Enduring Understanding 1: Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the worlds in which they live(d).

General Information
Number: MU.912.H.1
Title: Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the worlds in which they live(d).
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Music
Grade: 912
Big Idea: Historical and Global Connections

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Identify how a culture’s traditions are supported by music.
Compare stylistic and musical features in works originating from different cultures.


Recognize how a selected culture’s tradition is supported by music.
Identify similarities and differences between styles and features of music produced by different cultures.


Associate a selected culture’s tradition with a piece of music.
Recognize similarities or differences between styles or features of music produced by different cultures.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiasts

Bring Frequencies to Life with Balinese Music:

It's okay if you're not on quite the same wavelength as this ethnomusicologist. In Balinese gamelan tuning, that's a good thing!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast

Frequencies and Communities in the Music of Bali:

Physical science and social science connect in this discussion of Balinese gamelan. Full STEAM ahead!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast

Text Resource

Comparison of Jazz and Harlem Renaissance:

Comparison of Jazz and Harlem Renaissance: Themes, Ideas, Music and Texts

Type: Text Resource

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiasts

Bring Frequencies to Life with Balinese Music:

It's okay if you're not on quite the same wavelength as this ethnomusicologist. In Balinese gamelan tuning, that's a good thing!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast

Frequencies and Communities in the Music of Bali:

Physical science and social science connect in this discussion of Balinese gamelan. Full STEAM ahead!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiasts

Bring Frequencies to Life with Balinese Music:

It's okay if you're not on quite the same wavelength as this ethnomusicologist. In Balinese gamelan tuning, that's a good thing!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast

Frequencies and Communities in the Music of Bali:

Physical science and social science connect in this discussion of Balinese gamelan. Full STEAM ahead!

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Professional/Enthusiast