Recognize a model used in the context of one’s own study of science.
General Information
Number: SC.912.N.3.Pa.2
Category: Participatory
Date Adopted or Revised:
The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models : The terms that describe examples of scientific knowledge, for example: "theory," "law," "hypothesis" and "model" have very specific meanings and functions within science.
Related Benchmarks
This access point is an alternate version of the following benchmark(s).
Related Courses
This access point is part of these courses.
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2020910: Astronomy Solar/Galactic Honors
2003340: Chemistry 1
2003350: Chemistry 1 Honors
2003360: Chemistry 2 Honors
2001310: Earth/Space Science
2001320: Earth/Space Science Honors
2000380: Ecology
2001340: Environmental Science
2002480: Forensic Science 1
2002490: Forensic Sciences 2
2000440: Genetics Honors
2002400: Integrated Science 1
2002410: Integrated Science 1 Honors
2002460: Integrated Science 4
2000300: Intensive Science
2000390: Limnology
2002500: Marine Science 1
2002510: Marine Science 1 Honors
2002520: Marine Science 2
2002530: Marine Science 2 Honors
2003400: Nuclear Radiation
2020710: Nuclear Radiation Honors
2003310: Physical Science
2003320: Physical Science Honors
2003380: Physics 1
2003390: Physics 1 Honors
2003410: Physics 2 Honors
2003600: Principles of Technology 1
2003610: Principles of Technology 2
2002540: Solar Energy Honors
2002550: Solar Energy 2 Honors
2002330: Space Technology and Engineering
2003800: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate Chemistry 1
2002340: Experimental Science 1 Honors
2002350: Experimental Science 2 Honors
2002360: Experimental Science 3 Honors
2002370: Experimental Science 4 Honors
7920011: Access Chemistry 1
7920020: Access Earth/Space Science
7920025: Access Integrated Science 1
2000500: Bioscience 1 Honors
2000510: Bioscience 2 Honors
2000520: Bioscience 3 Honors
2002405: Integrated Science 1 for Credit Recovery
2003345: Chemistry 1 for Credit Recovery
2003385: Physics 1 for Credit Recovery
2003500: Renewable Energy 1 Honors
2003836: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate Physics 1
2003838: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate Physics 2
7920022: Access Physical Science
2001341: Environmental Science Honors
2001330: Meteorology Honors
Related Resources
Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this access point.
Student Resources
Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this access point.
Parent Resources
Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this access point.