The student demonstrates phonemic awareness.
Number: LA.1.1.3
Title: Phonemic Awareness
Subject: X-Reading/Language Arts (former standards - 2008) - Archived
Grade: 1
Strand: Reading Process
Related Benchmarks
This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code |
Description |
LA. | The student will identify individual phonemes (sounds) in words (e.g., CCVC, CVCC, CCCVC); |
LA. | The student will blend three to five phonemes to form words; |
LA. | The student will segment single syllable words into individual phonemes; and |
LA. | The student will manipulate individual phonemes to create new words through addition, deletion, and substitution. |
Related Access Points
This cluster includes the following access points.
Access Point Number |
Access Point Title |
LA.1.1.3.In.a: | Identify, blend, and segment syllables and onset and rime in words. |
LA.1.1.3.In.b: | Recognize and produce words that rhyme. |
LA.1.1.3.In.c: | Identify the initial sound in one-syllable words. |
LA.1.1.3.In.d: | Identify and blend phonemes in selected VC and CVC words. |
Access Point Number |
Access Point Title |
LA.1.1.3.Su.a: | Identify words that rhyme. |
LA.1.1.3.Su.b: | Segment auditory sentences into individual words. |
LA.1.1.3.Su.c: | Identify whether words and environmental sounds are the same or different. |
Access Point Number |
Access Point Title |
LA.1.1.3.Pa.a: | Imitate sounds or rhythm in familiar songs or rhymes. |
LA.1.1.3.Pa.b: | Respond to environmental sounds. |
LA.1.1.3.Pa.c: | Associate particular sounds with familiar stories, songs rhymes. |
LA.1.1.3.Pa.d: | Respond to spoken words in familiar stories, songs, and rhymes. |