Standard #: SC.5.P.13.1

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Identify familiar forces that cause objects to move, such as pushes or pulls, including gravity acting on falling objects.

General Information

Subject Area: Science
Grade: 5
Body of Knowledge: Physical Science
Big Idea: Forces and Changes in Motion - A. It takes energy to change the motion of objects.

B. Energy change is understood in terms of forces--pushes or pulls.

C. Some forces act through physical contact, while others act at a distance.

Clarification for grades K-5: The target understanding for students in the elementary grades should focus on Big Ideas A, B, and C.

Clarification for grades 6-8: The target understanding for students in grades 6-8 should begin to transition the focus to a more specific definition of forces and changes in motion. Net forces create a change in motion. A change in momentum occurs when a net force is applied to an object over a time interval.

Grades 9-12, Standard 12: Motion - A. Motion can be measured and described qualitatively and quantitatively. Net forces create a change in motion. B. Momentum is conserved under well-defined conditions. A change in momentum occurs when a net force is applied to an object over a time interval.

Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
Content Complexity Rating: Level 1: Recall - More Information
Date of Last Rating: 05/08
Status: State Board Approved
Assessed: Yes

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Related Access Points

Access Point Number Access Point Title
SC.5.P.13.In.1 Distinguish between movement of an object caused by gravity and movement caused by pushes and pulls.
SC.5.P.13.Su.1 Recognize that gravity causes an object to move.
SC.5.P.13.Pa.1 Recognize that pushing or pulling makes an object move.

Related Resources

Educational Game

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Formative Assessment

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Lesson Plans

Name Description
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Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Push It! Force and Motion

Explore different kinds of forces, including pushes, pulls, magnetism, gravity, and friction in this interactive tutorial.

Perspectives Video: Teaching Ideas

Name Description
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Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

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Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

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Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Teaching Ideas

Name Description
The Mystery of Tiny Algal Spores

In this video, students will learn from a researcher about adaptations algae have developed to enable them to withstand water forces in their habitat.

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Newton Laws of Motion-SeaWorld Classroom Activity

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Virtual Manipulatives

Name Description
A Pendulum

This virtual manipulative will help the students learn some important concepts of classical mechanics, such as gravitational acceleration, energy conservation and so on. This activity will also help in students learning via the process of making predictions (about number of pendulum swings), discussing outcomes and sharing results.

Friction (at Molecular Workbench)

Friction is important in enabling the movement of objects. Friction is a force that acts in an opposite direction to movement. Friction is everywhere when objects come into contact with each other. Observe what happens when the surfaces are very smooth or slippery, it reduces the friction and thus it makes harder to stop the motion.

A Pulley System

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Balance Challenge Game

Play with objects on a teeter totter to learn about balance.

  • Predict how objects of various masses can be used to make a plank balance.
  • Predict how changing the positions of the masses on the plank will affect the motion of the plank
  • Write rules to predict which way plank will tilt when objects are placed on it.
  • Use your rules to solve puzzles about balancing.
Explore the forces
Students can create an applied force and see how it makes objects move. They can also make changes in friction and see how it affects the motion of objects.
  • Identify when forces are balanced vs. unbalanced.
  • Determine the sum of forces (net force) on an object with more than one force on it.
  • Predict the motion of an object with zero net force.
  • Predict the direction of motion given a combination of forces.

Student Resources

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Push It! Force and Motion:

Explore different kinds of forces, including pushes, pulls, magnetism, gravity, and friction in this interactive tutorial.

Virtual Manipulatives

Name Description
A Pendulum:

This virtual manipulative will help the students learn some important concepts of classical mechanics, such as gravitational acceleration, energy conservation and so on. This activity will also help in students learning via the process of making predictions (about number of pendulum swings), discussing outcomes and sharing results.

Friction (at Molecular Workbench):

Friction is important in enabling the movement of objects. Friction is a force that acts in an opposite direction to movement. Friction is everywhere when objects come into contact with each other. Observe what happens when the surfaces are very smooth or slippery, it reduces the friction and thus it makes harder to stop the motion.

Balance Challenge Game:

Play with objects on a teeter totter to learn about balance.

  • Predict how objects of various masses can be used to make a plank balance.
  • Predict how changing the positions of the masses on the plank will affect the motion of the plank
  • Write rules to predict which way plank will tilt when objects are placed on it.
  • Use your rules to solve puzzles about balancing.
Explore the forces:
Students can create an applied force and see how it makes objects move. They can also make changes in friction and see how it affects the motion of objects.
  • Identify when forces are balanced vs. unbalanced.
  • Determine the sum of forces (net force) on an object with more than one force on it.
  • Predict the motion of an object with zero net force.
  • Predict the direction of motion given a combination of forces.

Parent Resources

Teaching Idea

Name Description
The Mystery of Tiny Algal Spores:

In this video, students will learn from a researcher about adaptations algae have developed to enable them to withstand water forces in their habitat.

Virtual Manipulatives

Name Description
A Pendulum:

This virtual manipulative will help the students learn some important concepts of classical mechanics, such as gravitational acceleration, energy conservation and so on. This activity will also help in students learning via the process of making predictions (about number of pendulum swings), discussing outcomes and sharing results.

Friction (at Molecular Workbench):

Friction is important in enabling the movement of objects. Friction is a force that acts in an opposite direction to movement. Friction is everywhere when objects come into contact with each other. Observe what happens when the surfaces are very smooth or slippery, it reduces the friction and thus it makes harder to stop the motion.

Balance Challenge Game:

Play with objects on a teeter totter to learn about balance.

  • Predict how objects of various masses can be used to make a plank balance.
  • Predict how changing the positions of the masses on the plank will affect the motion of the plank
  • Write rules to predict which way plank will tilt when objects are placed on it.
  • Use your rules to solve puzzles about balancing.
Explore the forces:
Students can create an applied force and see how it makes objects move. They can also make changes in friction and see how it affects the motion of objects.
  • Identify when forces are balanced vs. unbalanced.
  • Determine the sum of forces (net force) on an object with more than one force on it.
  • Predict the motion of an object with zero net force.
  • Predict the direction of motion given a combination of forces.

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