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This is lesson #1 in the text unit series for The Star-Spangled Banner. Students will learn that “The Star-Spangled Banner” is a name sometimes used to describe the American flag. They will identify the flag and will then use the front cover of the book to help them describe the U.S. flag and engage in a picture walk through the text looking for the flag in each illustration. They will learn what the colors and symbols on the flag mean and why they are used to represent the United States of America. Students will work individually to create a picture/symbol that represents them as an individual and then work in small groups to combine their symbols to create a group flag. These will be presented to the class along with a description of how their group worked together to create the finished product. Flags can be displayed over the group tables throughout the exploration of the unit.
This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.
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