Standard 2: Historical Knowledge

General Information
Number: SS.K.A.2
Title: Historical Knowledge
Type: Standard
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: K
Strand: American History

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Recognize items from the present and the past.
Identify national holidays and celebrations that honor people or events.
Recognize that national holidays and celebrations are different in other cultures.
Identify an act of bravery or honesty in stories.
Identify the pledge of allegiance.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Interactive Research Pages

Memorial Day Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and meaning of Memorial Day with this interactive research page.

Type: Interactive Research Pages

Lesson Plans

The Flag We Love - Make a Personal Flag:

This is lesson #6 in the text unit series for The Flag We Love. This lesson is a culminating activity that focuses on students’ recall of information from the text to answer the question: ”Why is the flag an important symbol of the United States?”. To demonstrate learning, students will use their knowledge of a symbol to create a personal flag and write a statement indicating why it is a meaningful symbol of themselves.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

What Is Responsible Citizenship?:

In this lesson, students will learn what it means to be a responsible citizen and explore the characteristics of responsible citizenship. The students will identify people from the past who have shown the character trait of responsibility while analyzing primary sources and explaining through writing why displaying responsibility is important.

Type: Lesson Plan

Create a Class Flag!:

In this lesson plan, students will analyze and discuss the U.S. flag, the FL state flag, and the importance to use what they learn to create a flag that is a representation of the class.

Type: Lesson Plan

Our American Symbols:

In this lesson, students will identify representative American symbols and create a book that collects their learning about three important American symbols - the bald eagle, the flag, and the president. 

Type: Lesson Plan

How Do We Make Good Decisions?:

In this lesson, the teacher will provide students with an overview of what decision making entails, positive decision-making traits, jobs that require strong decision-making skills, and historical figures that have displayed these character traits. This lesson plan contains scenarios, a PowerPoint presentation, and a student handout.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Pledge of Allegiance:

In this lesson plan, students will learn about the Pledge of Allegiance and recite it themselves.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Symbols of Florida:

In this lesson plan, teachers will assist students in recognizing symbols, including the state flag and state seal, that represent the state of Florida.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Symbols of the United States :

In this lesson, teachers will assist students in recognizing symbols, like the U.S. flag and the bald eagle, that represent the United States.  

Type: Lesson Plan

It's All in the Details:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American holidays as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Purpose and Particulars: Presidents:

In this lesson, students will become informative investigators through whole group and independent activities about presidents and Presidents' Day. Students will identify basic similarities and differences between multiple texts to contribute to a class-generated Venn Diagram as well as an independent Venn Diagram. Students will practice generating ideas and details for a class-created informative writing piece and by creating their own informative writing piece based on what they learned through the lessons' texts.

Type: Lesson Plan

What's the Big Idea?:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American symbols as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Interactive Research Pages

Memorial Day Interactive Research Pages:

Explore the history and meaning of Memorial Day with this interactive research page.

Type: Interactive Research Pages

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.