Standard #: LAFS.K12.W.3.9 (Archived Standard)

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Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

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Related Resources

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Florida Animals and Plants Research

This resource is a guided approach to researching for fifth graders. It assists in setting up a research framework for students to use as a guideline to complete a good research project.

Demonstrating Understanding of Richard Wright's Rite of Passage

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Survival of the Fittest

This is a five day lesson integrating Science, Reading and Writing. It is developed on a Reading lesson plan format using Shared Reading, Core Reading, Guided Reading and centers but can easily be transferred on to a Science 5E lesson format. The versatility of the lesson and the integration between subjects lends itself to it being widely used among teachers for different reasons; whether the teacher's need be in Science, Reading or Writing the lesson provides opportunities for all areas to be addressed. Most importantly, it offers the busy teacher an opportunity to implement one lesson to cover three subjects.

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