General Information
Number: SS.8.FL.1
Title: Examine the various methods of preparation, possible benefits and tax responsibilities related to earning income.
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 8
Strand: Financial Literacy
Related Benchmarks
This cluster includes the following benchmarks.
Related Access Points
This cluster includes the following access points.
Access Points
Identify and describe how education and training are needed for the progression from a job to a career.
Identify how decisions about incomes and job opportunities are affected by education, in a career or profession.
Identify how continuing education and job skills training can increase a person’s income and opportunities.
Identify the average wage or salary for different jobs and explain how they differ by level of education, job skill, or years of experience.
Identify the fact that investment in education and training generally has a positive rate of return in terms of the income that people earn over a lifetime.
Identify the opportunity costs that education, training, and development of job skills have in the terms of time, effort, and money.
Identify that interest is a form of income earned from financial investments.
Identify the fact that some people receive income support from government because they qualify in one of various ways for government assistance.
Related Resources
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Lesson Plans
Student Resources
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Parent Resources
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