General Information
Number: HE.7.B.5
Title: Decision Making - Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Subject: Health Education Archived Standards - Archived
Grade: 7
Strand: Health Literacy Responsible Behavior
Related Benchmarks
This cluster includes the following benchmarks.
Related Access Points
This cluster includes the following access points.
Identify health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.
Choose a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer and Internet.
Identify when individual or collaborative decision-making is appropriate, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.
Identify similarities in circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.
Recognize health-related situations that require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.
Determine a healthy alternative over an unhealthy alternative when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer, and Internet.
Identify when individual or collaborative decision-making is required in selected health-related situations, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.
Identify selected circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.
Recognize selected health-related situations in which a decision is required, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, riding in a vehicle with an underage driver, selecting nutritious foods, and dealing with mental-health issues.
Recognize healthy alternatives when making a decision, such as prescription-drug use and abuse, using safety equipment, and being safe on the computer and Internet.
Recognize the need for individual or collaborative decision making in selected situations, such as over-the-counter drug use, harassment, and gang involvement.
Recognize circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making, such as knowledge of prescription-drug use and abuse, home and community environment, access to information, and knowledge, and misinformation.
Related Resources
Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.
Student Resources
Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.
Parent Resources
Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.