Standard #: MA.2.M.1.1

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Estimate and measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter or meter by selecting and using an appropriate tool.


Clarification 1: Instruction includes seeing rulers and tape measures as number lines.

Clarification 2: Instruction focuses on recognizing that when an object is measured in two different units, fewer of the larger units are required. When comparing measurements of the same object in different units, measurement conversions are not expected.

Clarification 3: When estimating the size of an object, a comparison with an object of known size can be used.

General Information

Subject Area: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 2
Strand: Measurement
Status: State Board Approved

Benchmark Instructional Guide

Connecting Benchmarks/Horizontal Alignment


Terms from the K-12 Glossary

  • NA


Vertical Alignment

Previous Benchmarks


Next Benchmarks


Purpose and Instructional Strategies

The purpose of this benchmark is to build instruction from grade 1 to include additional U.S. customary and metric units. Students will both estimate and measure objects in various units and are expected to select an appropriate measurement tool.
  • Instruction includes helping students identify benchmark measurement references. 
  • Instruction includes helping students connect the concept of a number line to linear measurement tools such as rulers and tape measures.


Common Misconceptions or Errors

  • Students may misalign the ruler with the object and measure an object from 1 instead of 0. 
  • Students may count all marks, not just the whole-unit marks, when labeling a ruler. 
  • Students may not have a clear concept of the approximate length of an inch, a foot, a centimeter or a meter.


Strategies to Support Tiered Instruction

  • Instruction includes modeling how to measure an object and guiding students to notice that the object’s measurement does not change if the object is placed further down the ruler. 
    • For example, modeling may include identifying the end points of an object and lining the end point with the zero mark of the ruler. Note that often the “zero” mark is not labeled and may be the end of the ruler or on the very first tick mark depending on the ruler. The teacher states the correct measurement and then as students watch, move the object down the ruler and ask, “Does the object’s measurement change if its end point lines up with a different number?” 

  • Instruction includes directing students to make connections between their world and measurements of inch, foot, centimeter and meter. Students discuss these relationships, draw pictures and write labels that can be used as a reference to help them remember the different length units and their approximate sizes. 
    • For example, students can use index cards to draw examples of each length unit relationship. Multiple cards can be made so that students can sort, do a memory match, or combined to create a mini booklet.


Instructional Tasks

Instructional Task 1 (MTR.4.1, MTR.6.1

As a class, determine several classroom objects whose lengths can be measured (e.g., pencil, book, desk, glue stick, etc.). 
  • Part A. Before measuring, select an appropriate tool and estimate the number of units. 
  • Part B. Compare their estimates to the actual measurement. Include a comparison of the number of units based on the tool selected.


Instructional Items

Instructional Item 1 

Nancy measured her index card using a ruler. She thinks the index card is about 9 cm. long. Is Nancy’s work correct? Explain why or why not. 


*The strategies, tasks and items included in the B1G-M are examples and should not be considered comprehensive

Related Courses

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7712030: Access Mathematics Grade 2 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
5012005: Foundational Skills in Mathematics K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2019 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Access Point Number Access Point Title
MA.2.M.1.AP.1a Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot and or yard when given the appropriate tool.
MA.2.M.1.AP.1b Explore estimation strategies by developing measurement benchmarks of familiar objects that could be used to make reasonable estimates of length to the nearest inch, foot, or yard.

Related Resources

Formative Assessments

Name Description
Estimating in Yards

Students are asked to estimate a predetermined length in yards.

Measuring to the Nearest Foot

Students use a ruler or yardstick to measure a length to the nearest foot.

Centimeters and Meters

Students measure the length of a line segment twice and are given an opportunity to explain why the line segment measures in fewer meters than centimeters.

Feet and Inches

Students measure the length of a line twice and are given an opportunity to explain why the line measures in fewer feet than inches.

Measuring our Pencils

Students measure their pencils to the nearest whole inch.

Measuring Hand Spans

Students measure the width of their hands to the nearest whole centimeter.

Inches and Centimeters

Students measure the length of a line segment twice, once using inches and again using centimeters, and are asked to explain why the two measures are different.

Feet and yards

Students are given the length of an alligator in both feet and yards and are asked to explain why the measure given in feet is greater than the measure given in yards.

Measuring a Curve

Students use a ruler and piece of string to measure the length of a curve.

Measuring to the Nearest Inch and Centimeter

Students use a ruler to measure one segment to the nearest inch and one segment to the nearest centimeter.

Estimating in Feet

Students are asked to estimate the length of a table in feet.

Estimating in Meters

Students are asked to estimate a predetermined length in meters.

Estimating in Centimeters

Students are asked to estimate the length of a line segment in centimeters.

Estimating in Inches

Students are asked to estimate the length of a piece of paper in inches.

Rulers and Meter Sticks

Students choose an appropriate tool to measure a hallway.

Measuring a Segment Longer Than 12 Inches

Students use a ruler to measure a 17 inch segment to the nearest inch.

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Huff and Puff: A Lesson Focused on the Force of the Wind

In this lesson students will be exploring the force of wind and its affect on objects. Students will use the engineering design process to sketch, build, and assess how their structure withstands different forces of wind.

Taking Flight

Students will explore airplanes in this project-based lesson/unit with multiple lessons that are all tied to a final project.

Animal Sanctuary Engineering Design Challenge

This Engineering Design Challenge is a hands-on investigation in both math and science. Students will be able to use prior knowledge and problem solving skills to solve non-routine problems and real-world situations, using mathematical and scientific models. It is a great way to introduce your students to real-world problem solving. Students will be engaged in hands-on learning by designing and creating an enclosure for zoo animals. Both math and science standards have been incorporated for an integrated lesson.

Measure Both and Find their Difference

Students will measure the lengths of two objects to the nearest inch and determine the difference in the objects' lengths.

Measuring Mania

This lesson is a culminating activity for the end of a unit on measurement. Students focus on selecting tools for measuring various objects, justifying why they picked a certain tool.

If the Shoe Fits...

In this lesson, students will create line plots based on linear measurements that they collect while participating in the practice of scientific inquiry.

What's the difference?

This lesson is designed for students who already have a basic understanding of how to measure using rulers, yardsticks, or meter sticks. Students will first use given measurements of buildings to determine the difference between two objects’ lengths. Then, students will use their own measurement data to determine the difference between objects’ lengths.

Oh My! Meters or Centimeters?

This lesson is designed to teach students how to use rulers and meter sticks to measure the length of objects in centimeters or meters. Students will think about which tool is most efficient for measuring objects based on their lengths.

Measuring Madness

This activity includes students creating benchmark lengths for 1 centimeter, 1 inch, 1 foot, and 1 meter. Students are challenged to use their benchmarks to estimate the lengths of various classroom objects and then measure the actual lengths in order to compare the estimate to the actual length.

Three Pigs 2.0 - An Engineering Design Challenge

This Engineering Design Challenge is intended to help students apply the concepts of force from SC.2.P.13.1 (investigate the effect of applying various pushes and pulls on different objects) and the concept of wind from SC.2.E.7.4 (investigate that air is all around us and that moving air is wind) as they build structures to withstand the force of high-speed winds. It is not intended as an initial introduction to these concepts.

Three Billy Goats Gruff Build a Bridge - An Engineering Design Challenge

This Engineering Design Challenge is intended to help students apply the concepts of force as they build bridges to hold the greatest load. It is also intended to help students apply the concepts of money as they strive to construct the most cost effective bridge. It is not intended as an initial introduction to these concepts.

How Many Inches, Feet, and Yards?

Students will measure the length of given objects using various measuring tools. The students will record their measurements using different units including inches, feet, and yards to the nearest whole unit. Students will also estimate and measure the lengths of objects, then compare their estimations to their measurements to find the difference.


If the Shoe Fits...

In this lesson, students will create pictographs or bar graphs based on linear measurements that they collect while participating in the practice of scientific inquiry.

Measurement Mystery Mayhem

In this lesson, students will use their knowledge of units of measurement to estimate the length of objects in centimeters and inches. Students will use rulers to confirm their estimations. Students will engage in communication and cooperative learning by sharing strategies, comparing answers and defending their work.

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Big Brown Bug: Estimating Measurements!

A 6 foot bug? No way! Learn how to estimate length using inches, feet and yards by using objects around you in this interactive tutorial.

Professional Development

Name Description
What Does It Mean To Measure?

This is a professional development session from the Learning Math series from Annenberg. Learners will begin to explore the questions "What can be measured?" and "What does it mean to measure something?" Learners identify measurable properties of objects such as weight, surface area, and volume, and discuss which metric units are appropriate for measuring these properties. Learners will also learn that measurement is, by its nature, approximate. Finally, learners will consider how to make measurements using nonstandard units. This session features a number of problems for learners to solve and open-ended questions to discuss, videos that demonstrate measurement techniques, and an interactive activity that asks learners to construct shapes using different size triangles to foster understanding of area and perimeter. There are also nine homework problems in which learners are asked to generate different measurements, graph measurements, and evaluate the appropriateness of the measurements generated using a data chart. Many of the professional development activities can be used directly in the classroom.

Teaching Idea

Name Description
Big as a Baby Whale-SeaWorld Classroom Activity

In this activity, students will create life size chalk drawings of J.J. the gray whale to discover the size and growth rate of juvenile gray whales.

Student Resources

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Big Brown Bug: Estimating Measurements!:

A 6 foot bug? No way! Learn how to estimate length using inches, feet and yards by using objects around you in this interactive tutorial.

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