Standard 5: Creating and Collaborating

General Information
Number: ELA.10.C.5
Title: Creating and Collaborating
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 10
Strand: Communication

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Integrate a detail into digital presentation to improve understanding of findings, reasoning and evidence.
Use an online platform to create and share publication-ready quality writing tailored to a specific audience, integrating multimedia elements.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

ECE Child Growth and Development: Developmental Theory Presentation:

Students will create a presentation to convey previously compiled research on a developmental theory related to early childhood education. Student presentations will include information on a specific developmental theory, including facts about the theorist, a focus of the developmental theory, the stages of development presented in the theory and the implications of the theory for teaching.

Type: Lesson Plan

From Oral History to Published Narrative: Preserving our Families' Stories:

Students will review interview notes and historical research to write first draft narratives about individuals they previously interviewed in this integrated lesson. This lesson is Part 3 in a series of 5 parts designed to help students communicate with members of an older generation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Creating Visual Aids for Informative Speaking:

In this lesson plan intended for the debate classroom, students will brainstorm creative ideas for digital visual enhancements to an Informative Speaking speech. Students will also create and share a practice digital board.

Type: Lesson Plan

Exploring Immigration and America: Part 3:

This lesson is the 3rd lesson of a unit on Immigration and America. In this lesson, students will analyze the and make thematic connections to the previous works studied. The culminating activity is students' oral presentation of a digital presentation in which they compare the works in terms of theme. They will need to support their ideas with textual evidence.

Type: Lesson Plan

Creating Brave New Voices amongst Students: Part III:

This is the culminating lesson in a three-part series designed to support students as they embrace poetry analysis. The purpose of this lesson is for students to reflect on the poems they analyzed in lessons one and two. Students will then create a digital presentation to share with the class that explains their analysis of the use of symbols, imagery, mood, and theme in poetry.

Type: Lesson Plan

Ripples of the Great Depression: 1930s to today:

In this lesson, students will gather information on aspects of the 1930s and the Great Depression including how they are linked to current issues and events, then create a presentation based on their findings and present it to the class. This lesson will help to build background knowledge for reading literature set in the 1930s and would be a good activity to complete before reading texts that take place during that period. This activity will develop students' research skills including evaluating sources, note-taking, and integrating information from multiple sources, as well as giving students opportunities to engage in creating digital presentations.

Type: Lesson Plan

Digital Accessibility and ADA Compliance:

Using the case study, "Susan Can't See Red," students will examine American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and accessibility in digital media. They will review existing guidelines for people with accessibility challenges and consider how to develop content that is accessible to all.

Type: Lesson Plan

Lights, Camera, ... Wait! What's the Plan?:

Students will develop a storyboard to plan a public service announcement (PSA) based on the case study, “The Boss's Pet Project PSA.” As part of a production team, students will have an opportunity to collaborate and create a digital presentation to communicate a compelling message.

Type: Lesson Plan

Professionalism in the Workplace: A Training Guide:

Using the case study, "Training Day: The Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace," students will create a PPT to be used as a training guide for employees on how to be professional in the workplace.

Type: Lesson Plan

Sharing Meal Planning and Budgeting Strategies With Families:

Using the case study, “Dining Out Dilemma: How to Meal Plan and Budget for Busy Families,” students will create a presentation that outlines meal planning, budgeting and comparative shopping strategies and tools, that families can use to save money.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.