Standard #: LAFS.1.RL.2.4 (Archived Standard)

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Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

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Related Resources

Lesson Plans

Name Description
A Chilly Feeling

In this reading lesson, the students will analyze the poem "It Fell in the City" by Eve Merriam. They will read the poem, identify words or phrases that show feelings or appeal to the senses, describe the place in the poem and add drawings to express their feelings. They will also write an opinion paragraph about how the poem made them feel after reading it.

Flower Power Flower Company MEA & STEAM* Activity

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The Flower Power MEA provides students with an real world problem in which they must work as a team to design a plan to select the best flower arrangement for a special event. The resource was primarily designed as an MEA so the time and teacher instructions are based on the MEA format. The additional activities will take several hours of instruction but include watching and discussing a video about the parts of plants, reading a book, and discussing the art in the book as well as additional art by the book author/illustrator.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. Click here to learn more about MEAs and how they can transform your classroom.

Close Reading Exemplar: The Wind

The goal of this exemplar is to teach young students to read closely and critically in order to comprehend complex literary text. In this lesson sequence, the teacher uses a variety of strategies to actively engage students in searching for meaning in the figurative language and rich vocabulary of a poem. Students learn to test inferences against specific details of the text, to take three dimensional "notes" and to use those notes to more deeply understand the meaning of the poem. Discussion and a short writing exercise help students to synthesize what they have learned.

First Day Jitters: A Reading Activity

In this lesson, the teacher and students will read the engaging book First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg. They will identify and describe the story elements in the illustrations and text and analyze the author's use of specific words to suggest the main character's feelings. Students will write an opinion paragraph in response to a prompt about the book using text to support their opinion.

Describing Characters Using the text Jamaica and Brianna

This lesson focuses on describing characters using the story, Jamaica and Brianna, by Juanita Havill. The students will work in groups to bring a character to life by describing what the character said, did, thought, and felt. Students will then utilize these sketches to write a paragraph about the character.

Reading with Our Eyes, Fingers, Toes, Ears and Nose

In this lesson, students will practice identifying descriptive words in their reading. Students will identify describing words based on the five senses. Students will create a riddle using descriptive words and add it to a digital class presentation.

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