Standard 3: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.

General Information
Number: SS.912.W.3
Title: Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of Islamic, Meso and South American, and Sub-Saharan African civilizations.
Type: Standard
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 912
Strand: World History

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Identify significant people and beliefs associated with Islam, such as Muhammad, Islamic law, and the relationship between government and religion.
Compare the major beliefs and principles of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Recognize effects of Islamic military expansion through Central Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula, such as the Crusades, the capture of Jerusalem, and conversion of the Mongols to Islam.
Identify factors that led to the expansion of Islam into India, such as traders, missionary activities, invasions, and the introduction of the Islamic faith to Hindus in India.
Recognize achievements, contributions, and key figures associated with the Islamic Golden Age, such as in medicine (Avicenna), mathematics, and philosophy (Averroes).
Recognize key developments in Islamic history, such as the form of government (caliphate), the formation of different religious groups, Sunni and Shi'a, and the importance of slave trade.
Recognize effects of the European response to Islamic expansion, such as the Crusades and Reconquista.
Identify important figures associated with the Crusades.
Identify the growth of sub-Saharan African kingdoms and empires, such as Ghana, Mali, or Songhai.
Recognize significant characteristics of Ghana, such as salt and gold trade, matrilineal inheritance, rise of Islam, and slavery.
Recognize significant characteristics of Mali, such as Mansa Musa, gold mining, salt trade, and slavery.
Identify characteristics associated with Songhai, such as gold, salt trade, Sankore University, and provincial political structure.
Recognize economic, political, and social developments in East, West, and South Africa.
Recognize factors that led to the fall of the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, such as disruption of trade and internal political struggles.
Identify legacies, such as religion, astronomy, and architecture, of the Olmec, Zapotec, and Chavin on later civilizations.
Recognize major civilizations of Mesoamerica and Andean South America, such as the Maya, Aztec, and Inca.
Recognize the roles of people, such as class structures, family life, warfare, religious beliefs and practices, and slavery in Maya, Inca, and Aztec societies.
Recognize common characteristics of the major civilizations of Meso and South America, such as agriculture, architecture, astronomy, mathematics, and government.
Identify the impact of significant Meso and South American rulers such as Pacal the Great, Moctezuma I, and Huayna Capac.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plan

Buried in Ash: New Revelations of an Ancient Culture:

In this lesson, students read a non-fiction text as they learn of the artifacts unearthed from the remains of a Salvadoran village preserved in volcanic ash much like Pompeii. Students will discover how researchers piece together evidence to determine the significance the artifacts reveal in illustrating the daily lives of this ancient people. As students come to understand the researchers use the artifacts to infer religious, cultural and economic aspects of the Ceren village, they will answer text-dependent questions and compose a multi-paragraph writing response (sample answer keys included) asking students to describe the power of this natural disaster to destroy this ancient culture yet preserve its details for future generations to learn from.

Type: Lesson Plan

Text Resource

Buried in Ash, Ancient Salvadoran Village Shows Images of Daily Life:

This informational text is designed to support reading in the content area. It describes the remains of a Salvadoran village preserved in volcanic ash, much like Europe's Pompeii. The unearthed village reveals artifacts that illustrate the daily lives of this ancient people. The authors use artifacts to infer religious, cultural and economic aspects of the Ceren village.

Type: Text Resource

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.