Standard #: SC.68.CS-CS.2.2 (Discontinued after 2024-2025)

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Solve real-life issues in science and engineering (i.e., generalize a solution to open-ended problems) using computational thinking skills.

General Information

Subject Area: Science
Grade: 68
Body of Knowledge: Computer Science - Communication Systems and Computing (Discontinued after 2024-2025)
Date Adopted or Revised: 05/16
Status: State Board Approved

Related Courses

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0200000: M/J Computer Science Discoveries (Specifically in versions: 2018 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
0200020: M/J Computer Science Discoveries 2 (Specifically in versions: 2018 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))

Related Resources

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Civic Duty to Protect Endangered Species Animation Project: Lesson 2

Students will use their endangered species research from Lesson 1 for a flowchart to plan a Scratch animation. The animation will educate citizens about a specific Florida endangered species and how it can be protected. This is lesson 2 of a 3-lesson unit integrating Civics with Computer Science and Coding.

Civic Duty to Protect Endangered Species Animation Project: Lesson 3

This is the final lesson of a 3-lesson unit integrating Civics with Computer Science. Students will create an animation in Scratch to raise awareness of an endangered species in Florida. Research from Lesson 1 and a flowchart plan from Lesson 2 will be applied.


Lesson 1 of a mini-unit integrating Civics with Computer Science. Students identify the differences between national and Florida state laws regulating endangered species. Students select a specific Florida endangered species, research threats, population changes, and relevant local laws protecting it. The third lesson produces a Scratch animation related to the chosen species.

Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Temperature & Turbidity

This is lesson 3 of 3 in the Goldilocks’ Café Just Right unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” temperature and turbidity level. Students will use both the temperature probe and turbidity sensor and code using ScratchX during their investigation.

Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Turbidity

This is lesson 2 of 3 in the Just Right Goldilocks’ Café unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” level of turbidity. Students will use turbidity sensors and code using ScratchX during their investigation.

Just Right Goldilocks’ Café: Temperature

This is lesson 1 of 3 in the Just Right Goldilocks’ Café unit. This lesson focuses on systematic investigation on getting a cup of coffee to be the “just right” temperature. Students will use temperature probes and code using ScratchX during their investigation.


Data Sets Represented in Computers

This lesson shows how data can be represented by computers, in relation to everyday activities we may not be aware that we use computer. It gives an overview of graphing data by creating a histogram based on population data. Using the data collected, students will get a chance to hand write code to show what structure is needed for computers to collect, analyze and distribute such data. This lesson is lesson 1 of the Data Set and Deviation Statistics Unit and bridges statistical concepts of data collection, graphing and analysis with programming a computer using coding language while reinforcing foundational algebraic skills.

The Water Cycle: If/Then and Loops

This lesson introduces the water cycle to enhance the understanding of how bodies of water and landforms interact to form a complex system. This lesson provides students the opportunity to see how systems can be found in many different forms from science to computers. This lesson will also introduce pseudocode as another form of a procedure. This is lesson 3 of 4 in the Florida Landform and Water Unit.

Radioactive Dating Lesson 4 - Recursive Division

This lesson introduces students to the idea of recursive division and its application to radioactive dating with a worksheet and Scratch programming. This is the final lesson in the Radioactive Dating Unit.

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