Using Security Camera Angles to Find Area and Calculate Percentages

Resource ID#: 45889 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): Mathematics
Grade Level(s): 6
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, LCD Projector, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Office
Instructional Time: 1 Hour(s) 20 Minute(s)
Keywords: area, triangles, quadrilaterals, percent, fractions, problem solving, real world, ratios, surface area, volume, small group
Resource Collection:

Aligned Standards

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Lesson Plan

Enrique's Ruined Carpet:

In this activity, students use a house blueprint to find the area of carpeted floor by decomposing composite shapes into rectangles and triangles. As students critique each other's reasoning, they refine their thinking of surface area. 

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Professional Development

What Does It Mean To Measure?:

This is a professional development session from the Learning Math series from Annenberg. Learners will begin to explore the questions "What can be measured?" and "What does it mean to measure something?" Learners identify measurable properties of objects such as weight, surface area, and volume, and discuss which metric units are appropriate for measuring these properties. Learners will also learn that measurement is, by its nature, approximate. Finally, learners will consider how to make measurements using nonstandard units. This session features a number of problems for learners to solve and open-ended questions to discuss, videos that demonstrate measurement techniques, and an interactive activity that asks learners to construct shapes using different size triangles to foster understanding of area and perimeter. There are also nine homework problems in which learners are asked to generate different measurements, graph measurements, and evaluate the appropriateness of the measurements generated using a data chart. Many of the professional development activities can be used directly in the classroom.

Type: Professional Development