Standard 3 : Phonemic Awareness (Archived)

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The student demonstrates phonemic awareness.

General Information

Number: LA.1.1.3
Title: Phonemic Awareness
Type: Standard
Subject: X-Reading/Language Arts (former standards - 2008) - Archived
Grade: 1
Strand: Reading Process

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
LA. The student will identify individual phonemes (sounds) in words (e.g., CCVC, CVCC, CCCVC);
LA. The student will blend three to five phonemes to form words;
LA. The student will segment single syllable words into individual phonemes; and
LA. The student will manipulate individual phonemes to create new words through addition, deletion, and substitution.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
LA.1.1.3.In.a: Identify, blend, and segment syllables and onset and rime in words.
LA.1.1.3.In.b: Recognize and produce words that rhyme.
LA.1.1.3.In.c: Identify the initial sound in one-syllable words.
LA.1.1.3.In.d: Identify and blend phonemes in selected VC and CVC words.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
LA.1.1.3.Su.a: Identify words that rhyme.
LA.1.1.3.Su.b: Segment auditory sentences into individual words.
LA.1.1.3.Su.c: Identify whether words and environmental sounds are the same or different.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
LA.1.1.3.Pa.a: Imitate sounds or rhythm in familiar songs or rhymes.
LA.1.1.3.Pa.b: Respond to environmental sounds.
LA.1.1.3.Pa.c: Associate particular sounds with familiar stories, songs rhymes.
LA.1.1.3.Pa.d: Respond to spoken words in familiar stories, songs, and rhymes.