Solve the Dissolving Problem

Resource ID#: 46490 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 5
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computers for Students, Internet Connection, Overhead Projector
Instructional Time: 2 Hour(s) 10 Minute(s)
Keywords: dissolve, variable, lab, experiment, control, conclusion, compare
Instructional Component Type(s): Lesson Plan
Instructional Design Framework(s): Structured Inquiry (Level 2)

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

Aligned Access Points

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these access points.

Recognize that scientists use various methods to perform investigations, such as reviewing work of other scientists, making observations, and conducting experiments.

Identify examples of materials that will dissolve in water and those that will not.

Recognize a common substance that dissolves in water.

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