The benchmark(s) of focus is the primary focus for student learning and instruction to be taught or reinforced and provides an intentional opportunity for students to work with that concept or skill.
Solve mathematical problems involving the relationships between supplementary, complementary, vertical or adja...
Supporting benchmarks either make a connection or may help students achieve the focus benchmark(s) and increase students’ opportunities to make connections within the subject or to other subjects. The information included in this section is not a comprehensive list, and educators are encouraged to find other supporting benchmarks.
Informally explore angles as an attribute of two-dimensional figures. Identify and classify angles as acute, r...
Clarification 1: Instruction includes classifying angles using benchmark angles of 90° and 180° in two-dimensional figures.
Clarification 2: When identifying angles, the expectation includes two-dimensional figures and real-world pictures.
Solve multi-step linear equations in one variable, with rational number coefficients. Include equations with v...
Clarification 1: Problem types include examples of one-variable linear equations that generate one solution, infinitely many solutions or no solution.