Means, describes the process of determining remote locations in the USA and developing quantitative questions that are appropriate.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Brain Structures and their Functions

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The Brain and our 5 Senses

Our brains process all sensory information and tell the body what to do next.

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KROS Pacific Ocean Kayak Journey: Muscle Physiology

Understanding human physiology will allow you to stand under your own power at the end of a long rowing trip.

Related Resources:
KROS Pacific Ocean Kayak Journey: GPS Data Set[.XLSX]
KROS Pacific Ocean Kayak Journey: Path Visualization for Google Earth[.KML]

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Strengthen your understanding of how muscle filaments function as this physiologist flexes his knowledge.

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Muscle Fibers and Motor Units

Get mentally fit as this physiologist explains muscle structure!

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Get moving and learn how muscles move you!

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Let this semipermiable membrane teaching idea sink in.

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Growing Healthy Babies

Feeding your baby, inside and outside your body.

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Sensory Systems of Robots

Robots use "eyes" and "ears" to sense their surroundings, just like you and me.

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Learning Stations for Cell Transport

Get a tip for modeling the cell membrane in this lesson idea.

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Love your kidneys!

Your kidneys work hard - show them some respect!

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Causes of Disease

Lots of issues causes disease - genetics, lifestyle, pathogens - let's practice prevention when we can.

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Sorting Cells

Flow Cytometry is a cool technology that can count and sort cells.

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Modern Microscopy

Scientists use microscopes to see what is invisible to the naked eye.

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Fitness and the Brain

Fire up those brains with exercise!

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Fitness and Cardiovascular Health

What you need to know about exercising for your heart and lungs.

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Mathematical Patterns and Folds in the Brain

A bio-mathematician discusses the folds and the structure of the brain and how they relate to math.

Carnivorous Plant Anatomy and Morphology

Dr. Tom Miller discusses the anatomy and morphology of carnivorous plants.

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Studying Cell Membranes and Osmosis with Hard-Boiled Eggs

Your mind will swell with knowledge after submerging in this idea to demonstrate osmosis.

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Categorizing Plant Specimens

Get outside and interact with nature after you watch this idea for teaching about the different parts of plants!

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Easing into Evolution with Minimal Controversy!

This teacher has an approach to teaching evolution that may help to keep skeptical students engaged: start by teaching about plants, and then make small changes to the discussion over time.

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Bone Histology and Anatomy

Dr. Gregory Erickson explains bone histology and anatomy with special remarks on bones of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex.

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Rapid Genetic Testing of Seafood

Dr. Mahmood Shivji explains how information contained in the DNA of seafood species is used for identification in the marketplace.

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Coral Research Driving Florida Reef Restoration Policy

Dr. Erinn Muller explains how coral health research at Mote Marine Laboratory is driving policy decisions regarding coral reef restoration in Florida. 

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Skin Radiation Technologies for Medical Therapy

Dr. George Cohen discusses a variety of skin treatments that utilize electromagnetic radiation, including lasers, UV light, and x-rays.

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Coral Genotype Assessment for Reef Restoration

Dr. Erinn Muller explains research related to discovering coral genotypes capable of thriving despite environmental health challenges.

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The Brain and Behaviors

Jens Foell discusses brain function as it relates to brain imaging technology such as fMRI.

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Blood Sucking Vampires

Dr. Michael Thornton discusses the nutritive value of blood - for vampires!

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Blood Types Don't Mix

Learn how carbohydrates in our cells' membrane determine our blood types.

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Mapping the Brain using fMRI

Using new methods in neuroimaging, personality traits can be mapped to distinct regions of the brain.

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PTSD: Correlation vs Causation

Jens Foell discusses the link between correlation and causation in PTSD patients.

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Teaching About Blood Types Using Forensics

CSI in the Classroom: Blood at a crime scene points to a suspect.

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The Criminal Brain and Correlation vs. Causation

Florida State Researcher, Jens Foell, discusses the importance of understanding correlation versus causation when researching personality traits and criminal behavior.

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Homeostasis and Hemostasis

When you cut yourself, your body goes to work to prevent blood loss.

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The Lymph System

The lymph system gets some respect.

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What's in Blood?

The importance of being a red blood cell.

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Chronic Pain and the Brain

Florida State researcher Jens Foell discusses the use of fMRI and statistics in chronic pain.

Birdsong Series: Who Are You Calling Birdbrain?

Rick Hyson discusses the neuroscience contribution to the Birdsong project.

Birdsong Series: The neurobiology of hearing, learning, and speaking

Frank Johnson discusses the science behind hearing, learning, and speaking.

Birdsong Series: Statistical Analysis of Birdsong

Wei Wu discusses his statistical contributions to the Birdsong project which help to quantify the differences in the changes of the zebra finch's song.

Understanding EKG

Tanganyika Wilder explains EKG.

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Birdsong Series: Brain Bowling with Birds

There is an amazing amount of similarity in brain organization between birds and humans. Turns out, birds are pretty darn smart and very good problem solvers!

Birdsong Series: Mathematically Modeling Birdsong

Richard Bertram discusses his mathematical modeling contribution to the Birdsong project that helps the progress of neuron and ion channel research.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Statistical Analysis of a Randomized Study

This education researcher uses measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations.

Atlatl - Differences in Velocity and Distance

An archaeologist describes how an ancient weapons technology can be used to bring home dinner or generate data for a math lesson.

Camera versus Trap Sampling: Improving how NOAA Samples Fish

Underwater sampling with cameras has made fishery management more accurate for NOAA scientists.

Histograms Show Trends in Fisheries Data Over Time

NOAA Fishery management relies on histograms to show patterns and trends over time of fishery data.

Statistical Art: Four Words

Graphic designer and artist, Drexston Redway infuses statistics into his artwork to show population distribution and overlap of poverty and ethnicity in Tallahassee, FL.

Nestle Waters & Statistical Analysis

Hydrogeologist from Nestle Waters discusses the importance of statistical tests in monitoring sustainability and in maintaining consistent water quality in bottled water.

Field Sampling with the Point-centered Quarter Method

In this video, Jim Cox describes a sampling method for estimating the density of dead trees in a forest ecosystem.

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Population Sampling and Beekeeping

This buzzworthy video features statistics, sampling, and how scientists make inferences about populations.

Hurricane Dennis & Failed Math Models

What happens when math models go wrong in forecasting hurricanes?

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Hurricanes & Strong Deep Ocean Currents

COAPS oceanographer Steve Morey describes how math is used to help research hurricanes and strong deep ocean currents that could effect deep water oil rigs.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

MicroGravity Sensors & Statistics

Statistical analysis played an essential role in using microgravity sensors to determine location of caves in Wakulla County.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Mathematically Exploring the Wakulla Caves

The tide is high! How can we statistically prove there is a relationship between the tides on the Gulf Coast and in a fresh water spring 20 miles from each other?

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

History of Probability and the Problem of Points

What was the first question that started probability theory?

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Making Inferences about Wetland Population Sizes

This ecologist from the Coastal Plains Institute discusses sampling techniques that are used to gather data to make statistical inferences about amphibian populations in the wetlands of the Apalachicola National Forest.

Statistical Inferences and Confidence Intervals

Florida State University Counseling Psychologist discusses how he uses confidence intervals to make inferences on college students' experiences on campus based on a sample of students.

Hydrologic Modeling and Reservoir Simulation

Dr. Tom Van Lent and Rajendra Paudel describe how modeling and simulation of water reservoirs are used to inform decisions about regulation of water flow in the Everglades.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Modeling the Everglades with Mathematics

Dr. Tom Van Lent and Rajendra Paudel describe how hydrologic modeling is used to evaluate environmental conditions in the Everglades.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

How Math Models Help Insurance Companies After a Hurricane Hits

Hurricanes can hit at any time! How do insurance companies use math and weather data to help to restore the community?

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Probabilistic Weather Modeling

Meteorologist from Risk Management discusses the use of probability in predicting hurricane tracks.

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Fishery Independent vs Dependent Sampling Methods for Fishery Management

NOAA Scientist Doug Devries discusses the differences between fishery independent surveys and fishery independent surveys.  Discussion includes trap sampling as well as camera sampling. Using graphs to show changes in population of red snapper.

Asymptotic Behavior in Shark Growth Research

Fishery Scientist from Florida State University discusses his new research in deep sea sharks and the unusual behavior that is found when the data is graphed.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Slope and Deep Sea Sharks

Shark researcher, Chip Cotton, discusses the use of regression lines, slope, and determining the strength of the models he uses in his research.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Using Mathematics to Optimize Wing Design

Nick Moore discusses his research behind optimizing wing design using inspiration from animals and how they swim and fly.

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Managing Lionfish Populations

Invasive lionfish are taking a bite out of the ecosystem of Biscayne Bay. Biologists are looking for new ways to remove them, including encouraging recreational divers to bite back!

Sampling Bird Populations to Track Environmental Restoration

Sometimes scientists conduct a census, too! Learn how population sampling can help monitor the progress of an ecological restoration project.

Mean Data and Striking Deviations in Sea Turtle Research

Dive in and learn about how statistics can be used to help research sea turtles!

Random Sampling to Estimate Wildlife Populations

Dr. Bill McShea from the Smithsonian Institution discusses sampling and inference in the study of wildlife populations.

This video was created in collaboration with the Okaloosa County SCIENCE Partnership, including the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University.

Tow Net Sampling to Monitor Phytoplankton Populations

How do scientists collect information from the world? They sample it! Learn how scientists take samples of phytoplankton not only to monitor their populations, but also to make inferences about the rest of the ecosystem!

Using Statistics to Estimate Lionfish Population Size

It's impossible to count every animal in a park, but with statistics and some engineering, biologists can come up with a good estimate.

Rubber Band Races for Testing Measurement Accuracy

This activity will send your measurement lab to new distances.

Assessment of Antarctic Ice Sheet Movement Rate by Sediment Core Sampling

Eugene Domack, a geological oceanographer, describes how sediment cores are collected and used to estimate rates of ice sheet movement in Antarctica. Video funded by NSF grant #: OCE-1502753.

Mathematically Modeling Hurricanes

Entrepreneur and meteorologist Mark Powell discusses the need for statistics in his mathematical modeling program to help better understand hurricanes.

Pitfall Trap Classroom Activity

Patrick Milligan shares a teaching idea for collecting insect samples.

Using Visual Models to Determine Mode, Median and Range

Unlock an effective teaching strategy for teaching median, mode, and range in this Teacher Perspectives Video for educators.

Mathematical Modeling of El Niño

Hear how mathematics helped shape Dr. James O'Brien's groundbreaking research in ocean modeling of El Niño.

Improving Hurricane Modeling by Reducing Systematic Errors

This FSU professor discusses the limitations and need for improvement to models used to forecast hurricanes.

How to Build a Research Study on Education

This researcher explains common methods behind randomized studies in the social sciences, specifically in education.

Carbon Foam and Geometry

Carbon can take many forms, including foam! Learn more about how geometry and the Monte Carlo Method is important in understanding it.

Let's Make a Math Deal

Should I keep my choice or switch? Learn more about the origins and probability behind the Monty Hall door picking dilemma and how Game Theory and strategy effect the probability.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Sampling Strategies for Ecology Research in the Intertidal Zone

Will Ryan describes methods for collecting multiple random samples of anemones in coastal marine environments.

Linear Regression for Analysis of Sea Anemone Data

Will Ryan describes how linear regression models contribute towards his research on sea anemones.

Sample Size and Shark Research

Deep sea shark researcher, Chip Cotton, discusses the need for a Power Analysis to determine the critical sample size in order to make inferences on how oil spills affect shark populations.

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