Plant Similes

Resource ID#: 159341 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, Internet Connection, Speakers/Headphones
Instructional Time: 2 Hour(s)
Keywords: Plant, Plant Structures, Plant Processes
Instructional Component Type(s): Lesson Plan
Resource Collection: FCR-STEMLearn Cell Biology 2016

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

4 Lesson Plans

Flower Poetry

In this lesson, students will dissect a flower to explore the flower's structures and their functions. Students will also observe the flowers, fruit and cones to discover the similarities and differences in their functions.

Plant Energy

In this lesson, students will explore the roles of roots and leaves in the process of photosynthesis with hands-on activity and a real world case of an exception in the plant kingdom. Students will compare and contrast the roles of roots and leaves in photosynthesis and relate it with the plant Rafflesia.

plants, plaNTS, PLANTS

Students will explore the growth and development of plants by growing their own plants and documenting growth and development of major plant organs. Students will also create their own slides to observe and define the role meristematic tissue in the growth of plants.

Water's Journey

This lesson takes students through a series of observations that will allow students to explore waters path through hand grown plants, examine xylem in celery, and observe stomata from slides they create.

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Lesson Plans

Plant Energy:

In this lesson, students will explore the roles of roots and leaves in the process of photosynthesis with hands-on activity and a real world case of an exception in the plant kingdom. Students will compare and contrast the roles of roots and leaves in photosynthesis and relate it with the plant Rafflesia.

Type: Lesson Plan

Water's Journey:

This lesson takes students through a series of observations that will allow students to explore waters path through hand grown plants, examine xylem in celery, and observe stomata from slides they create.

Type: Lesson Plan

Flower Poetry:

In this lesson, students will dissect a flower to explore the flower's structures and their functions. Students will also observe the flowers, fruit and cones to discover the similarities and differences in their functions.

Type: Lesson Plan

plants, plaNTS, PLANTS:

Students will explore the growth and development of plants by growing their own plants and documenting growth and development of major plant organs. Students will also create their own slides to observe and define the role meristematic tissue in the growth of plants.

Type: Lesson Plan